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Everything posted by Gouken

  1. No the 360 has been hacked for backups for years now. still no sign of homebrew or emulation though. Yea, and the main homebrew scene for the PS3 is all based on Linux. Now we have the BD-Java support... but really, how far do you think they can go with that?
  2. Exactly. That's all I want for now. Maybe the ability to dump PSOne and PS2 games to the HDD... but not PS3 games, not yet at least.
  3. The fees go both ways if it was cash <> games. This way it's cheaper fees for cash<>points for both you and MS. It's easier and cheaper for the end user. Remember not all states and countries share the same governing tax laws. I know if they did enable cash<>games transactions, I'd be paying for PST, GST and the Quebec tax. Making it cost MORE than the game is really worth, nearly 5 to 10 dollars more. This also applies to Sony's PSN store for me & ma niggas. It's reason why he doesn't buy alot of things off PSN, taxes kill. Then the Point system benefits those who dont live in the U.S? Im a bit confused i have to admit. That's a bit baffling to me as well. So an American system, which sells much more units in... America... is favored more by non-American gamers because of its point system. Do explain more!
  4. This is going to be horrible in a way. Now I will have to do hours of research online trying to find the smallest games to rip to my HDD. I am so glad I own MGS4. I wonder though, will this negate the option to install the game, or will that have to be done as well? Most games are programmed to access data on the HDD... I really do wonder how this will work?
  5. I was playing online and it was fine. Just ask Solidus!
  6. Yea, it was great to finally play a fighting game online. You were the first person I know that I played with online on a console too! I was glad the rumors of lag were greatly exaggerated. I just need to get better, which is why i went random because I was tired of deciding. lol
  7. It's true. Sony usually does find a way to come back. They have enough money to hire smart people to replace the stupid ones, after all. I do think M$ is here to stay though, and that the Wii was nothing but a quick fix to Nintendo's home console division to make another system. If the next one or two fail from Nintendo though, I think they're going strictly handheld from here on out.
  8. I'm not a PS3 ogre. I just hate 360 fanboys who over dominate a section not meant for it. If you stretched this out to include the Wii and PS3, then it would be appropriate for the "Lounge" section.
  9. Very insightful and correct on a ton of points. Some opinions thrown in for good measure as well. An overall very good read. But it still should be in the 360 section.
  10. *Cries* I actually liked the first one... Superfan, defender of my purchase Carry on, I am just passing by........ Hey now, I wasn't defending. I was sad that others didn't like it. But hey, I didn't like Halo 2 or 3. We all have a right to our opinion.
  11. *Cries* I actually liked the first one...
  12. Resistance 2 is looking rather nice against Gears 2. I can't wait to see both of them though. I like how the Unreal Engine 3 is progressing. I remember first seeing the tech demo and wondering how and what could ever pull that off except a super computer.
  13. The 360 Elite does have a 120GB HDD. Only problem is, it retails for $179.99 (Best Buy). Try explaining that one. I'd rather buy a 250GB HDD for my PS3 for $80-$100 from newegg.
  14. Yes I did, and Carmack has a lot of great points. But overall, this is a 360 owning, ego-feeding thread. I find that one post with the picture of superman with the PS symbol on it funny, but it really reflects what BlackKnight is doing. Making a thread with someone in the industry as his spokesman fortifying his own pre-conceived opinions. If you wanted to justify your purchase and talk about how wonderful the 360 is, use the appropriate section. Otherwise, deal with my own opinion and personality. Umm, if you are not going to accept an opinion from an expert in the gaming industry, who are you going to believe? Your argument do not hold water. Here, we have a famous game programmer, who is neutral when coming to develop games for PC and consoles, who knows more about gaming systems in technical term than any other ordinary person out there and you say that he is fortifying BK's so-called "pre-conceived" opinions just because he mentioned that X360 is a greater platform to develop and give good reasons on why it is so?!? Who do you think we should believe? A famous game programmer or a superfan who is a defender of his purchase of a failing system? Sheesh, i would quote what Inky has said about you, " why don't you use your power to go and develop and maximise PS3 potential when other developers failed?" I've heard the same story from the creators of uncharted and resistance in the PS3's favor. What John Carmack says, I cannot fully agree with. Everyone is bias, everyone. Carmack has been developing on PCs his whole life. So of course going from a PC to XBOX then 360, JC would feel more comfortable with that and see more potential with it. Because it's easier doesn't mean it's always better. I can post all sorts of dev talk about how much better the PS3 is over the 360, with text and videos to boot. But am I going to? No. I'm going to point out a fanboy who does do that. That's all.
  15. Yes I did, and Carmack has a lot of great points. But overall, this is a 360 owning, ego-feeding thread. I find that one post with the picture of superman with the PS symbol on it funny, but it really reflects what BlackKnight is doing. Making a thread with someone in the industry as his spokesman fortifying his own pre-conceived opinions. If you wanted to justify your purchase and talk about how wonderful the 360 is, use the appropriate section. Otherwise, deal with my own opinion and personality.
