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Everything posted by XtecuterX73

  1. wow and she thinks we actually care whether she is straight or not. lol HF-
  2. glad to see you back kenshiro, it was awfully quiet round these parts, by the way check you pm box. HF-
  3. hey fu, yea i got the sf i part fix on coinops, i was just wondering how/when did mk get fixed as stated by the above poster, lol. HF-
  4. as stated she likes to chew bricks and brush her teeth with beartraps!!
  5. thanks for the heads up agozer, one of the reasons i am asking is because i use pcsxbox and it does that on there, i have yet to try it out on my pc, i was just trying to gather info ahead of time and see if anyone has tried this game, thanks for the info either way. HF-
  6. Did someone get mortal kombat working perfectly too?? Did i miss something?? HF-
  7. anyone tried running tony hawk's pro skater on this emu? SKipping really hard and disabling sound cpu makes run a little better but crap, if anyone has had any success please let me know. HF-
  8. that would be teh awesomeness!! if anyone can do it iq can fo sho! XF-
  9. hey iq you gonna take me up on that offer for my sister? HF-
  10. kenshiroooooooo where are you? i still need the new beta i could never get it cuz of that dumb 10 download limit!! HF-
  11. seems like everything is on the friggin internet these days, I can wait but i havent been keeping up with the nxe so it seems that we will have to update this anyways, correct?
  12. acme all stars for neogenesis and some bump n jump, buggy popper for mednafenx-nes
  13. no problem kemshiro, thanks for doing that hf-
  14. looking forward to it bp as always. Coinops rocks! HF-
  15. will i need the 128 xbox upgrade to play this or will it run off regular xbox? HF_
  16. lol.........interesting screenshots.
  17. hey fu, i don't think this has anything to do with bp's standalone release, this is for the future, after the standalone release, i spoke with him briefly about starting a thread for fixing/adding drivers, getting help to do so, and laying the groundwork for game candidates. This is mainly new driver help and game topic. that way its not so confusing with the other coinops threads. HF- quick edit -spreadsheet has moved to the spreadsheet located on coinops gold first page. When bp is ready to start please direct games and drivers there.
  18. hentai? interesting..............
  19. hey kenshiro i went to get the build but what's up with the only 10 download limit? I can't acess it. Did the download limits change or something?
  20. double post ******
  21. This thread is for bp's work on adding/fixing new drivers for coinops. I spoke with him directly before making this thread so he knows i am making it. Any coders that would like to help please list your input here. Any input is much appreciated. Anyone that is interested in helping please let him know. He's layed the groundwork now let's get to the games that aren't emulated yet! I have started to compile a small list of games that might be able to make into the next round of driver fix/add into coinops or whatever project bp sees fit. so far i have gathered info for these games 1) osman/canon dancer-is emulated in mame.084 but hangs on a black screen 2) sega fd games (no one has a working build yet (on xbox at least) though kenshiro could be close 3) viper pahse 1 (seibu driver) raiden, raiden fighters, raiden fighters jet run off this same driver 4) possible fix for namco classics collection vol. 2 5) vs games (sound somewhat sluggish, vs super mario bros) though i need to check driver status on maws 6) 9 ball shootout (fixed in a later version of mame) 7) further work on midway games fix with sound games that have good driver status and with sound meaning games that did not have sound on mame last xbox release but do now, need to make spreadsheet of possible candidates 9) twin cobra II -great shooter added right after the last mame update for xbox, kyuutiger 2 runs on mamexbox (has some issues) 10) segasonic the hedgehog-not the sonic games but the actual arcade games, does run in bendermame but bug in level 2 makes it freeze and crash, was fixed in a later version of mame This is just some of the potential candidates. Bp needs your help in getting driver's added/fixed. So anyone with any info now is the time to speak up. I myself i am trying to learn what i can as far as that goes. I have very small coding experience. Again, any help or input from anyone would be greatly appreciated. I will try to get up a spreadsheet shortly for possible drivers that can be added or fixed. Let's help do this thing! HF_ edit** spreadsheet will be up shortly-
  22. yea i have a love/hate relationship with these games. By the way, why are you dead, who killed you on the forum attack system, lol? I actually have quite a bit of super mario world hacks, one being where it is called rock mariox, where you are in megaman x levels complete with redone level music, it's tight man if you havent checked it out. HF-
  23. thats hilarious fu, i would have gotten pissed a long time ago with that one, it reminds me alot of super mario forever for nes. That hack made me want to break something! HF-
  24. ok sounds good bp, i guess i should have checked maws first to see driver status and when games where made playable. I will wait until you start asking about adding drivers and games and then i will list you some games you might want to try adding. There are alot of good mame games that will run on xbox coinops or whatnot when you start adding/fixing drivers. I can make you a list sometime if you like to take a look. Im still testing the frontend for bugs but other people prob would have found something by now but you never know, im still testing exiting games, the hi score saving function and other things that might make a bug rear it's ugly head. Illl have some more info here this afternoon. Can't wait to start adding new games, as fumanchu stated viper phase 1 would be a great addition, as well as the 9 ball shoout, twin cobra II, rail chase, well rail chase is in kenshiro's fba build but not keymapped yet as well as galaxy force II, i think the sega fd games have a bug. As always great work and thanks for giving me opportunity to test, I will help keep up the good fight!! HF-
  25. lol about the handler, im not sure bp, the error message is cpu uses wrong handler, uses 16 bit should be 8, i guess i should tell the little man inside my box to handle it right, lol I should have used the file for gauntlet 2, i will go back and run through it and see if i using the right rom. thanks again and ill have more info for you shortly, HF- edit** hey bp added 3 games to the need to be added datasheet.
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