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Everything posted by Gouken

  1. OMG! Just give up man! Let it go and find some other girl to hound. Just stop making juvenile post's like "Should I stick my toungue in her mouth...now?!".
  2. Gouken Birthday 28 April 1983 riiiiiiiiight Im 30 Yup, 21 on the 28th of this month. Can't wait to do nothing! I feel a whole lot older for some reason...
  3. Yay! Just made an Avatar to go with my favorite of the two. I love music so any chance I get to mix art with music is a blessing! Where? In this piece, I used "Staind - So Far Away". Im feeling lonely....
  4. Huh? Are you sane right now? It is early in the morning... drink your coffee then post again. I didn't make my sig. My friend Rob did and Im using it out of kindness. ::shutters::
  5. Seether feat. Amy Lee - Broken
  6. omg... Agozer, I only posted 2 pictures!
  8. My Lonliness... Inspired by the song "Seether feat. Amy Lee - Broken". If you look close enough, you can actually get all the word's to the song. ^^ Colorful Day... I was actually in a good mood for once. Usually my personality is very dark. Enjoy this tiny ray of light.
  9. Wow, this really shows that i have other things to do with my time other then posting at 1emulation every second of the day. My photoshop skills are uber l337, would you like to kiss my feet?
  10. Let the critic's begin.... By the way, this is my first vector work.
  11. What was so great about the old "Gouken"? I've been using that name for 2 years now. I think it's a time for change in my life seeing as, well... so much is changing in my life. I feel like a totally different person. Yes, much darker, but not as dark as -VIOLENCE-, he pretty much rules us all in that catagory. Oh and I've gotten back into art as you can see, once I feel like my abilities are up to it, I'll start taking request's for tag's and av's.
  12. Dammit! My av has been scrunched! Her name is neeta. Very nice person at Deviant Art. You should check out some of her work.
  13. My new style! Now if only there was a way to change my name....
  14. Wow, Im surprised at most of your choices. Dave Matthews Band - I love them so. Will always be my favorite band of all time. Alanis Morissette - Nothing to say, just love her work. Sneaker Pimps - Oh yes, this is driving music! Evanescence - Her voice is so haunting... Poe - This is the end result of several bad relationships.... New favorites! Karin Park - Wow, just...wow! Linkin Park - No relation. My new "flock you" to rappers music. I love all genre's of music. Hell I can even listen to some good ol' Tim McGraw, but one thing I cannot stand is rap.
  15. Well before I make my movie update, I would just like to say thanks to miskie for all his/her help, and to GameCop for not getting all pissed off and throwing his PC. I think a lot of the members of 1Emulation feel the same way when I say "where the flock is that asshole who hacked us!!!". Thank you, on with the news. After a good night's searching on the net, doing the usual "nothing", I stumbled upon two trailers for upcoming movies that to me cannot be missed. The incredible part about them is that they have nothing to do with American cinema. That's right, they are not produced at all by any Hollywood company. Immortal (view trailer here) seems to take place in an alternate reality in which the god's of Egyptian mythology are real. Casshern (view trailer here) looks to be an amazing movie based on an early japanese anime "Robot Hunter Casshern (Shinzou Ningen Casshern)" which was broadcasted back in 1973. Made for 5 billion yen, "Casshern" tries to address the idealistic question proposed in Shakespear's "Hamlet" (Why do people fight with each other?) You can view the official Casshern website here. Thank's to no.where for some information on Casshern.
  16. I mainly have a lot of experience with combo video's. So most of my music is techno. I have a lot fo tracks that you probably have never even heard of! Of course it's mostly fast paced.
  17. Outkast - Hay Ya! Linkin Park - Meteora Those 2 should be kinda good. I would need to see the movie clips and what you basically have in mind.
  18. Wow, didnt know the M.U.G.E.N. forums were still up. I guess this topic can't be deleted then.
  19. I was just talking to a friend about Mugen and the subject of "where the fuk is Elecbyte" came up. They basically took money from giving people who were under the impression that they would get a working windows version soon. If anyone has information on them, I'd like to file a lawsuit against them.
  20. Amen Master GameCop! That was a great sermon! Praise the emulation god's!
  21. In the true origin of "The Punisher" it shows Frank coming home and as his car pulls up he see's people speeding away from his drive way. As he get's out of the car his house explodes. Later revisions had the mob going in and killing his family for Frank to find. It always takes place at home, which strikes the most fear to the reader because we all (or atleast those who are lucky enough) think of our home as the safest place in the world. Only to see it's as vulnerable as anything else.
  22. Dolph Laundgren isnt dead 'Caps Man'. I thought he was a good actor. He was never given the roles that could help him progress is all. Atleast Arnold got "Twins". Dolph started a family and has since stopped making movies. He was asked to do the part actually but told producers to find some one else and good luck. Im a huge comic book fan and from what I've seen thus far, Thomas is doing a great job. Don't bash the movie until you see it.
  23. I have to disagree. Consoles really shouldnt go online at all in my opinion. Even though most video game players come from my generation (the early 80's) and are able to pay for an online service, most kid's of course can't. And they are the target audience game manufacturers advertise for. I've seen the way some parents my age treat their children these days. Using video games as a babysitter most of the time. I feel ashamed of the parent willing to pay more just so they don't have to actually spend time with their children. Wow, did I go off topic! I gotta stop watching the news. let the flames begin!
  24. I have a 6 button DC controller. So it's all good. That PS2 better think fast to keep loading all the sprites in 3rd Strike. It handled GGX and GGX2 well so Im sure PS2 owners will get a pretty nice port. But honestly, I tested GGX for PS2 and GGX for DC side by side. The DC version loaded much faster and the controller responded better on DC. Clearly this won't be a "who's version is better" debate. The DC version will be the more perfect arcade port. The PS2 will just be a good substitute for the DC.
  25. Song I usually listen to daily right now are: JoyDrop - Beautiful Mandalay - Beautiful Tori Amos - Jackie's Strength Trapt - Headstrong
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