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Everything posted by Gouken

  1. In the bushes eh? You freaky little boy you!
  2. SvC Chaos for PS2 Screen Shots: [img]http://image.com.com/gamespot/images/2003/screen0/914539_20030826_screen005.jpg[/img] [img]http://image.com.com/gamespot/images/2003/screen0/914539_20030826_screen001.jpg[/img] [img]http://image.com.com/gamespot/images/2003/screen0/914539_20030826_screen002.jpg[/img] [img]http://image.com.com/gamespot/images/2003/screen0/914539_20030826_screen003.jpg[/img] [img]http://image.com.com/gamespot/images/2003/screen0/914539_20030826_screen004.jpg[/img] [img]http://image.com.com/gamespot/images/2003/screen0/914539_20030826_screen006.jpg[/img] Look's like they added a few things here and there. Coming along nicely I suppose.
  3. You've all heard about it, now is the time to see the 2 min trailer for yourself. It's a 40 meg download but well worth it. Bit Torrent Link 1 Bit Torrent Link 2 For those of you who do not use or wish to use Bit Torrent at all, I will be sharing the file on DC++. Thanks to Square Source members joshua and Undine for the links. New images from the trailer: Thanks to Dengeki Online.
  4. Im going out to get a new graphics card seeing as Im sick and tired of games lagging with my Geforce 2. I think Im gonna stay with the Nvidia line though. I'd appreciate any help you guys can give me on getting a new one...where I should buy it, what is the best one, you know...things like that. Cheap, yes I am. I dont have that much to spend on a new graphics card so please keep that in mind. I was looking at the Asylum FX 5600 256 MB DDR cards. If anyone can find a cheap place for me to buy one of those or something better then that, tell me.
  5. Your too seriouse. Weirdanzeige - "Hi, How are you?" ?????? - "Im good, and you?" Weirdanzeige - "To tell you the truth..."
  6. Marriage?! Lol! It's not bad, we get along good, but marriage?!
  7. Im feeling happy!! I think I'll go for a walk!
  8. Unfortunately she lives with me.
  9. How about you start working on an emulator for the community. Then you can prove to everyone how easy it is to make an emulator that can "emulate" a system perfectly. Best of luck to you. P.S. I'd choose to start work on the X-Box emulator...after all it runs an nvidia graphics card and the system is basically a computer itself. Should be simple for a strapping young lad such as yourself...no?
  10. Don't you mean.... Ex - Girlfriend?
  11. I still have a nVidia GeForce 2 MX w/TV Out, 64 meg's of ram on it. I need a new card...
  12. Looks fake actually....
  13. I get them all the time, wait till you start pukeing from them. I suggest laying very still in a pitch black room for about an hour...your still young right? Yea, an hour should do it, increase time spent in dark room every year.
  14. Current movie's banned from my house: Malibu's Most Wanted Pootie Tang
  15. No, can't be! Last Blade 2 looks so much better then most street fighter games, even motw in a way. I dont believe that they chose to make svc chaos look so 16 bit when they could have went the way of the last bade series.
  16. What game engine is Zero on anyways? Looks like the same one last blade was on.
  17. ..... Craziness. Pure craziness.
  18. Well my dreamcast still reads everything, just a few games stopped working on it that work on a buddy of mine's dreamcast. Before I do all that im just gonna reburn the 4 games to try and see if it helps. If not....I dunno, might think of that recalibration method.
  19. From what I've heard, a beta version with glitchy backgrounds has been going around. Not that i want a glitchy version, but I'll take whatever I can get.
  20. He's rude.
  21. ePSXe is perfect for me. Now if I can only find a way to edit saved game files...
  22. I have no knowledge of hacking, perhaps you can enlighten me?
  23. Damn.... My laser must be real screwed up then. I've been playing CD-R's since I lost my collection. Well, the recalibrating thing, tell me about it just so I know what to do when the time comes.
  24. For a very long time I've been having to deal with crappy saves and even crappier codes for epsxe. Isnt there a site dealing with just saved game files besides Gamefaq's? I find it hard to believe that there isnt even a perfected game starting at the beginning of final fantasy ix we can all use....
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