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Everything posted by XtecuterX73

  1. is this the pow that is already in mame or am in thinking something else? pow is a great game by the way! looking forward to hearing more updates from you kenshiro! HF- It's the game you're thinking of. And yeah, it's one of my favorite NES games of all time. All of the games on the hardware are up and working at this point, just the analog spinner for Ikari III and Search and Rescue needs to be added. any word on a 60fps bonk's adventure? lol By the way i sent you a pm iq, at least im hoping i sent it to the right person. HF-
  2. is this the pow that is already in mame or am in thinking something else? pow is a great game by the way! looking forward to hearing more updates from you kenshiro! HF-
  3. legacy of the wizard, super baseball 2020 genesis!! ecco the dolphin!! HF-
  4. no problemo kenshiro!! take your time, im the meantime we have this thread to insult and attack each other! lol just kidding by the way! HF-
  5. thanks for the info! that looks friggin sweet!!
  6. I added Explosive Breaker at the same time of Bonk's adventure Hey Kenshiro, any luck with bonk running at 60fps? i hope so, i love bonk on arcade and that big ass head!! HF-
  7. ...with a SINGLE pointed finger. Hokuto-no-ken, one of my favorite animes of all time! Nice pick, - Kenshirou - . Cospefogo. i dont know about you guys, but eswat is a pretty damn fun game on fbaxxx. Same goes for rail chase i know i know we cant play it yet, but at least watch it! Can't think you enough kenshiro for being so awesome!! HF-
  8. how bout a round of final fight sega cd, pretty good conversion!! The sega is def one of my fav systems of all time, i was always way more into sega back in the day even though it was the weaker sister of super nes. HF-
  9. thanks for the link and info fumanchu! Nothing like old school emulation on an old school console! HF-
  10. i just tried that out fumanchu, great game!!! lol i was actually playing hook for genesis today, guilty pleasure HF-
  11. i see that this has quickky turned into an attack thread! and i see cospefogo is attacking me! Back on the subject at hand, please do tell us iq what you meant by you and kenshiro making it up! ;P HF- edit: ive never seen so many smilies in one post bonusjz!! LOL edit# 2- haha lol i got back at you cospefogo!
  12. hahaha iq i just tried to get you with an ak and died immediately!!! that was funny!! i knew i would but i just had to! HF-
  13. Ok Thanks . I think you're the first i'm going to kill lol tonight at 7: Its the upstart new coder Krazy Kenshiro vs the brains and unlimited amount of hp of insane IQ!! Who will live and who will die?? OHH the suspense! sorry i found it to be funny! HF-
  14. kenshiro why do you have a rip under your name? HF-
  15. started playing a game called assault retrubution for ps1, kicks ass!!! you guys should try this game out sometime! HF-
  16. yea the author of this hack is pretty good. He has got some good skills at hacking music as well. And yea there are quite a few frogs! lol HF-
  17. soldiers of fortune for genesis!! great game! also some modded vice city on my xbox HF-
  18. well i wont spoil anything but everything has pretty much been changed, music, levels, graphics, i have a bunch of really great hacks but this one stands out amongst the others. Be sure to try out bubbleman's stage first and check that catchy music! HF- i apologize if i put this in the wrong place mods.
  19. For all the rockman/megaman diehards like myself, i present to you one of the hardest to find rockman hacks EVER! this is not even in good-nes. i present to you guys and gals ROCKMAN2dx. a really great rockman 2 romhack. One of the best romhacks i have ever played. you will have to find an ips patcher to patch your rockman 2 rom. Here is a link to the ips file: http://www.4shared.com/file/44128597/1cbae...ockmanIIDX.html give it a try and let me know what you guys think. This has been tested and verified in mednafenx-nes. I know you wont be disappointed. I currently have about 45+ rockman/megaman hacks but this one by far was one of the hardest to find is def a top 5 rockman hack. i posted a link to this on xbox scene a while back and wanted to share this with you guys here as well. hope to hear some feedback soon! give it run through without savestates, youll appreciate it much more! enjoy!! HF-
  20. When did sreetfighter become emulated on xbox? it dosent even play on mameox128plus without the 128mb ram upgrade. yes iq do tell. We would like to get in on this goodnes. I have capcom classics 2 but i want to play as it was meant to be played with virtual quarters baby! HF-
  21. nice looking skins sir!! looks like you got alot to read kenshiro! This thread has really picked up as of late as well! This is turning out to be one highly anticipated release it seems!! Kenshiro has really come in and got things moving!! HF-
  22. was one of those thanks to me? yea i love doing what i can for the scene. i am known at xbox-scene as xtecuterx73 and co-released the last mednafenx-nes update. Be on the lookout for more for neogenesis and mednafenx-nes. as of now i been getting into jersey devil for psx! its an underrated game!
  23. yea i was thinking that maybe they were. I hope +T+ takes a look at this thread sometime. Im still crossing my fingers that bonk's adventure can run a full 60fps on fba-xxx. if anyone knows a thing about awesome fba coding, it's T. HF-
  24. yea super mario brothers 3 had its moments. I beat it a couple times back in the day. One game i have never been able to beat without savestates is castlevania 3 on nes as well. Its friggin tough and another i always had trouble with is ninja gaiden 1 for nes. HF-
  25. hey fumanchu, i think some of those games have already been added to mame128 for xbox. double axl sounds really familiar. i could be wrong. hey kenshiro how are things going with the psiko shooters? HF-
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