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- kenshiro -

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Everything posted by - kenshiro -

  1. I don't have Windows on my PC ----> no access to the XDK and Visual Studio.
  2. What's the compilation issue?
  3. I vote "QueerOps reloaded".
  4. wanna be my friend?

  5. With all seriousness, i thought you gonna add blowup doll support in CoinOps ---> Maybe i could give you some sources for that.
  6. I was sad I'm still sad now lol Mooo.
  7. You should be happy, no? That's what you wanted...
  8. Or because i had sexuality in your body yesterday.
  9. Who want to be my friend?
  10. Can i have a small kiss please?

  11. How is the speed for those 2 games? Just curious.
  12. Nope, i have no issues on this side lol.
  13. Mooo i need a doctor too
  14. Wanna be my friend?

  15. What a bitch. Mooo.

    Seriously, Waal is a nice guy.

  16. First post in 3 months in the Xbox forum Related to Hog storm, IIRC there was an issue in the PC driver when it was implemented in FBA-XXX Pro. It seems to work fine now, on FBA and FBL. Is fba that much more accurate or play more games others don't besides galaxy force, rail chase and the others? Yeah, FBL is more accurate and believe me, i know what i'm talking about. As Neil said , if you wanna have a play with CPS1 - CPS2 - Neogeo - Cave - Psikyo i think it is the best choice. It is actually the only Xbox arcade build who uses the most recent dumps. Who knows, maybe someone will update it soon... Kiss,
  17. Everyone has the right to be a sexual queer lol. Deep thought i know
  18. Moooooooo good stuff!
  19. I'm not in vacation, i just decided to not post here anymore since recent issues, that's all. Kiss,
  20. Not at all. I only have issues with you on Web. As Nes6502 said, you are and has been the Xbox Scene cancer. And also stop to edit your posts every 5 minutes.
  21. There isn't thousand of people who have the "emu author" status here, and very few still goes on this forum. So i assume you're speaking of me. 1) I don't have an emulator, a day i came here and saw that someone tagged my account with "emu author" status. I'm just a contributor or a partner. 2) Recently you said a looooot of shit about Xbox scene in general, and also on most of the actors. For example here what you said about me: I'm not the guy who ask iq_132 to do the work for me. 100% of latest interesting drivers addition in CoinOps were done by iq_132, not by you. I'm not the guy who is impressed to see iq_132 added a Iron Clad driver in 10 minutes. It simply proove your ignorance. I'm not the guy who tweaked old MAME builds to get run better some games, instead of figure out what causes the slowdowns. I'm not the guy who try to get run CPS2 in a constant FPS since 3 years, and create thread to get helped with it. So really at this point, on drivers related stuff, I know what i'm doing much better than you. Sorry for people here, don't take it as unmodesty, i'm just tired to receive venom from mister DOA, who should working on drivers instead of piss in my shoes. PS: i don't have a 2 millimeters cock.
  22. Fumanchu... He just meant "Fuck you" lol. Don't be paranoid!
  23. Who is the author? Now there is true and false open source lol. Open source is making the source code available for users, and in most case the license says you have to release your sources if you make public some changes you did. I bet for you true open source mean you can base your work on an open source project, and not releasing your own sources. It is not open source? When i find a bug in the official FBA and can fix it, i submit the changes and post a source. When i made a change on a driver for Xbox i post the sources. When i can help others devs i give them my sources, or post them on a forum. I also use open source OS, open sources software, even my ass are opensource. For my part i will say small dick
  24. From which FBA build? I'm really curious to know.
  25. It works for me (i use 480i too), all Metal Slug 5 sets works fine and have sound. Anyone else have the same issue? No. FBL has a special support for the sound roms of NeoPCM2 games, i never implemented it in FBA-XXX Pro. Details here --> http://neosource.1emu.net/forums/index.php...56.msg10538#new The King of Fighters 2003 (Japan, JAMMA PCB) use the same stuff. Moo.
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