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Everything posted by Gouken

  1. I change my Av and Sig too damn much...
  2. Gee, thanks! I like it when people take me seriously...
  3. Very true. But for sheer fun factor, graphics, damn near everything except realism, UT2K4 beat's Halo in every catagory, and PC FPS just keep getting better and better.
  4. Actually, it took nearly everything from past FPS, wrapped it up in a less then stellar package, and dumb people bought it. Try Unreal Tournament 2004, there is your better game. You're right, the X-Box would not have survived. You should have upgraded (do you need to?) your PC because that's where FPS belong. See, even a crappy port of Halo came to the PC.
  5. Here we go again! C&C
  6. Neither. Upgrade your PC and stop using consoles.
  7. Everyone's a damn critic... I updated the first post for all you dial-up users.
  8. Who was it...?? Birdie?? or Sodom?? OMG... Fine, it was Gouki. Just stop it!
  9. My first avatar was this wierd guy from street fighter...
  10. Yeah, I think its called 10.5. Its a TV movie on NBC...so it will suck. Ohhh, I love natural disasters! Give me a link to the movie!
  11. Heh, i failed all my subjects at school, but i can for some strange reason rember how to make gun powder, and also another 2 variations of high exsplosive. The army need's you son, are you ready to begin an adventure? Yea, screw that. Adventure my ass.
  12. **Link removed**
  13. Yea, I change mine all the time. As a matter of fact, when is my name change coming in?!
  14. The Day After Tommorow Trailer [High Resolution] DSL - Cable here. The Day After Tommorow Trailer [Low Resolution] For all you dial-up users. Oh I just love it when the Earth is destroyed. Look's like it's going to be another "The Core". This time with no hope though. The Day After Tommorow Main Site
  15. They are on to me!!
  16. If that's the second, I'd hate to see the first one.
  17. I just realized... I never introduced myself either. Hi, my name is SARAPH. Pleased to meet you all.
  18. JoyDrop - Beautiful
  19. I'm an athiest so I have officially renamed "Easter" Happy Bunny Day. Now I can still eat candy and not celebrate the birth of someone who never exhisted. I honestly don't understand it. Every religious person celebrates some losers birthday and they don't even acknowledge mine...
  20. Yea, the game was so flocking hard.... ~ enable cheats god Game is now beaten.
  21. The Fantastic Four aren't mutants at all. Their powers come from cosmic ray's spilling into the space shuttle during an accident in space.
  22. Staind - So Far Away
  23. What I eat when at the computer.... ANYTHING! I'll eat anything I can get my hand's on that's quick to make. I take everything to the computer sometimes like the whole loaf of bread and the deli meat. I swear, when I have the money to just splurge, Im getting a fridge, cutting board, and mini stove built into my computer desk.
  24. Give me her number and I'll find out for you. Honestly, it sounds like she's interested in someone else. I hope not though, the dominatrix type is sooo good.
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