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Everything posted by XtecuterX73

  1. I'll have to give the double dragons a try on the diff mame cores. I do know that there was slowdown on the original hardware just like Cinder said. I know cospefogo has stated the double dragon issue before, is the slowdown really that bad? Just want to know out of curiosity. HF-
  2. Strider 2 is a great game on pcsxbox fu! good call!! Started on earthbound zero on mednafenx-nes. The nes version is a great game in itself. HF-
  3. hope the megaman 7 pc nes remake makes its way to the box but i dont think source code is available, and mario paint composer would be cool to have. HF-
  4. resident evil 5, great game. HF-
  5. You've done one hell of a job on everything iq, Just wanted to let you know. Hopefully osman/canon dancer and night slashers will make it's way to xbox in the future. HF-
  6. theme park for pcsxbox, though i can't get the in-game music to work!!! HF-
  7. the hills have eyes 2- meeeh ok i guess... HF-
  8. no worries kenshiro, good to see you on here man. Your work is always appreciated dude. Thanks for the update man. HF-
  9. no worries carbon copy. Great work on being able to provide everyone here with precious information. Thanks HF. HF-
  10. little bit of everything from 60's to 90's hendrix, stones, pennywise HF-
  11. Just tried out jurassic park on xbox, the game operation genesis, well not really a old school game but funny nonetheless. Also started on blaster master for nes. HF-
  12. Hey right on, Thanks for taking this on, hellsfury. I just realized that there are 2 hellsfury's here, before I get confused. no problem, LMAO just kidding! HF-
  13. hilarious man i got all the way after takin the pills and still crapped myself, lmao. HF-
  14. I'll have to check that out fu, looks like we're both big fans of shooters. HF-
  15. Everytime i read you you say the same thing XxHellsFuryxX, read all your posts ! LMAO, yea i guess i do, he does deserve a round of thanks, lmao. I get so caught up in work that i guess i forget half the time. I still havent updated past like beta 5 or something. Im gonna have to get this when i can. So, with that being said, Great work and good job bp, can't wait to check this out man!! HF-
  16. man kenshiro needs to get his butt on here, i just talked to him the other day on msn!! HF-
  17. that looks tight man, thanks for letting us know the name, i bet these are hard to find though. HF-
  18. if you play fester's quest for nes you will notice it's almost like blaster master in terms of sounds, it uses some of the same sounds as blaster master does, lmao. I think fester's quest uses the same mapper as blaster master as both games were made by same developer. HF-
  19. yea so far from what i have read it looks like you will have to do some soldering if you would like a classic controller on xbox. I have a ps2 controller adaptor that i use sometimes but ill have to look into the sega saturn controller adapter. HF-
  20. Is there something BETTER than MednafenX-NES out there? I love MednafenX-NES on XBOX and I think it is a perfect emulator... Is there something really better than that? How is that possible? Wow! Cheers, mate! C. lmao, yea cospefogo mednafenx-nes is a great emulator far better than fceultra, but nestopia is pretty much nes perfection man, It is cycle accurate it even has waveform emulation. It is cycle accurate and even includes the boost yellow for pal games and what not. You should check it out. HF-
  21. no worries shadi, yer site is bad ass man and congrats on it. You put alot into it. Thanks for the update. HF-
  22. Just started playing kid dracula special for famicom and the megaman wily wars sram fix on neogenesis, an ips patch is up on romhacking.net which was released recently that fixes the sram so you can beat the 3 megaman remakes, and get the cutscene and start on wily's tower. Apparently there was an issue with sram emulation so it's cool that someone fixed it. HF-
  23. im kinda wondering and interested in that too. Id love to play nes on xbox using a nes controller. I'm gonna dig around and see what i can come up with. HF-
  24. Great work and good job bp, can't wait to check this out man!! HF-
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