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Everything posted by XtecuterX73

  1. well damn that sux wonder why it was cut out? either way its all good but record would have been cool as hell!
  2. im losing hope that this skin will see the light of day but it looks brilliant. has anyone know about recording movies with this emu? i see there is playback but how the hell do you record? (if at all possible)
  3. yea sorry bout that bro. use 1.4 core for correct textures. as far as avg fps go its about 23-30 with normal settings. the same for thps 2 which also uses 1.4 core. sorry bout that dude. and thanks for testing this out for me!
  4. how did thps1 do? or the second one on psx? great job by the way on doing this for the community bro!
  5. those videos are what make that skin so damn awesome! hopefully he will share with us thats some bad ass work! thanks for letting everyone know bout this! HF-
  6. this dpad hero is pretty friggin difficult. at least compared to the last one. thanks fu!
  7. hey frank have you had a chance to get anything done on this awesome skin you posted about? looks good man!
  8. would you mind trying tony hawks 1 and 2 for psx? also maybe could you try out darius gaiden on level 2 the slowdown is terrible. always been wondering about those 3 games on pscxbox.
  9. the more i hear about this the more i think im gonna invest in one!
  10. rx, what the heck is goin on man?
  11. heres hope for a fix for the filter bug on this. it would look awesome with simple2x filtering. i think madmab over at x-scene is gonna do this. don't qoute me on that though.
  12. nice skin dude! do you think it would be easy to make a skin for nestopia?
  13. no worries bp, thats my way of thanking you for your work. HF-
  14. anyone ever figure out the movie thing?
  15. this kind of hidden teaser gives me a lot more hope than any announcement for a 360 FBA emu. same here, theres so much more the xbox can do even with its limited power.
  16. isnt that game like kinda small like 2mb? wouldnt seem like it would go out of memory..
  17. nice its only a matter of time before the 360scene explodes full blast....
  18. well the emu looks to be in place just the list of games that you can play is not complete. looks like only the more popular roms were chosen to be in and the others were just left out. cant see any reason why the other md roms wouldnt be able to run just added back into to the emu and recompiled. HF-
  19. ok got another question for you guys. i added the hazemd sega romset and howcome not all the sega games were added in? i want to play games like rbi 93, and blockbuster championship, why werent all the hazemd games added in? and is there a way to add them in? edit: looks like there is no way to do it i guess.
  20. anyone know how to record movies in this? i see options for play movie and stop movie, also nes i had a question for you how easy would it be to make an option in the gui for eject fds disk?
  21. lmao thats what i was thinking.
  22. nice to see this game reach the light of day. i didnt think that they would ever find the proto for it.
  23. maybe kenshiro has something up his sleeve eh?
  24. Is fba that much more accurate or play more games others don't besides galaxy force, rail chase and the others? Yeah, FBL is more accurate and believe me, i know what i'm talking about. As Neil said , if you wanna have a play with CPS1 - CPS2 - Neogeo - Cave - Psikyo i think it is the best choice. It is actually the only Xbox arcade build who uses the most recent dumps. Who knows, maybe someone will update it soon... Kiss, if you update i will send some little people
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