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- kenshiro -

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Everything posted by - kenshiro -

  1. I am truly, truly so disappointed by today's news. I guess it doesn't matter now. The emulator will never be finished. 720P support for some of the games, but not for the rest of them is even more of an issue which is why I put it as number 1. Thanks for letting me know that there is a version out there that fixes the rom folder issue, but I may not ever be able to find it. He normally sent builds to everyone's email, but I was left out of that one somehow. I wish Kenshiro the best and I really hope he's doing well. Even though he quit the project, I hope he doesn't forget about us. No worries, i gonna send to everyone what i got , if of course i get a small kiss
  2. Honestly it's not dramatic... Here's a simple code which explains a lot of things: float free_time = total_time - job_time - sleep_time - gf_time - family_time; The most reason i let the project is a terrible lake of time, really. i'ne some stuff ready since weeks (CPS2 VMM etc...) and they will be post on Neosource, i can even compile a last build. We'll see what happened, but honestly leading a project isn't definitly for a guy like me. I love spent a lot of time on piece of code, try to write it as best as possible, but leading the totality... No way. Also, what i do is on my free time, and don't get monet for that, i do it exclusively cause i love this old arcade games and it gives me the bamboo lol.
  3. THis thread now turns to provocation. No worries, i've seen worst things in my life, and will probably see anothers. Erm that's just an Xbox emulator lmao that will not change ours life. As i announced that i leave the FBA-XXX Pro project as he is and stop working on it (i didn't take this decision now but 1 weeks ago, and announced it on others forums) i will start a thread and post links to latest drivers i've been working on. then don't post anymore here. At least the half of the members who posted in that c****** thread don't know the reasons why i said that kind of things to BP, so honestly stop giving me advices. Look at the most forum i usually post, i'm not familiar with flamming, my post are always short, there are a few, and most time it's for posting a source code or something, not for crying "i need help" all the five minutes like some specialist here.
  4. - Crystals drivers were added since ages by BenderMike, something like 4 years ago - Sf1: it isn't the work of iq? - Cps2: so you added the latest drivers with a proper decrytion without? If yeah nice work - raidenfighters: don't know that stuff BTW, how you can ask me to help you to add drivers lmao? As you're in it since years what an idiot like me can do? You can get it work easily as you're a genius
  5. lmao you rewrote all the code, line by line? Hey stop thinking i'm an idiot that's not the case.
  6. I was sure you gonna repply that, i'm medium i've ever ask if the MAME team is aware of your build, did you never get warn from them?
  7. As always i understood nothing lol So no problems to post a link for the sources here i assume?
  8. At least for UI ,the driver related stuff should be mostly copy / paste, compile, pray for it works. God, i should buy a new HDD, i don't have space anymore to keep your thousand of sources lmao. What a liar...
  9. Ok seems i get f****** as always... I put a lot of work into drivers latest weeks and was waiting for your work. However take care about this: - If you had a bit of my code, or iq's one or from the official FBA you have to release the source code. - If you had one of the drivers i posted on Neosource you can't get credits for them, that's too easy (i don't care about credits, but you can take it for you). - And to conclude (i think that since a while ), your attitude is really pathetic, can't understand how your brain work. That's a nice week end start
  10. Change your Xbox. Oh Lordy, i was assuming you were working on it lmao
  11. Yeah, that's why i wanna keep my current job... Even if he's not sexy lol It's certainly sexier than Mel kicking your ass to the curb for being a jobless bum! i gonna kick your ass mister "student"!
  12. Yeah, that's why i wanna keep my current job... Even if he's not sexy lol
  13. You're not funny on MSN lmao
  14. Wanna Neogeo? Wanna fix? Wanna play? ---> stuff here PS: mooooo!
  15. You should add "find a girl friend" I'm working on it. She should be breaking up with your dumb ass and moving to the US soon. lmao in one week sure you gonna want she returns in France. Good luck!
  16. A good news before i leave to work : neogeo games are now in the Neogeo section instead of others sections. There's was a mistake in Neogeo flags which were corrected in the latest FBA (pc version).
  17. All of them except Asura Blade/Buster should work fine on the xbox without any modifications. ^^ Asura Blade/Busters just needs a vmm hooked up (which Kenshiro can do in his sleep...), and it should work fine. ^^ Already started it BTW : http://neosource.1emu.net/forums/index.php...156.msg9687#new If it interest someone...
  18. Ahhh... I see. I just read this now. I haven't been here in a few weeks. What is this version that nes6502 came out with? Is that 1.28? http://forums.xbox-scene.com/index.php?sho...iew=getlastpost Moooooooooooooo! PS: Mooo this f****** shortage mooooooooo!
  19. That's not CoinOPs lol, the name will be 1.29.
  20. Ever meet a girl that's way too attractive/awesome for your dumbass friend? That's Mel. You're just jealous lmao
  21. My gf... BTW how about the 720 p Neogeo games?
  22. God... you're dead lmao The real question is: "what would you be more pissed about?" Living with you in your backwoods in middle of nowhere Mooooooooooo! I live on a lake! I can go swimming, fishing, boating, or drowning whenever I want! She'd love it here! Plus, I imagine she'd look amazing in a topless/bottomless bikini. At least you can dream about it with your d*** in the hand
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