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Everything posted by Gouken

  1. LoL! Man, if you needed money to keep the site running, just ask. Although I think this is a great step to get 1emulations name out there. Got anything in black?
  2. I'd love to see you review Final Fantasy XI for the PC. Thanks!
  3. I will accept a Animatrix 2 or even a 3rd, but I will no longer pay money to see a matrix movie. The last one just didnt do it for me.
  4. Well, when my local (yea right) arcade liked fighting games, Marvel vs. Capcom 2. I used to play it way to much.
  5. "We don't know who started the war, but we know it was the humans that scorched the sky." Morpheus - Matrix 1 Humans knew that the machines needed solar energy to survive, so as a last ditch effort they...well....scorched the sky. Blocking out all sunlight. It's all explained in The Animatrix - The Second Renaissance Part 1 & 2. It's Earth.
  6. delete me
  7. I clap my hands at you sir. ::Clap Clap:: I've beaten the game, with several people actually. It only freezes on me when I beat it with Red or Athena. I just figured because they werent supposed to be playable anyways.
  8. Hell is now frozen. Pig's are flying. And Gouki is a "Nice Guy". I still don't understand, I've been playing the same, unchanged rom since it coming out was announced and I have no problems at all really. Maybe Im just not seeing or hearing it. Im not that picky with the things that entertain me. Ohh, look, it sparkles! Gouken will return after his medication kicks in.
  9. No no no. I mean one post right after the other. If you were the last to post and came up with something else to add, go back to your "Last" post and edit it with the added content instead of making a whole new post. Now, if someone posted after your last post, then make a whole new post, but I see no sense in stringing your posts along. Learn to edit, it's a button, it's there, and it is useful. To James: Even though you posted after me, I prove my point just by you reading this.
  10. There has got to be a rule against double posting, or triple posting in this case. James, try and edit your posts from now on.
  11. Welcome abored! Do you like Final Fantasy? Those games are boring to most people.
  12. Thats exactly what did it, the story. The first movie was great (Im not looking at action at all, just story and acting). Reeves, in my opinion, was great in all the movies. There is only so much you can do with a script. If it say's "Trinity's Death Scene: 10 min Dialogue" then the actors have to do it. It seems like the movie was rushed, very rushed. I think I'll quote from several reviewer's just to get all my idea's accross about how bad this film really was to the trilogy. The CGI is excellent, and the sheer size of the thing is mind-blowing. But I don’t see a “Matrix” film for giant CGI battles, and this one isn’t too far removed from the clone wars of “Star Wars Episode II”. For those craving relentless sci-fi action, “The Matrix Revolutions” satisfies. But why this empty-headed new action mentality after so much effort to broaden the canvas and explore the themes in “Reloaded”? Apparently the Wachowski’s wanted to talk philosophy for two hours, and now they just want to fill the screen with special effects. Call it the de-evolution of “The Matrix”. The original had me thinking that the next two would remain true to the whole concept of there being some scientific basis to the story, a true Sci-Fi, not just supernatural powers in a fantasy. To explain how Neo can EMP the sentinels at the end of Reloaded they fall back on making up some magical ability rather than explain in any clever detail. Lets face it, he must have clairvoyant ability to see Trinity's future in the matrix. I'd like to have seen more inside the matrix. A bit more of the ghost brothers, Merovingian, Persephone, vampires and werwolves. Although I understand that Zion was the main point of interest in the third movie, there was a lot left untold of what was inside the matrix. That's why we fell in love with the original. More to come...
  13. The movie sucked. Plain and simple. Great visuals but bad script. As I said previously, they should have stopped with "The Matrix". Im taking the blue pill on this one.
  14. I think I'll stick with WinKawaks for now. Seeing as I am, and I am such a novice with these cheat file things, how the hell do I get this svcplus.dat cheat file to work with winkawaks? I tried both, neither are recognized. Maybe a little tutorial for the Gouken?
  15. I love it when new people come here. It's not like with any other forum where the mods are too stuck up and eveyone with over 300 posts calls them "newbs". GC has got to be the best mod/owner to date. Round of appluase to GameCop!!!!
  16. It was a good day indeed for emulation. Im in philly...again! But I got everything working perfectly for SvC Chaos Plus. I''ll pack up the rom and edited WinKawaks for everyone. I'll be home on monday so anyone who wants the rom that has a high speed connection, e-mail me at jscottxiii2004@yahoo.com.
  17. I just got done playing it for a little while. I love it! Now we just need a hack to play as athena and red. I hope I can atleast play as Shin Gouki soon.
  18. Tis' ok. I seem to be having a problem unzipping that file you posted. I've tried using Nebula and WinKawaks to run the game, neither recognizes it. Edit: Nevermind, i got it to unzip, but I can't get anything to work right now.... Kawaks or the rom.
  19. Guest? LoL! I have the rom. svcplus.zip I don't know how to run it or make a dat file though.
  20. Yay Yay!!!!! Now where do I find it....
  21. I just reached Lv. 8 Black Mage. How's everyone here doing?
  22. Im sorry, I'll think of more things to talk about right after Im done playing FFXI for a while. Thats the only reason why im not posting as much. The game is so addicting. If anyone is playing on Cerberus server tell me. We can team up or something.
  23. I'd like to retract The Matrix Trilogy as my favorite movie. I just saw Revolutions tonight and left the theater in a state of depression that I have never felt before just watching a movie. It was a great movie, and a great trilogy. But I cannot include it as a favorite anymore after what happened in Revolutions.
  24. Im on Cerberus server. You?
  25. LoL, it was probably Nokia's N-Gage that got flushed. They cost more then an X-Box!
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