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Everything posted by Gouken

  1. Apparently SCEA and SCEE are looking into publishing this game. Know what that means? PS3 exclusive. I'd get a link, but I'm sure you all can find the news yourself.
  2. Exactly. Crap like this scares new users away. Sure it's nice to have the freedom to talk smack and all, but other forums have rules against Vs. threads for a reason. It alienates people. Both systems are great. End it people. Close the thread and talk about something other then which system is better. This generation doesn't mean anything overall. Why? Because for some flocking reason the Wii, the worst out of all the systems, is 'winning'. Maybe you should make a thread about that. Discuss scenarios as to why a Gamecube with a new controller has actually outsold everything worldwide. That, to me, is a discussion worth having. And might provoke some intelligent thought as well.
  3. I like this idea... but not on this game. Use it on a game like GTA where it matters. You could easily take out a lot of the graphic violence and options in a game like that and still make it fun. Gears... it's a game where you're meant to kill things. It's a pseudo first person shooter, shooter being the main thing. What happens when you shoot things? They bleed and die. Put more work toward the game and not this content filter please.
  4. I'll live. Yup, blu-ray IS good for something. You'll notice this DVD vs. Blu-Ray issue cropping up more and more over the years, bet on it. Happened with CD's, it'll happen with DVD's.
  5. All Saturn. And $50-75 doesn't even pay for Street Fighter Zero 3 or Street Fighter Collection. I know this is all in the high hundreds.
  6. I currently have... Japan: Street Fighter Collection - Complete with Spine Card Street Fighter II Animated Movie - Complete with Spine Card Street Fighter Zero - New Case, Everything Is Near Mint. Street Fighter Zero 2 - Some Scuff Marks. No Cracks. Street Fighter Zero 2 Dash - Complete with Spine Card Street Fighter Zero 3 - Mint Overall, No Spine Card Though X-Men: Children of the Atom - Complete with Spine Card Marvel Super Heroes - Complete with Spine Card X-Men vs. Street Fighter - Box and 4MB RAM Cart Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter - Non-Boxed Version, Spine Card America: Street Fighter Collection - Never Opened Street Fighter Alpha - Great Condition, No Cracks In Case! Street Fighter Alpha 2 - Bought Brand New, Played Once. Marvel Super Heroes - Near Mint X-Men: Children of the Atom - Near Mint I think I might want to sell the lot. I've been collecting these for years and have spent a lot of money on them. How much do you think the whole thing would go for total?
  7. Thank you! I have something to post there, but for some reason this stupid web browser won't allow me to, so I'm going to post it when I get home.
  8. I'll edit this later.
  9. I'd like to know how it is as well. I'm getting it when it's released. I just wanted to let everyone know that I don't hate the 360. I hate what M$ did to increase their market share with it. One recent thing I'm really liking that M$ is doing is bringing it more up to speed game wise with installs. That's happening with the fall update right?
  10. Can the topic title be changed now? Because I've heard numerous reports that after install, the PS3 loads faster and even before install, they look exactly the same. Just trying to be fair here, if you're gonna continue with a topic, don't keep a rumor alive.
  11. From my understanding PS3 finally outsold the 360 in EU, but that doesn't matter much from the NA sales. Still doesn't matter, Tekken isn't exactly a premier fighter in my opinion. If it came out on the 360 as well maybe M$ would spend some of it's cash to make the game better overall. A pretty fighter never hurt anyone. A prettier fighter might hurt my wallet though.
  12. Question... why wouldn't Tekken go to the 360? It is a Namco fighter after all? I understand Tekken has been on the PS mainly, but really... it's not good enough to be on one console and sell well this generation in my opinion. I say give it to 360 as well but make it higher quality in the process.
  13. You're right about it all except FFXIII isn't being released on the 360 in japan. Don't ask me why...
  14. Hook your PSP up to the system via USB. Transfer your files that way.
  15. I believe the experience will overall be better on the PS3, it is being made for it first after all. Crystal tools sounds like a decent engine and tool set, very diverse. To be honest, the only difference between the two in my opinion will be no disc swapping on the PS3 and disc swapping on the 360.
  16. http://ps3.qj.net/FFXIII-producers-talk-Xb...g/49/aid/122265 Done.
  17. That's another thing about losing the FF exclusivity, it'll give the 360 a much needed boost in the Japanese market. The reason why I said that is because it's already been confirmed that FFXIII is being released on the 360 ONLY in North America and Europe. This may change though. I'm upset but what is the point in crying about it? I'm sure 360 fanboy's were upset when a lot of their games went multi-platform, but they survived. what in the blue are you smoking? obviously your head is not where it's at. http://www.joystiq.com/2008/07/14/final-fa...ter-ps3-versio/ Or hey! You could've watched the press conference, watched the trailer, and just about every other news source out there stating that it's not coming to the 360 in Japan. Just a thought though...
  18. Not PSX footage, but part of the actual PSOne game is in MGS4 to play. And if you're talking about footage, then MGS3 footage is in it as well. Also, tons of music from past games and PS2 exclusive games are in MGS4. ZOE anyone?
  19. Which as of lately is slowly drowning in japan eh no? I hope 13Versus will jump ship too, if it doesn't that might be pretty messed up. MgS4 I still see no way of getting ported, even if production cost gets skewed and a loss is made from the game (which will....suck, konami might just say screw the series) MGS4 cannot be ported. Anyone who has played through the game and seen what is in it knows a lot of copyright infringements will have to be broken to port it over. iPod PS3 Sony Blu-Ray PSOne MGS1 All have been mentioned or are used in game. Take out those elements however and you can port. But I'm pretty sure a contract has been drawn up so none of that can be removed. Especially the iPod.
  20. That's another thing about losing the FF exclusivity, it'll give the 360 a much needed boost in the Japanese market. The reason why I said that is because it's already been confirmed that FFXIII is being released on the 360 ONLY in North America and Europe. This may change though. I'm upset but what is the point in crying about it? I'm sure 360 fanboy's were upset when a lot of their games went multi-platform, but they survived.
  21. I still like pie. Oh and Japan will like FF and pie forever it seems. It's funny how everyone can easily point the finger at the only 2 PS3 supporters in this forum. Makes me sad it does.
  22. Hi Tidus! Remember me, my name used to be Gouken. Oh wait...
  23. Yay, halo! This should go in the 360 section. You all know it'll be exclusive to that console anyways. This section is more for general news.
  24. Classic controller. Package the game with it or have the Wii actually packed with the damn thing so 3rd parties can do traditional games for the damn system. You all know it doesn't need to cost $250, they can easily keep the price and still give a free classic controller.
  25. I enjoyed every minute of it. Sure some parts you're just going to be watching and not playing, but those are the perfect parts to grab that snack you've been meaning to get and learn more about the story and characters. It's a great blend of movie and game, and Kojima pulled it off perfectly. If you ever get the chance to play it, i suggest you do. Even if it's years and years from now and the PS3 costs 100 bucks.
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