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Everything posted by Gouken

  1. Oh yea, definitely, but it won't happen. Their is a lot in MGS4 that just can't be ported besides the graphics. Example: iPod Microsoft will not allow such a feature to be in the game because they are supporting their Zune player. How would Apple feel if it was taken out? I'm sure Konami and Apple have a contract. But on the technical side, the HDD is used heavily for this game and making it for the 360... things would need to change, drastically. Pretty much everything would have to be recoded, everything. And a new way of implementing the game on the 360 would have to be devised. It would be to costly in my opinion, besides, the game is selling incredibly well on the PS3. If it wasn't, I would see Konami sweating and doing a port to recoup losses, that's if Sony and Apple would let them.
  2. Hope you enjoy the game, I've had a lot of fun with it so far. Sucks on the mods though...
  3. Yes, I was talking about the past which was why I pointed out that was what happened historically. What do you mean by it being balanced? I agree that it won't make any financial sense to make Tekken 6 an exclusive title but then again we also don't have any evidence to suggest Namco Bandai will drop its brand loyalty with Tekken 6. We also have Namco making strange choices when choosing consoles for its arcade ports and good examples can be found with the Soul Calibur series. Soul Calibur was released for the DreamCast which was discontinued just a few years after its launch. Soul Calibur was never even released for the PS or even the Playstation 2 although the arcade version was using System 12 which was based on Playstation hardware! Soul Calibur 2 was released on both the GameCube and the Xbox even though both those consoles' sales paled in comparison to the PS2. It's obvious that Namco doesn't port games based on any sort of logic so it can be expected that Namco would once again defy logic and make Tekken 6 a PS3 exclusive! Well, Tekken may go multi-plat. But the only other console it'll go to is the 360. I'm sure soon enough everyone will notice a trend of developers to not support the Wii much anymore. Wonder why? Look at the software sales compared to 360. Only party games sell for the Wii, unless they slap on the "Bang the drum" mode in SCIV: Wii Edition, it won't sell, which is why their will be no port of it.
  4. True, I had a friend over who adores his 360. We've always fought on which system is better, but at least we're good at giving the other points for when something actually goes right. He really wanted to see MGS4 and what the hype was all about. So I let him play the Alaska level for a bit. He flat out told me the 360 could not do it. My friend, the biggest xbot I know, told me the PS3 has it's game finally. He hadn't seen my PS3 since before the store redesign pretty much and it wasn't very exciting to look at. But now it's definitely shaping up. Anyways, I thanked him for the compliments and then showed him how gimped In-Game XMB is. I love the message function, but they need to flesh it out more.
  5. So far PS3 has every emu linux can run working. I don't take this news as groundbreaking at all, PS3 has been able to do this since launch. Give me a homebrew app launchable from the xmb that plays NES games and that'll be progress.
  6. Pls bring more constructive arguments and facts here. We all know you are the biggest PS3 fanboy and you should have the passion to defend your system. See how Don present his case? No offense, but this is a big big flamer of a thread. No matter what argument, fact, opinion I make for the PS3, the bottom line is that it's just one of 3 systems. Sure I may prefer it, but that doesn't make it better than the other two. I judge consoles on power and multimedia capabilities. That's all. If I went by that the XBOX was the best last gen, but how much fun did I have with that over the PS2? Barely any. So I'm staying out of this, enjoy arguing about nothing. And I still like pie.
  7. They are different, bottom line. That doesn't mean that they both can't provide the same experience. Like with the PS2 (I hope no one has forgotten how hard it was to program for that compared to the DC) it will take time to take advantage of what the PS3 can do. I understand this. Which is why when people say "My 360 game looks better" I have a "Just wait" grin on my face.
  8. I, of course believe in love. It's a wonderful thing, be it a deep, passionate feeling or just a simple bond between two people that goes beyond the typical need for companionship. I love my family. My mother, father, brother and sister. I would do anything for them, same for the cats I've help raise. I love them as well. Love isn't as rare as people like to think. Most weak minded, cynical people tend to become scrooges in their advanced years and like to shrug off love like it was something that never affected them. Love inspires us and love brought us into this world. No matter what, our human capacity to care so deeply about someone or something will always be what makes us such a unique species on this planet. Love gives us the strength to continue to become better individuals.
