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Everything posted by Gouken

  1. K'dash, why don't you just increase the power the memory card needs for access? Im sure there is a way to do it. Then hand your brother the memory card as an act of good faith. When he uses it in his PS2 it should overload the memory card slot's. At the very least he wouldnt be able to save his games anymore.
  2. I think Im gonna have to pop it in again. I had no clue she said anything like that. The only funny thing I knew about the movie is that they used chocolate sauce for blood. It's black and white, like people noticed.
  3. I know that the big selling point of the DC was that it could handle arcade perfect ports of Naomi titles, seeing as it was so similar in hardware, and I even am willing to bet that CvS on the Ps1 had stuff missing, but the PS2 could handle the conversion easily. In fact, if anything, this title should be IMPROVED by the port. Improved? Ha! What was the point of using your words? Wait...it's thinking.....
  4. It's amazing how one's anger can lead to...ah fuk it! Why the hell don't you just kick his ass?!
  5. Im sick and tired of trying to make sense out of why people would come back from the dead. Night 60's: Great horror movie. Dawn 70's: I loved it. Day 80's: Could have been much better. Too bad he ran out of money. Night 90's: Pretty much the same thing. Instead of using chocolate sauce for blood they called an actual good special-fx artist. Dawn 04: Looks to be a "what if" kind of movie. Should be just as good as the original.
  6. What the hell is an accurate zombie movie? How does anyone know what zombies act like? For all we know, zombies probably like to eat cotton candy and play Scrabble while watching the Lifetime television network. Wonderfully put! I was just saying in terms of movment and how the body decomposes. DotD: Zombies fresh from the grave gush bright red blood. RE: Blood is coagulated, giving it a thick, black, jelly-like quality.
  7. I've watched them all. Personally, Im looking forward to the new Dawn. I understand where you're coming from Violence. I loved what George did with his zombie flicks. He was flawed though. After watching what he did with the original Dawn I understand now why things have changed. Back then the average audience did not understand the details of what happens after you die. Now with shows like ER and games like RE (hehe, I made a funny!), we understand that happens after you die, you're blood coagulates instead of always being bright red . Also, after rigormortis sets in, the limbs do grow stiff. After a while though, it's only natural that if you continue to move the limbs, the so called "kinks" get worked out, thus we have full mobility back (for a short time). There are several other reasons why I like newer zombie moves then older ones (with the great exception of "House of the Dead"....what filth!). Everything is more accurate. As a matter of fact, RE: The Movie was the most accurate zombie movie I have ever seen ! Set aside the fact that people can't rise from the dead, no matter what you give them. Well, excuse me while I go eat some "Brains!".
  8. The number one excuse in all the land is!!!!! "Im used to a controller." "Give me a Playstation (laugh's uncontrollably) pad and I'll mop the floor with you!"
  9. Not playing FFXI for a while, but I am Saraph on there. Saraph on any UT game. Hell, it's just Saraph for pretty much everything. Can I change my forum name now?
  10. I personally think it's time to reformat and just start over. I've been having the worst problems with my PC for a long time now. My computer is a family computer. Right now there are four names at the log on screen. But really, only one works correctly (which would be mine). Now I've checked all the user names and they run the same programs at start-up that mine do. Nothing seems to help. I know "run/msconfig", I also know "run/regedit" and how to work it. I've been to so many help sites to try and fix my PC problems. Now my computer is doing a new trick, when I try and defrag it has what appears to be 30% of the hard drive set aside for "system reserve". You know, the green and white lines. This has never been there before. I've ran virus scanners, and ad-aware. You guys pretty much know everything, is there any way you can help? I'll be checking back here frequently through out the day. If you would like to contact me in any other way, I'll leave my information below. E-Mail: jscottxiii2004@yahoo.com AIM: SaraphXIII
  11. Bit Torrent works differently then you think. It's technically a P2P network but of course made better. Seeds are basically people who are currently uploading the file you are seeking. So the more Seeds, the faster your download will be. Of course I've had files that were seeded by only one person and I was getting around 100 kb/sec off it. It all depends really.
  12. Wed · Mar 10 · 2004 UT2003 Support - redef - 3/10/04 14:42 PST phpUA has added support for UT2003. This handy tool for server admins allows them to easily administrate their server(s) via a web page, and produce some basic live stats on a web page for public viewing. James Schmalz (DE) Interview - redef - 3/10/04 14:01 PST A second Digital Extremes interview has surfaced today. This time Voodoo Extreme interviewed DE founder James Schmalz. Naturally their main topic of discussion is Pariah: VE3D - What version of the Unreal engine will Pariah be using? James Schmalz -It's using a highly modified version of the Unreal Championship engine and we are integrating many of the good things from the UT2004 engine. Beyond that we have added some incredible optimizations, the Havok physics engine, great bump mapping that you can see in the weapon in one shot, new fast decal system, and tons of other things. Elements of War Released - redef - 3/10/04 13:52 PST A new UT2003 mod named Elements of War has been released. It is a based on a medieval fantasy theme, and uses a top-down point of view. What makes it interesting is its unique point of view, which was a common prospective in old Zelda games on the Super Nintendo game system. This forum post provides details as well as screenshots. UT2004 Retail ONS and Assault Screens - Fragmaster 3/10/04 0:01 PST GameSpy has posted tons and tons o' screenshots and descriptions of all the Onslaught and Assault maps in retail UT2004. Go forth and drool. Digital Extremes Interview - Fragmaster - 3/10/04 0:00 PST - Elsewhere on the Web BeyondUnreal has interviewed Dave Ewing of Digital Extremes, talking about all sorts of Unreal-related things: BU: A year later, how do you feel about Unreal Tournament 2003, the timing of the release, and the reception by the online community? DE: Making any game is a lot of hard work. We're pleased with UT2003 but realize now that changing too much too fast in an attempt to keep the game fresh may have hurt it more than helped, especially in the eyes of the online community. It's always a risk to try something new but if we didn't take risks there'd never be any innovation in gaming. Fortunately we've had some time to address a lot of the concerns of the online communtiy with UT2004. All news comes from Planet Unreal: A Member of the Gamespy Network.
