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Everything posted by XtecuterX73

  1. nevermind....stupid post
  2. we must lead the little people to safety kenshiro!!! lmao

  3. lmao, i moved away from where i used to be, i dont have the computer at the new house yet. yes kenshiro the little guy with bamboo splint in his pants. my mother died back in march and things have been hella cvrazy and hard kenshiro. Im glad to be back brother!!
  4. somone pm my back from the dead old ass so i can try this out! great work bp and iq you guys friggin rock!
  5. back from the dead id like to test as well brother!!
  6. what did you get fixed bp? HF-
  7. timesplitters future perfect
  8. run saber and super bonk! HF-
  9. and me, LMAO Thanks for the update kenshiro! HF-
  10. thanks for the heads up neil, i will give this info a go.... hf-
  11. Here is a quick start: Deluxe Galaga Arcade pool/Snooker Kid Chaos Switchblade Ruff n Tumble Skidmarks/Super Skidmarks Lemmings 1,2,3 Walker Barbarian Superfrog Archer Mcleans Pool Flashback Another world Push over Blob Worms Speedball 2 Buggy boy Nebulus Cannon fodder Pinball Dreams Pinball Fantasies Pinball Illusions The secret of monkey island Great giana sisters Too many good ones to remember at the moment... sounds great, thanks for the list!! Also i have a question regarding amiga. im tyring to get bc kid to run but it just sits on the first screen. Is there any way to play it, i dont know much about the amiga but theres so many options regarding the cpu and drives. I noticed one in particular named cycle accurate. lol any help would be appreciated in regards to running games. HF-
  12. thanks for that little bit of info fu, i never even knew that about nba jam. HF-
  13. lol that work The new Cave sets, also NeoGeo's one (there's a lot of sets lol). i keep missing you on msn but ill get you on there eventually. I did go out and buy some non latex gloves. HF-
  14. we need to make a killer games for amiga list. HF-
  15. hey kenshiro do you mind shooting me a link?? i got left out of the email links. lmao HF-
  16. mk4 dosent emulate at all full stop on mame for xbox,the other mk games emulate but need sound turned off in the later versions. i was the one who posted mk 1 , 2 and 3 loader BUT umk3 was never in it i am hoping one day that some one will hack that loader and add the umk3 rom to it with perfect sound yea im keepin an eye on that as well but i personally think that having mortal kombat trilogy on pcsxbox is just as good if not better. HF-
  17. got back into messing around with half life 2 and portal. Forgot how fun portal is. HF-
  18. as of late my older systems, famicom disk, famicom, nes, and others are because i been playing my xbox nes emus so much. (trying to save wear and tear on them damn expensive ass famicom disk system belts. I also got a sharp famicom twin but don't play this much either due to wear and tear. Lately it's been back and forth for me the xbox 1 is getting the most attention. I can still play all the games i own on it without having 15 systems hooked up. Personally i don't see how anyone's xbox 1 can be gathering dust, there is so much to do with it. HF-
  19. yea ive yet to get into amiga but you guys are making it sound like it's bad ass so im gonna check it out. HF-
  20. I hope you put on your rubber gloves before you signed into msn LMAO, Thanks for the update kenshiro, will def check it out. HF-
  21. yea i think it's gonna be one hell of a job looking for that. It took me ages to find the ps2 to xbox adapter. HF-
  22. resident evil 5 oblivion both on 360
  23. I'll have to check that out. the sega version of flashback always looked like micheal j fox running around to me. LMAO HF-
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