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Everything posted by Gouken

  1. Ha! I remember this topic! I dunno if my favorite movie has changed in the past few weeks, but here goes. Underworld Dream For An Insomniac The Matrix Trilogy
  2. I purchased this game the day it came out. Im an avid Final Fantasy player and was wondering if anyone else on the board has been playing this game. It's easily the best MMORPG I have ever played.
  3. Has anyone heard of this "SvC Chaos Plus Hack" yet?
  4. Teamplayer, I havent really gotten into the EX series. I believe Street Fighter should remain 2D for all time. Even so, Capcom just gave Arika the rights to their characters for a 3D Street Fighter. Whatever that company did I really don't care about.
  5. Well, your pretty much right. Sagat I believe is holding Dan's father. I don't like Dan much, but I love playing with him on CvSNK. Dan is a Robert/Ryo hybrid, and, of course made to make fun of SNK's lack of creativity (at the time). Dan first appeared in Zero/Alpha 1 (Warriors Dream's to be exact). My favorite KOF character overall would have to be Terry Bogard, even though he originated from Fatal Fury.
  6. Wel it is a valid theory yes. So many speculations have been made around Gouki's character. He's like the "Wolverine" of the Capcom universe. Only we didnt have to wait as long for his true origin. Yes Gouki's brother is Gouken, they both trained under Master Goutetsu. Gouki was labeled the "underachiever" of the two. Gouken always had a head's up on him. But Gouki made it a rivalry, not Gouken. In many ways Gouki is the more intense version of Ken. Reasons on character changes: Mike Bison - American branch of Capcom didnt want any confusion as to it's customers thinking it was Mike Tyson, and, even though the character's name was changed for the game, there were too many similarities. Thus, we get Balrog, the *Spanish* African American Boxer. In a way, just his character was enough to change all the other names. So, alas we have more. Vega - Capcom U.S.A. felt that Vega was too wimpy a name for a godlike ruler. And this is how we play the "Name Game"! Vega's name was now switched to M.Bison. Capcom U.S.A. gamers were now privilaged to guess what the "M" stood for until Capcom U.S.A. foolishly said it stood for "Miles". This was very brief and later the characters name just became "Bison". Balrog - Well, he got the short end of the stick. Last come last serve. Luckily the only name left after the Capcom shuffle was indeed of spanish origin. So it goes well either way I guess. Gouki - There is a quote from the Head of Capcom U.S.A. as to why he changed Gouki's name. I've already pretty much summed it up for you all in the last post but I think Im gonna go look for it so you all can read exactly what he said.
  7. Good job! But no. The head of Capcom's American office wanted Gouki to have a more "demon-like" name. Also something that didnt sound too Japanese. Gotta love those Americans! I still don't aknowledge the American name changes.
  8. Gee....I wonder!
  9. Capcom no longer has the rights to make marvel games I don't think. Of course they can always go back to marvel and strike up a new deal. But it would take a little while...5 months....maybe a year? Eh, bottom line is we'd see a DC vs. Capcom before Marvel vs. DC ever came out. It's all about the middle company. I read comics and of course Marvel and DC are willing to work together. I've seen numerous projects over the years and there is one coming up as well. Would DC work with Capcom? I don't know. Would Marvel go fo it? Hell yea!
  10. Yup, and just the fact that you remembered my "Women Suck!!!" post makes me feel more important then I did a minute ago. Well, she's a nice girl, but right now I think it's just the sex. I could see myself being with her for a while though. BTW, you guys all know how long Trinity's hair is of course. Well my girls hair is down to the middle of her back. She getting it cut on wednesday for the look. I think it's crazy and of course i told her not to, but who ever listens to me right?
  11. What an idiot. Thats all I have to say. he does have a good insanity case going for him though.
  12. I smoke as well... Im a bit of an oddity. I can sit in front of the computer for weeks on end eating nothing but junk food and never gain an ounce of fat. I do, however, gain muscle. I weigh around 165, 5'10". So from what I hear that's a resonable level. Im not arnold, but Im not screech either. I do stretch excorcises (sp?), push-up's, and sit up's every other day. I don't take anything to gain muscle mass like whey protine. I can run fast, but not for long. Guess I only have myself to blame. I study martial art's so I guess that helps too.
  13. As I said, Im being Neo for Halloween. And Im 20. I don't understand why you guy's wouldnt dress up? Im going to a party with my girlfriend (she's dressing up as Trinity). I don't think it's very childish going to a halloween party.
  14. Awesome vids. After seeing those, I suck at it to.
  15. Well, when the new Sonique comes out, use that one.
  16. Im being Neo.
  17. I had my Av custom made. I also have a sig to go with it but I don't know how to put it up. Too lazy to find a host. The story behind my Av is simple, I love Gouki. He's such a great character in Street Fighter. Im not talking about just how good of a fighter he is, but his story too. I always used his name everywhere I went, but of course so many people love to use Gouki or Akuma as their names, so i chose Gouki's brother, Gouken. If I can't get either Gouki, Akuma, or Gouken to work, no one ever uses Goutetsu, who is Gouki and Gouken's master. 9 time out of 10 when you see someone useing the name "Gouken" or "Gouken13" on the net, it's me. Goutetsu: Gouki and Gouken's Master Gouken: Ken, Ryu, and Dan's (for a short time) Master.
  18. Yup, I dont get them online though. I go to the local comic shop.
  19. Now I told you I was totally willing to listen, didnt I? Meany!
  20. Ummm. I dunno about all that cinder. I knew it was acting something crazy but I can even take a screen shot for you. I got my modem going upwards of 1200 kb/sec. It was through gamespot, they are always fast. But standard I get my modem up to is 500 kb/sec. You can't call me a lier if I got a pic to prove it. Ask and ye shall recieve. Isnt 1,000 kb = to 1 megabyte? 1,000 MB = 1 GB Because if you wanna look at math YOUR way and we put your "2mbps = 256kb/s" then we all have either 6.5 - 7 GB on our CD-R / RW's. Now Im totally willing to listen to your explinations on why Im the only one who can download a 150 mb file in less then 5 min. My ISP is RCN. I doubt you've ever heard of them.
  21. He can't be human! Either that or someone sped that video up. I cannot believe a single, acne prone, 13-17 year old asian with no life can do that.
  22. Oh, ok. Well, if you need any help, just ask.
  23. I collect all sorts of things. Anime music videos (AMV's) PSX games (Final Fantasy, Megaman, Castlevania) GBA games (Mainly Megaman and Castlevania) Anything that has to do with Street Fighter I just recently deleted about 30 gig's from my HD. Stupid choice probably but I only have one HD and I wanted to play Halo without it looking like a slideshow.
  24. It's true. That game is so buggy right after I beat it I deleted all the files. It's a decent shooter, but I've seen better. Especially on the PC. Megaman Zero 2 is an awesome game. I beat it already, but I was playing the rom. It's probably harder to see things flying at you on GBA.
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