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- kenshiro -

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Everything posted by - kenshiro -

  1. kf2k3bl's px decode routine probably is taking too much memory trying to copy the Px to the proper areas, I'll see what I can come up with to fix that
  2. Thanks MT Saint I've also tested games from E to S, i will post what i have Thanks again
  3. i saw that everyone's very motivated to test Neogeo, so i will test it by myself (236 sets, that will be fun )
  4. I would like to know if you guys agreed to test all Neogeo stuff to know exactly which games doesn't work. In fact, since the drivers were updated to MAME 0.126, it's kind of madness , i mean almost games were working properly before, and i need absolutly to find a common factor. I can test the games from A to L, i would like to know if you can do the same thing with the others games, that would be pretty cool. Looks definitly like a small thing that's cause that, having a complete non working list would help to find it PS: who want testing Legend of Sucess Joe (aka the best SNK game)? lol
  5. Hell, how you can launch it? Doesn't work for me!
  6. In fact looks like interested stuff btw, i added iq_132 Pacman driver to FBA-XXX Pro, that's pretty funny stuff, and impressive too, just take a look at the code, your head will explose For the issues that you reported MT saint and Cospefogo, i will look at it Sunday, cause my job hours this week aren't nice lol, i quite too late in the night
  7. Thanks for the report I'd quickly test 1945k and i didn't notice an input problem. What do you mean exactly? btw i gonna check the others issues
  8. Playing Pacman on FBA-XXX Pro
  9. You should do a Muso Insatsu -----------> see tome 12 of the first manga edition for more details That's works pretty well on my gf
  10. I just made a special build which doesn't work for you HellFury Seriously, just erase the save and the ini folder and it will be good
  11. Stuff sended, i forgot to precise in the message that you need absolutly to erase your previous FBA-XXX Pro save, and erase the ini folder... Have fun!!!
  12. Absolutly, check your PM box too mister Juggernaut
  13. thanks for that Cospefogo Ckeck your PM box tonight
  14. After a short break, i'd past few days on FBA-XXX Pro and added more stuff So Garcimak, the three ugly guys Gavin19, Cospefogo and Fumanchu, and the ugliest Hellfury, if you're interested to help me to test the new features, just let me know Hope to see you Cowabunga!!!
  15. is it my gay version? lol Seriously, what you wanna do exactly? BTW, i'm always waiting for you to rewrite FBA-XXX Pro UI See you on MSN (will be complicate, when i wake up, you go to bed lol
  16. It's a pretty cool way to run old arcade games, and she's stronger than iron In case of nuclear assault, i'm sure she will resist , like rats.
  17. Not bad at all, quickly i can tell what i've done: - Update DATs generation module to get it work with the latest Romcenter and clrmamepro - Added the latest drivers written by iq_132 (for details go on Neosource) - Updated, corrected, finished stuff which will not interest you lol - Also spent time on a tool which convert MAME dipswithces to FBA "format", this is non related with FBA-XXX Pro, but that's on that i worked the more latest weeks - Massive source code cleanup, it's definitly necessary lol And started to write an option to filter games by manufacturer and hardware
  18. Just good work iq_132, it's 100% his work French fool lol
  19. Thanks Cospefogo BTW, i forgot to tell something: as iq_132 posted his Street Fighter driver on Neosource, it will be available in next FBA-XXX Pro : http://neosource.1emu.net/forums/index.php...amp;topic=971.0 And if i hear someone tell : "hey, why parts of sounds are missing, just do it", i will use Hokuto Shinken lol ( and iq_132 will probably break your arms , he's too violent )
  20. I understood half of the words lol, but looks friendly Thanks
  21. Who is iq_132? I know a dirty Michigan guy called iq_75, that's all
  22. Played nothing since one month an half What a shame
  23. I'm like that too, i'm definitly not a speaker lol Thanks for that words hellsfury
  24. I'm actually very busy with my new job and other real life stuff, and also coding tools... So there's no news at the moment
  25. That's a shame Third lesson: "Bendermike a un tout petit kiki" 1 - 1
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