  16. Watch the video you moron. Someone who knows infinitely more than your stupid ass says the 360 hardware wins hands down. Stop trolling this crap into just as asinine a thread as all the others. Can we please get on topic and discuss that? I'm sick of idiots like you not even reading or watching the damn first post but throwing out all the PS3-support rhetoric just cause you think that's what this is about. Bottom line; 360 online wins. 360 library wins. And now we have a professional opinion that the 360 hardware also wins. Card readers and wifi don't have sh!t on that. That, BlackKnight, is rude and offensive. If this was any other forum, those insults would get you banned. Glad you set such a high standard for newcomers around here. And if you already decided that the 360 was better, and have this video to back up your own opinion, then why defend it so adamantly? You wanted others to chime in and feed your own view of the situation, and apparently attack anyone whose views differ. Just know who threw the first stone here my friend.
  17. All of them are, really. I've used XBL and PSN. Sure XBL is more convenient, but I'm not exactly crying over how *bad* PSN is. It isn't bad at all, it's gotten a lot better then when it first launched, and of course will continue to get better and probably be on par with XBL within the next year. In terms of content? No, but functionality, yes. You can't really make a sound judgement on a PS3 without sitting down with an open mind and just playing a few games on it. Go to a buddies house who has everything updated and actually uses the features on his console and let me know what you think. All these 'opinions' are from people who probably never even got to play a PS3 besides the store model.
  18. 1) So is the 360. 2) Takes time to make a good RPG. PS3 has a few in queue. 3) But PSN is free. Who cares if its worse, you get what you pay for and so far, PSN is adequate. 4) No it isn't, that's your own opinion.
  19. The PS3 is a certified DivX player and plays most AVI and XVID files through the HDD or a media server. Just figured I'd let you know, it's an awesome feature! The PS3 is harder to develope for so it may take a little while for a multi-platform game to come out for it then the 360, but currently the PS3 has more exclusive titles coming to it this year and next then the 360. So the PS3 love is in full swing, we just need to wait a few more months.
  20. Fully agree. In terms of which one is more appealing, it all depends on what you want out of a console. Hell, clearly people are finding that the Wii is more appealing then both the 360 and the PS3... how that happens I still don't know. But talking with a few people from work here gives me a clue... People just don't do research before buying. They see something new, hear it's great, and buy it. A co-worker last night told me they think PS3 games look better. We all know the truth on that one. Some are great, some are lacking, same with 360. In fact, the only way you can tell me this game looks better then that game is if we're comparing a Wii game to a PS3/360 game. But the one thing that really bothered me while speaking to my co-worker who currently has the RRoD... she didn't know the 360 had problems. I instructed her as to the process of calling, recieving a box, all that good stuff. But she was honestly disgusted when I told her about the 360's RRoD problems. I think if more consumers took the time out to educate themselves on what they are purchasing instead of just thinking "Videogame, kids, must be safe and sterdy", less 360's would be sold, more outcry for a DVD add on for the Wii would be made, and every PS3 would be bundled with an HDMI cable and headset.
  21. Good points. But apparently Blackknight wants to compare hardware. Anyways, did you download the latest PS3 update Don? In-Game XMB allows you to chat with your friends while in a game.
  22. And you are making this into the kind of thread that you said we didn't need more of. Hey, you're the one who wanted to compare just hardware. Not my fault if you can't take the cold hard facts. Look at any spec sheet and the PS3 wins hands down with overall capabilities. It seems to me that you want to argue for the 360 based on 'theoretical' situations that both systems can and can't do. Bottom line is, look at the industry as of right now. The 360's hardware is showing its age with the DVD format and lack of a built in HDD. Sony may have made mistakes, but at least they planned for the future. You want to look at games and online, then the 360 is leading. I don't necessarily think you need to pay for Xbox Live, but it still is superior in the online area. But you don't want to 'argue' about that, you want to compare hardware. Go ahead, compare.
  23. Thank you, thank you. Did you want to compare media drives, card readers, wifi, USB ports, wireless capabilities (bluetooth), storage options and capacity... All those are hardware related. By comparing system specs and hardware capabilities, the PS3 clearly wins out of the box. I'd find it hard for even the hardest of hardcore xbots to argue against it. And don't give me that "I just want a gaming console" crap. All the extra bells and whistles, before mentioned, have made gaming much better, and easier for me. But as I tell most of my 360 owning friends who are currently shopping for their first or new hard drives to take advantage of newer features... you get what you pay for.
  24. Read the thread title. The whole point of this was to end that idle speculation and put a 'case closed' sticker on the debate of which system is better. Because that debate is well and truly settled now. No it isn't, and never will be until these systems are dead and gone. The PS3's firmware will continue to be updated, and the 360 will continue to get updates of its own. Just like the Dev Kits for each system will be updated with easier to use tools throughout their life cycles. Debating about which console is better NOW would be relevant, but a "case close" decision, end all be all? You've got to be kidding me.
  25. Oooo, PS3 exclusive. i am soooooo excited. So, this is going to make me go out and get a PS3..... Exactly, just like Fable II is going to make me go out and buy a 360.... PC? Ok, not fair. Exactly, just like Gears of War 2 is going to make me go out and buy a 360... PC?! One more time here people! Exactly, just like Halo Wars... oh flock, I give up.
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