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- kenshiro -

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Everything posted by - kenshiro -

  1. Yeah that's what i did when i saw that a guy was working on 1.29, and never release it. Then i started to work on it. Thanks for that friendly repply (it's a sarcasm before you ask), by reading that i think i really took the good decision, i'm now free to do what i want and not working anymore on an emulator that i don't even use myself.
  2. Well... Everyone here starts really get me tired. You should relax. When someone annoying me or if i don't like to speak with someone, i leave him alone. Is there a moderator somewhere or not? Damm it. BTW: You could do: for (int i = 0; i < number_of_time_you_wanna_repeat_the_sentence; i++) { printf("I havent locked it ive only added feature after feature\n"); } for (int i = 0; i < number_of_time_you_wanna_repeat_the_sentence; i++) { printf("learn to skin it please dont tell me its locked I cant unlock it more\n"); } Edit: another trick while (people_who_is_annoying_me_is_speaking) { printf("La bite au cul\n"); }
  3. lmao I'll try to explain the origins with my poor english. One character in the manga Hokuto no Ken (i mean in the book, not that insane and horrible cartoon). were always saying "Muuu" when something disturbs him lol. Since my chilhood i love to find some noise and break my friends balls with it. So when we were at school, each week there was a new one (some of them like "moooo" are still there after years). "Hey dude how it's going?" "Moooooooooo!" "lol what's that again?" "The new one crazy shit that Quentin found..." What i noticed over the years, when you repeat something a lot of times, then everyone make it once a while lol. I was a big player of Halo2 on Xbox live long time ago, i get more than guy crazy with some "Mooooooo!" during the game. Sometimes everyone were saying it at the end of the game lol. So actually "Mooooo" means mostly "all's fine, all's cool" or also "what you're saying doesn't interest me". All the guys i know since the childhood still do it.
  4. You've done some great work on CoinOPS BP. But in my opinion this kind of comment and attitude is disgraceful for a developer. That's all I've got to say here. Moooooooooo! I can still post moooooooooo!
  5. Thanks for the support guys, It's like a syringe of adrenalin straight to the ass! Related to Psikyo SH drivers, i will post them on Neosource as a new FBA has been released today, with as always the sources code. So i've no reasons to keep them, that was a security. Moo.
  6. Finished updating the core to the latest FBA tonight. Now working on getting all the VM code added so CPS2, NeoGeo, PGM, and Cave games work. Then I will work on bugs in the GUI I'm starting over on the core update. A new FBA version was released today. lol it's always like that unfortunaly. Good luck! This release seems a real "bamboo maker" BTW, Treble Winner and iq did some great work. Mooooooooo!
  7. Hi, I started this topic to notice i will definitly stop to work on FBA-XXX Pro. I had this idea months ago, time is come to make her effective. I'll be short on the reasons, no need to write 300 lines. First one, it's now clear for me that leading a project who isn't my project is really stupid lol. By leading the project i had to deal with my own bugs, which is not a problem, the problem is i have to deal with the bugs who were already in it when i started my work. Bugs in HD support, in some inputs whatever. I'm not blaming people who were working on it, that's not the purpose, i just mean i don't wanna be annoying for that, and people have no remorse to do it. As i'm leading the project too, a lot of people believe i'm the man behind everything. They never heard about Lantus, Gogoackman and also +T+. I don't wanna get the credits for something who is not for at least 90% my work, it will be too easy. Second one, the work who have been done is 100% drivers related. With the help of iq_132, we try to port the latest and more accurate drivers from the official FBA. Some systems has required a looooot of work, i think to Neogeo and PGM for example, and all drivers who need a VMM as Cave, Psikyo, Asura Blade, CPS2. Now just help me to understand: - Why the section "others" always cause problems. Crash when entering games, when exiting games, when entering in game menu. Why half of Sega drivers doesn't draw, why Bio Mechanical Toy draws garbage etc... Long time ago i was thinking the problem comes from me, but it's definitly not the case. - Why launching a Neogeo game will cause 50% of times a crash when launching a game in "others" section (randomly BTW...). I'm 100% sure there's no leak in the Neogeo code, some people have a try with that code in their own builds and didn't get that kind of problems. I know i already noticed that in the 1.28, and FBA-XXX (so the problem comes from that one). Regarding to this problems, i started some massive core cleanup few months ago, starting by removing useless files (30% of the FBA-XXX sources files, nice!) and take a look in the UI and options code. I give up two days after, as i understood immediatly i will do nothing. That's simple, i can't even read some parts of code. So modify something will probably results in much problems. i think there is a huge difference between writing a code and get it work, and writing a code in a way - which allows people to read it and understand it easily, and allows them to update it in the future. At this point FBA-XXX is pretty much a nightmare. Last point, a large amount of latest FBA drivers use a different Z80 than before, the MAME Z80. So porting this one is necessary to get run a lot of games. At this point, i can't remove the old Z80 support, due to the weirdest compiling issue i ever seen. Before killing me with a rope, i sent my sources to iq_132, and he has exactly the same problem lmao. In theory what supposed to be removing - adding files to project - is now a nightmare. So adding more drivers in the future is impossible lol. I just want to precise to you +T+ that all i'm saying it's not against you (not even against everyone lol), i know you were doing exactly what i did, working on the drivers, and you put your work in FBA-XXX as he is. It's a good emulator but the way he was writing causes too much troubles actually - so i give up. The purpose of that topic is also to post the real things me and iq_132 have been working on, the drivers themselves, to give them to communauty, and also for those who are working on others FBA build, as Nes6502. I know you already put my Neogeo code in your build (i'm really happy of that ^^), feel free to use or not the rest as PGM, Asura Blade... And the Psikyo SH. Those one aren't include, as i don't wanna people stole them - i could send you them if you want lol. FBA 0.297.06 ported to Xbox Thanks to all the people who give support or help to test the games, or working on news skins: Bonky, Garcimak, Jackc, Fumanchu, Gilou9999, Gavin19, Neoryu, Iceman, Cbagy, Neil2222, hellfury, X-Hellfury-X, Waal, Cospefogo, Tulius, Fosamax, stf, bulge2, OOKAMI, Chiemik, Vegita, Vegita8888, wurz3ll, Chrom, Lordpro and all those i forget here. I think it's useless to thanks iq_132 lmao, but thanks even dude. For the motivation you gave me, your advices, your insane shit... lol Good luck everyone.
  8. My bad... I don't have access to my PC, is there a way a good guy here sent the latest build to this poor Freeman? Thanks.
  9. I suggest to everyone to use UnleashX when you need to FTP a massive amount of files. XBMC is one of the slowest concerning FTP transfers.
  10. Silly, insane, don't like pork, definitly unfriendly. But i love him.

