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- kenshiro -

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Everything posted by - kenshiro -

  1. Can i crap into your throat please? Thanks.
  2. It exists since ages, it is a VMM. Performances will highly depend on the emulated system himself. Despite Neogeo sprites roms are really big (64 MB for the biggest games, and more for the PCB revision of KOF2003), it is fast enough for all games ---> 60FPS. Just have a try with the smallest PGM games (games who don't need a VMM as you have enough memory), like Photo Y2K. It is already slow as fuck on my Xbox, the CPU is crying A "solution" would probably to use oldest PGM drivers (the Oopsware one, before iq_132 rewrote the code ), they have a decent speed and iq wrote kind of very nice VMM for it, at least 2 years ago. The latest iq_132 PGM drivers will definitly not run at a decent speed. Mooooo. PS: Dave the whore, how it's going?
  3. As we are talking about maths, why not simply write: instead of that shit: lol.
  4. This is an homosexual thread, created by an homosexual, for others homosexuals, on an homosexual website. Nothing more to say.
  5. Sorry if i missed something but.... Are you saying there is no dats for an "emulator" that handle thousands of games? Can't believe it. So if i want to try out CoinOps (probality is 0.1% but who knows) i have to download all that crappy 15G of data, without the hability to rebuild the romset with the stuff i already have?
  6. Moooo this fuckin bug.
  7. The guy is probably homosexual.
  8. "Everything" can run on with 128MB of RAM on that crappy Xbox, things are definitely easier. That's why CPX3 is really an amazing emulator ---> runs with only 64MB and a crappy CPU, with a more than decent speed. lol excellent. Moooo!! How's it going Q? Everything good with P and M? Well, don't make childrens! lol Seriously, all goes well, i've been very busy with this and some others stuff. See you later on MSN and Neosource. I hope all goes well for you.
  9. "Everything" can run on with 128MB of RAM on that crappy Xbox, things are definitely easier. That's why CPX3 is really an amazing emulator ---> runs with only 64MB and a crappy CPU, with a more than decent speed. lol excellent.
  10. Running CPS3 in the FBL core? With a standard Xbox? Frankly i think it will be a massive pain. iq_132 and me had a try long time ago, found a "concept", but it results in a insanely complex stuff with no warrantly about the speed. Good luck. Why should i have a try with this? I don't even have Windows anymore
  11. I'm still asking how you can calculate the time required to code something Still a mistery for me, i don't know any others devs who says that ---> "it will take 35.4 minutes" lol.
  12. Wanna be my wife?

  13. Amazing. This is the only place i know on web where posts are deleted without any reason, without a comment or something. I still don't know who remove my post and also why. This forum is the internet trash.
  14. What's a true coder for you?
  15. Can i know why my latest post has been deleted? And also who delete it?
  16. I had the same issue, and you can solve it by doing: Options/GUI options/Image options/Exit game controls ----> remap the buttons like you want. BTW, i'm really sorry to have never use the FTP access, and honestly i think you can remove the account now. The latest thing i coded related to emulation was a port of the MAME Marine Boy driver to FBA, and it was 6 months ago. Actually i'm really out of it. Sorry.
  17. I always knew you are gay.
  18. You don't want to be my wife? Sad.
  19. Well... Who wants to be my wife here? Thanks.
  20. I think this is the worse thread i never seen on this "forum". Each time i think it couldn't be worse, i'm wrong lol. My bad...
  21. Wow! Nice one! I quoted that just to be sure you will not edit your post. I'm still on the ass. Can't believe you wrote that
  22. http://neosource.1emu.net/forums/index.php?topic=1255.0 You just need to remap the button I didn't try, i haven't turn on my Xbox for months
  23. Maybe someone should put his hand on BP's leg... That's a part of the solution i think.
  24. Only sexuality is sexual [Kenshiro].
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