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Everything posted by XtecuterX73

  1. crash bandicoot and hot shots golf 2 pcsxbox
  2. thanks for the info tiger, great work. I dont use pc mame but maybe ill give this a try. HF-
  3. yes coinops def made a converter out of me, bp has done some great work as i beleive as far as mame goes on xbox there is none better. i cant beleive i was still using hk build when this great emu was out and running. thanks again bp! HF-
  4. im actually having this issue as well with the other roms having disappeared but i think we have to delete the save file. HF-
  5. cospefogo on the job with those skinning capabilities, makes me jealous!! please share with the comrades most def, coinops made a converter out of me, and bp you did a friggin great job man. i hope you continue to do your great work. HF-
  6. i know how you feel, lol. I couldnt help but laugh at it. But im sure even though she says she doesnt care i bet she does. There were alot of jacked up things said about her on the forum it was orginall posted in. HF-
  7. You still have the main attributes like Luck, Strength etc which affect everything, then a load of skills like Barter, Small Guns, Repair. Levelling these skills involves gathering XP from completing main quests or side quests. Once a new level is achieved then skill points may be added to whatever you like with an additional 'Perk' which you can choose from a master list. Which perks you can choose is determined by certain criteria like how high your Intelligence is, or which level you are currently at. thanks for the info gavin, that sounds awsome, one of the things i hated about oblivion is that the enemies were "always" your level no matter what. for once i would have liked to have fought a mintaur at level 2, lol. To keep this thread back on track though, this game seems like it friggin sweet and the real deal. I have yet to hear anything negative about it. HF-
  8. i had no idea the double dragon was working fine now. ill have to add that and see. I thought double dragon was something that need rollback to mamecore .70? HF-
  9. as soon as i can find the timr i will def check this out, does it have the same kind of level up terms as in oblivion? HF-
  10. half life orange box and silent hill 3
  11. thanks vegeta, now im can give it a try again. I dont know why rapidshare imposes the 10 download limit on files. HF-
  12. thanks kenshiro!! sounds good, you are doing some heavy duty stuff here. when i can find some time to get away from family issues i will have some things to report to you. HF-
  13. anyone want to add me it is riotsquad 018 hf-
  14. sorry for double post, hey vegeta could you re-up this? the 10 download limit has been reached. HF-
  15. anyone have any luck compiling this yet?
  16. thats awesome, im def gonna check that out! Mercs is one of those games that makes me scroll down the memory lane man. HF-
  17. i gave this a good spin today, it made me want to punch hole in the walls. seriously its tough. id recommend this to anyone whos up for a good snes challenge. HF-
  18. ahh yes way of the warrior, lol i forgot about that one, and i also thought wolfenstein and poed were pretty good as well. There are some good games for the 3do, just i think 3dos are getting harder to find, def gonna hold on to mine and id hold on to the one you got as well. HF-
  19. 3do= underrated console in my opinion. i have one as well and still cant get enough of spacehulk and shockwave. HF-
  20. there goes the first baby punch................. halo 3 and this games = instant anger management! HF-
  21. good to see you back kenshiro!! Thanks for sending the update by the way, keep up the good fight!! HF-
  22. good job vegeta, gonna give these a try. HF-
  23. i lol'd. oh man that's good inky. I wonder if she holds belts in the clam wrestling federation. its late i know thats what my problem is. haha HF-
  24. i must say, you have put in some really great work potter, its awesome to see sites like yours. Makes me feel like im not so old after all is pretty much im retro gamer and love to see the classics on shrine like that. Please do keep up the good work even though i am milking you for your xp with plasma grenades. lol j/k but seriously please keep updated!! Im hoping soon you add one for mercs! HF-
  25. i thought that was only halo 3? no two games in the existence of xbox live has pissed me off more than those 2, it even makes me and my girl argue cuz she gets pissed at me and starts yelling. then it becomes baby punching time! HF-
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