  11. Good luck. Latest iq_132 PGM drivers are slow as fuck on Xbox i had a try in the past and that was... scary lmao. Since ARM7 is emulated it's a pain for the black box.
  12. I just saw your PM Freeman. Check your PM box in a few hours
  13. On my side i'm still waiting for the small part of code i was asking to you, i mean the autoswich for HD mode (can't do it myself, don't have an HDTV). As we're supposed to 'work together'.
  14. Cool stuff. Don't know why you thank me BTW.
  15. This is a fake. It's impossible to get them run. If someone can do it, i'll send him 10 FBA-XXX Pro caps, 5 collectors blow up dolls and will call him "master".
  16. Nice work! Gonna have a try!
  17. To be more specific, the man behind FBA-XXX is Gogoackman with the team XXX (which is based on Lantus work...). Then +T+ did his own build, FBA-XXX Pro. And 2 years after that, i grabed the sources and started adding new drivers.
  18. Is this what Kenshiro meant by QueerOPS? Mostly cause two queers are working on it...
  19. Nothing, it's still the previous build.
  20. It depends. If you're using a softmod then there is no way to unplug the DVD drive (IIRC you gonna the code error 12 during the Xbox boot). If you have a modchip, it exists some hacked bios who allows you to boot wthout the DVD drive. I can't tell what bios it is, as i only use softmod. Moooo!
  21. No worries, i will send you the latest crappy build. Sorry to people who request it this latest days, i will send you the stuff in few hours, i'm still at my job.
  22. lmao right. If i was an indian my name would be probably "insane snake".
  23. Like you want queer Rattlesnake... I will do it for my own usage.
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