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Everything posted by XtecuterX73

  1. no worries kenshiro, just wanted to lend a hand if you need it. HF-
  2. just started messing around with serious sam, forgot how fun that game is!!! HF-
  3. thanks fu ill check it out! HF-
  4. yea, im still in the process of looking at the games for it, where there any good shooters or platformer type games that you can think of that i can look into? HF-
  5. LOL, sorry to hear that fu, hopefully someone, somewhere one day will have one up and running. I know on guy said a while back ago he was working on a port but that was ages ago. HF-
  6. baseball stars 2 neo geo again jedi knight II-xbox forgot how fun that game is HF-
  7. Hey kenshiro i can also lend a hand with compiling if need be, just let me know!! HF-
  8. Yes me as well, iq had had me all worked up for months now awaiting news on the arm-5 core. I been wanting to play night slashers and osman on xbox for some time now. Hope to hear further updates from you guys in the future, iq and kenshiro make a great team and thanks for all that you guys do!! HF-
  9. hope they get it back up soon, i been trying to sign in there as well, i hope one day allxboxskins.com is back up, they had some great unleashx skins that you can't get anywhere else. HF-
  10. osman and nightstalkers are arm5, not arm7. :S If I ever feel motivated again I'll finish it up. Thanks iq, i really hope you get motivated to finish this, these are really great games!! Have they been giving you any problems?? HF-
  11. yes im very envious of you for finding the majic box adapter, like trying to find the honeybee hucard converter for pce, ive been watching those for quite some time. They're a biatch to get a hold of man. HF-
  12. thanks for the update kenshiro! any plans on re-adding bonk's adventure or iq's arm-7 core for games like osman and such? Thanks again for your continued progress!! HF-
  13. Please let us know about your progress Fu, i'm suprised no one else thought about that. HF-
  14. run like hell-xbox blaster master-mednafenx-nes
  15. yea, kenshiro is a busy man. Just give him a little bit of time. i found a couple places where you can download a life. LMAO HF-
  16. i really hope osman/canon dancer and night slashers can make its way to the box. HF-
  17. baseball stars 2-neo geo
  18. I hope BP still has the spreadsheets that i put stuff on for him. There are some really great games that could be added with hopefully minor work and changes. I'll get to gathering some info and do what i can to help put input into this thread. HF-
  19. Thanks Cospefogo, your dilligence with the screens is awesome. Thanks for sharing with us man! HF-
  20. That's great news kenshiro!!!! Thanks for the update and great work man!! Im keeping an eye out on iq's thread as well, hopefully osman/canon dancer and night slashers can be integrated once he gets the code figured out and everything. It's good to hear your updates kenshiro, we don't hear from you very much anymore man! HF-
  21. Have a nice trip Bp, be safe and get back here soon!! HF-
  22. seems like i could be wrong, but isn't there a famicom games that looks like this?? HF-
  23. Can't be good, i have to agree, wouldnt you end up really sick or something. You'd prob be wasting more money than anything else. HF-
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