  9. I call it like how I see it. I don't care if you think I'm negative. You want me to complain about the 360 also? Because I can do that if you fancy that. Cuz hell, I hate Microsoft too for all the crap they've done. Weather you like it or not. We're the community that makes or break a system of any kind. We praise 360's online services because it's tight nit and it works nearly 100% of the time. You know, like a PC community. Because, maybe you didn't get the memo, but communities BUILT those systems. The PC, the Nintendos, the Sonys and whatever else will come along. Do you remember a time when IT WAS all about the games and not about the features? With that, if you bought it for the features, your a drone. Another type of fanboy. I fully support upgradable frimware, bluetooth and wifi intaration for a more better online gameplay experience. Read that? A better online gameplay experience. Not for your petty excuse for an all-in-one machine for your living room. I do complain, because right now, that's all it is. How many fanboys bought the system? Alot. Now how many casual players bought one because it was just a cheap blu-ray player? Alot more. I have no quips with people just buying it for extra features, I have a problem with you and your kind of people. Who think it's the God-given grace that fell from the heaven that's made your life better and your preaching to us on WHY it's better in every way no matter what we think. So yeah, I do believe you are a fanboy, your opinion is very similar to a preacher with pyschosis. I thrive on owning the latest tech. I share this with my whole family, we have everything. While I don't own a PS3, but I have other family memebers that do, and they own also 360. Guess which gets the most play? The 360. They bought it for the games and treat all those extra features, as extra features. I know how to handle myself when it comes to technology, and I know your needs are different, but you tell us that your needs are the better then ours and we should change our needs to suit you. You just don't get the communities that built up and put out the cash to buy these systems and computers. I believe, you'll be the one who wants all-in-one VR world that would be visually unimpressive, while I'll be in living in colors. You are perhaps one of the most one sided, naive individuals I've ever met. It's not about my opinion, it's all about yours and nothing will ever compete. You're being near sighted to the point that it's 'nails-on-chalkboard' annoying. I never came in here preaching the PS3 and how much better it is over the 360, but I did defend it once it was bashed upon. I went to the PS3 section, which you are currently in, to state my views, opinions, and latest news on the system. Only here did I receive backlash for justifying my purchase. Sure I acted fanboyish, but what other form of reinforcement does a person like you or anyone who comes into the PS3 section just to poke holes in everything I say, respond to? I've only one other place to call upon for experience and people like you are dealt with rather swiftly. You wreak of negativity in nearly everything you write here and I've had enough. You seriously cannot take constructive criticism so stop posting in this section, because it will always be met with just reaction. I seriously suggest that anyone deliberately coming into different system sections just to annoy fans of their respective consoles be warned for their immature demeanor. Enough is enough.
  10. You're really depressing you know that? I have a firm stance against Microsoft for creating a console that was basically built to fail early on, and is overpriced to begin with in the overall scheme of things. You 'gamers' tout that it's all about the console and the games yet all of you praise the 360's online service and features like you're a bunch of PC fanboys. I remember a time when online wasn't even needed to enjoy a game, and now it's a standard. Who's to say in the future you won't find something else to complain about, like upgradable firmware / spring updates, bluetooth, wifi, larger storage discs, web browser... These are all becoming standard in consoles because believe it or not, consoles are becoming our cheap PC's. Even the Wii has a web browser and online gaming. You complain that the PS3 is a media center, I praise it for Sony having the balls to try and move forward instead of stand still and continue to add more and more features. So what if you don't use them, the next console you buy will most certainly have all the PS3's features and more and the 5 guys standing behind you in line for it will no doubt use it for just that. So stand still in an evolving industry and continue to play with one hand tied behind your back, because one day I'll be immersed in a VR world while you're reading the manual wondering how to catch up.
  11. break it down by major region: america Japan Europe total other the only place the PS3 has sold better then the PS2 is Europe. and that was only 2 small humps. admit it, your claim that the ps3 has sold better then the ps2 is complete crap. Well lets see, at the time I saw those figures it was selling better, then it slumped, then it sold better. Keep in mind that I've owned a PS3 since nearly the beginning so my head is garbled up with all sorts of news and figures I receive from GT and VG. It's not crap, it's just not relevant now. Will people stop trying to poke holes in my statements (which I never said was fact, but is by what I see now) and just read the damn news?
  12. http://vgchartz.com/hwlaunch.php?cons1=PS2...ll&weeks=82 That's a chart from a non-biased site (or so I've heard). It shows that in the same time span the PS3 has outsold the PS2 for a bit. Of course we all know the PS2 sold like hotcakes starting around this time. Anyways, so enough of comparing charts, what about the topic? Did anyone like the article or even read it?
