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- kenshiro -

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Everything posted by - kenshiro -

  1. For some of the reason +T+ were speaking of, related to games informations and also because of the romset, i like having all revisions of a PCB, even if there's some known problems on those games
  2. all 3 work fine on fbaxxx pro in the newest version and fba1.28. Power Instinct 2 and Legend weren't emulated on 1.28, my ass still remember how it was a pain to add it lol.
  3. I voted too for MAMEoX128 Plus, cause i'm more a collector than a gamer, so It's more appropriate for my "usage".
  4. Nope no worries... Is it a Ndure save?
  5. So i'll try my luck: can i have a small kiss for one time? I feel so lonely
  6. Go to "Emulator options", then "show debug".
  7. Which build you're speaking of? If it's something i posted today so no worries, it's a "quick compiled shit" i posted before left in vacation (with missing stuff...), i wasn't thinking it will be link to people... pfff whatever. Please do not report issues from it, that sucks
  8. Hello To testers: A small post to say i will leave in holidays for about 3 weeks, so please stop reporting bugs or anything else ATM. This have been enough tested, most of stuff is ready and already posted on Neosource, i need to link them and release "my" latest build. He will be release as he is, i mean i will corrected nothing except the stuff i'm working on, so exclusively drivers. If you noticed a bug which was already in 1.28 (HD, inputs etc..) or in anothers versions, that's definitly not my problem. Seeya in August, Corsica sunshine is waiting for me and my friends moooooooooooo!
  9. The biomtoy issue always been a mistery for me (and iq's too), don't know why there's that issues. BTW, check that :naughty: http://neosource.1emu.net/forums/index.php...56.msg10081#new
  10. Well most of issues you noticed (on Cave, Neogeo and Psikyo) as been fixed with my latest code. The real problem now is to link the stuff and release a last build, and i don't have time as much this month. As i don't use the emu myself , and also as i don't have HDTV, it's boring to work on it, just for users lol (it's at this point, really...). Until i release it you can check on Neosource if i post something and try to compile it, that's the best i can do for now. Thanks for the report.
  11. Catch it, i see wha i gonna do. And for dipswitches on Esparade, that's normal BTW zero wing works fine here! Moooooooooooooooooo! Edit: i need to know which cave games cause problems in 720P, except those previously reported.
  12. breakrev kof95 kizuna pulstar rbff1 samsho3 wakuwak7 Fixed. Mooo! Edit: aof3 fixed too.
  13. Ok thanks for the report I will be have 1 holiday week in 2 days, i'll have the time to look at it. Mooooooooooooooo!
  14. So far, all of the CPS2 roms I've tried boot in 720P and run better than they do on 1.28. I have tried all of the bigger ones like Progear, Xmen:cota, the Marvel games, SFA3, and Vampire Savior. I am still testing/playing, so I will be back. Happy to know it works... but now i'm really frustrated with the issue lol, but that's minor it will be solved! And no, that's not the last build. I need to work on Neogeo games which have issue in HD. Moooooooooo! The best thing to do is etablished a list of Neogeo issues, then i will track them down.
  15. [mode ballbreaker ON] Can you tell me at least if you load a CPS2 game on 720P? I'm really curious to know lol[mode ballbreaker OFF]
  16. I meaned even if your eyes can't notice it, the emulation is more accurate. If you wanna have an idea check the documentation on MAWS, all details are there. The first example that comes in my mind is the proper decrytion of M1, which is recent (few months ago)
  17. That's absolutly wrong... And believe me i know what i'm speaking off
  18. Except drivers code it's the 1.28 code byte per byte. Pfffffffffffffffffff... Honestly stop staying in your world christ
  19. Well... The code is finish, seems all works fine on my side, for CPS1, CPS2 (standard and phoenix sets). All CPS2 games have VMM. What's surprising me it's the fast loading time - can't see the difference with previous code (with no VMM). We'll see what happened with your crappy HDTV lol. As it's late here and i'm lazy lol, i gonna post it tomorrow on Neosource, and compile a fresh build. Good night moooo! PS: how many time does it take on 1.28? With a big game like Vampior Savior 2?
  20. Seems a french whore port FBA CPS2 drivers to Xbox... With support for 720P... Source will be posted tonight Mooooooooooooooooooooo!
  21. I need more specific infos. Try reproduce it - and tell me exactly which games you launched You simply have not the correct sets names, you have to renanme it I see a possible reason... Have the same problem with KOM2, View point for example?
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