  13. It's going to be another Freddy vs. Jason. Im not saying it's going to bad or anything, but it's something people have been waiting for a very long time so it will be hard for people to accept the creative direction the producers and writers have taken the storylines of these 2 franchises into. As a matter of fact, I think it will be accepted exactly the same as Freddy vs. Jason was. I just got done playing Alien vs. Predator 2 (PC First Person Shooter). I would like that as a storyline for the movie. Alas we have scientists, who probably dont know how to fight at all. The trailer kinda reminded me of Jason X actually. BTW: I liked Freddy vs. Jason.
  14. Cammy's Killer Bee Assault from Zero 3. Go Cammy!
  15. Cammy is my favorite girl ever!
  16. To arrange tournaments and what not just go to the "Unreal Universe" post. I'd love to test my skill's against you all!
  17. Remember, Capcom and Square-Enix are the best videogame companies out there. I can think of so many video game series that I fell in love with that those two companies produced. As a matter of fact, why dont I list them? Capcom: Street Fighter Rival Schools Rockman Vs. Series Biohazard Breath of Fire Square-Enix: Final Fantasy Grandia Chrono Series Dragon Warrior Parasite Eve
  18. In reply to the topic (need help): Dont we all.....
  19. I have to agree with GryphonKlaw on this one. The Matrix Trilogy did suck. They should of really just stopped at 1 and left it alone. Anyways, I vote for Final Fantasy.
  20. Unreal is here to stay. Now thats it's grown more popular then ever with the upcoming Unreal Tournament 2004 due out March 15th of this year Im sure a lot of new people would like to get involved in the mod and map scene. There is even a contest held by Epic Games and Digital Extremes called "Make something Unreal". With all the new FPS's (First Person Shooter) coming out in the upcoming month's it is certainly a great year to own a PC. So if you have anything to say. Any new mod that has come out you would like to comment on, or you would just like to set up a slaughter fest with your friends at 1Emulation, by all means, frag away!
  21. This thread should give players a chance to share their virtual life of FFXI with others. Over the course of playing this game, you're bound to run into amazing things. But how can you share these amazing things with you're friends here at 1Emulation? Through pictures of course! If you run into anything amazing or funny or just plain weird, snap a screen of it and post it here. Tell a story about it if you like! Be polite and pretty much anything goes. Just follow the forum rules of course. The picture and explination behind it (if you choose to have one) should have yourself in the screen in some way. Besides pictures, there are many other ways to get involved. You can talk about gameplay tips, strategies, oddities, or anything thats on your mind relating to Final Fantasy XI.
  22. Oh oh! An Unreal fan! I've been playing FPS's since Doom (which by the way I can't wait for Doom III to arrive). I have UT2K3 but I dont feel like installing it. besides, just download the UT2K4 demo like saiyanfire said. I'll play you all you want then!
  23. Well, Im pretty fluent in XP (Thanks to TweakXP.com) and I tried just about everything. Finally I just gave up and used system restore. I caught the problem right away so I just had to revert back to yesterday to fix my problems. I guess I can't update windows again. It's not a big problem though, everything runs fine. I just thought it was about time I updated again.
  24. Hello! Recently I've been having problems with my computer and I know how helpful you guys can be. Maybe someone here can figure it out. I've recently updated Windows XP and now when I start windows and select my user name, it takes forever to start up, after around 10 min I did a ctrl+alt+delete to see what's been taking so long to load. It seems Im getting around 30 (or more, never counted, just ended them all) RUNDLL32 processes taking up all my CPU Usage. One time I even had around 5 devldr32.exe running I had to shut down. I have no clue as to what is causing this. System: Microsoft Windows XP Professional Version 2002 Computer: Intel® Pentium® 4 CPU 1.70GHz 1.69 GHz 512 MB of RAM Other information that might be useful. 100 GB Hard Drive Used Space: 40.9 GB Free Space: 52.2 GB Nvidia GeForce FX 5600 Ultra 128 MB DDR Processes Currently Running: System Idle Process 20 K System 224 K smss.exe 472 K csrss.exe 3,832 K winlogon.exe 1,824 K services.exe 3,216 K lsass.exe 1,928 K svchost.exe 5,016 K svchost.exe 14,652 K svchost.exe 4,240 K spoolsv.exe 5,416 K NAVAPSVC.EXE 1,304 K nvsvc32.exe 2,716 K explorer.exe 23,144 K IEXPLORE.EXE 19,156 K ctfmon.exe 2,836 K devldr32.exe 3,240 K cmd.exe 1,392 K tasklist.exe 3,764 K wmiprvse.exe 4,672 K
  25. I was wondering what the hell was going on. It's been down before, but never this long (well I wouldnt know that, but it's the longest in my experience).
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