  13. Then I found out people started getting DREs and then my PS2 decided to asplode. The problem is I'm a gamer. As a gamer, I don't care about those features, like how I don't care about most of the 360's features. I'm in it for the games, and the games alone. Now I could say I hate everything that's popular, but that's not true for the most part. I love MGS series, I can't wait to play it, but I still think the art direction and look of the game is shit. I don't care how nice it looks to other people, it still looks like shit. Nothing is ever going to change my opinion of that. Also as a gamer; I'm also cheap, which means, can I pirate it? If yes, then it's a good system, if not, well, then it's not worth at least taking a look at it. And I'm not an xbot, but you come off as a PS3 fanboy weather you want to or not. It's projected in your posts and in your distaste to the 360. And to end it: Both do the same thing, it's just a matter of how it's presented. I'm not interested in petty extra features. I want to game, nothing more, nothing less. You can all shove it if you think otherwise. Their was a reason I didn't like the PS2 and you just said it. But guess what? The 360 is worse. Far, far worse. So you just justified my opinion of the 360 by technically agreeing with me. It doesn't matter if you haven't gotten the RRoD, I've repaired at least 30 360's personally, and saw the great number of complaints online and with friends. It was a rushed system and M$ has and will continue paying for it. If that's not a good enough reason not to own one, and not to like M$ for their folly, then you are a blind fanboy.
  14. I'm not a Sony fanboy, please don't put me in that catagory. But most of the talk and charts I see from GT and VG indicate the PS3 is selling faster than the PS2 did when it had it's start-up. I think the PS2 really picked up when FFX and MGS2 were released. It's still hard to believe the PS3 is selling better though than the PS2 first did. When PS2 was released I bought one and about 20 friends bought one same day. Now I know about 3 people who own a PS3 and don't much care for it. I never really supported the PS2 so it's a shocker to me as well. I loved my dreamcast until this generation of consoles and wanted a multimedia unit and the PS3 was pretty much it. I bought a PS2 1 year before getting a PS3 because it was a broken system and wanted to train myself on how to repair them.
  15. I'm not a Sony fanboy, please don't put me in that catagory. But most of the talk and charts I see from GT and VG indicate the PS3 is selling faster than the PS2 did when it had it's start-up. I think the PS2 really picked up when FFX and MGS2 were released.
  16. http://arstechnica.com/reviews/hardware/pl...n-3-blu-ray.ars The revolution will not be televised, it will be downloaded an update at a time "Back in the crazy days before the current generation of gaming consoles, the console you bought at retail was the console you had for the life of the hardware. My SNES acts exactly the same now as it did when it was first released, and outside of the addition of Xbox Live, the first Xbox system remained largely unchanged throughout the hardware's life cycle. Those days are long over, and now which version of Sony's PlayStation 3 that you bought is only one part of the equation: welcome to the firmware wars." Found the article link on GT which refers it back to Digg. It's one of the most popular topics right now and has garnered a huge response! Digg: http://digg.com/playstation/They_say_it_go...view_of_the_PS3
  17. I'm not criticizing your choice. I just found it strange that you inferred that you chose the PS3 because Sony wasn't as high on the evil-o-meter as MS. Truth be told, I'd rather a PS3. I almost never use Live, I only play Oblivion and GTA4, and I mostly use my 360 for watching HD movies, at which the PS3 is better. Just curious. lol! I thought you were going to say Microsoft is less evil than Sony. Granted Microsoft has it's hands in a lot, which makes it susceptible to screwing up a whole lot more, but they do it way too much. Rushing the 360 and Vista, don't even mention Zune... So far the only main thing they're doing well in is the 360, it seems they put a whole lot more effort into that than anything else.
  18. You won't notice any difference really until you get up to the bigger screens like 42", or if you sit 3 inches from the screen I thought MGS4 was 720p anyway? I guess he just wanted to know for blu-ray and other games. Umm... you don't need an HDMI cable, the component will do fine for a 720p 19". You're right, Sony really frakked up on the cable selection, I think it was mainly because it's the same cable they always used and they probably have so many of them in warehouses they might as well use them as the primary. I personally didn't even plug the composite in, at first I had S-Video running and then HDMI when I upgraded. Composite sucks for the PS3. Hopefully Sony will correct this in the future and stop being cheap-o's.
  19. Thank you. I bought the PS3 because of the possibilities. It does everything I could ever want a console to do, and in time, will do more. So you chose a PS3 because Sony is less evil than MS? lol. Nice criterion. Prove me wrong.
  20. Thanks. I'm not a fanboy, I really hate all companies equally. I just chose the lesser of two evils this generation.
  21. I hear ya, and accept your reasoning. By all accounts it should be ported so Konami could recoup some losses but since the PS3 has been selling so well recently they aren't very worried. And if they are, they made a firm commitment to the PS3.
  22. I'd defend the PS3 but I don't like it ... Please go back to the 360 section, I hear it's hop hop hoppin' these days with posts.
  23. The PS2 wasn't really dominating when MGS2 was released. As a matter of fact, the PS3 is selling faster than the PS2 was. To my knowledge they were merely curious to work with the new guy in town. That being said, Kojima would rather stick with Sony, which he's stated numerous times in the press.
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