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Everything posted by ni8shadow

  1. thanx webcarrot...that worked like a charm!!!
  2. i have kof 2002, 2001(not working properly on neorage), 98 and 97...ONLY 2002 shows up on my kawaks 1.46...i also got the kawaks loader 1.46 from neoarcaid..BUT the only game that reads and plays on kawaks is 2002!!! and the rom files are.ROM!!! odd indeed...i tried renaming files to.bin but i get an error message. anyone know sites where there are guranteed kawaks compatible kof games?
  3. i have neoragex 08bxp and i got kof 2001 from snkx.com and i noticed the menu screen is all odd...the option screen is totally blank..and one fight stage was pitch black!!! is this supposed to happen since 2001 has like 3d stuff or something?
  4. i get the same error.
  5. Link not allowed - Diso got kof 98 from here and kawaks gives me a coundt find 242-p1.bin thing. the romset i downloded incomplete?
  6. couldnt find 232-p1.bin(7db81ad9) for game error. i also downloaded kof 98 from the above site and kawaks could not recognize it. they are all.bin...i used it on the loader thing from neoarcadia and regular kawaks.
  7. ok, there KOF97_C1.ROM..this goes up to...C6.Rom..then KOF97_M1.ROM..then P1.ROM...P2.ROM...S1.ROM...V1.ROM...V2.ROM and finally V3.ROM thanks for the aid
  8. like HOW? where? rename all the rom files to what? same name? new to all this stuff...im used to old school emus for snes and stuff.
  9. how do you rename them? thanks for the advice too.
  10. I went to http://www.snkx.com/roms/index2.php and got kof 97 and 2002...i got the new kawaks loader from http://www.-Jorge Galvan's Site-.com/...but only kof 2002 showed up on the loader....both kof 2002 and 07 work on my neoragex 08bxp...but only 2002 shows up on kawaks 1.46....how do i make them work? i keep reading about DATS...and also that some roms wont work for ALL emulatrs etc....how do i know what is wrong? thanks
  11. i want to know why my kawaks wont recognize my kof 97 rom...it works with neorage08bxp....i searched and i keep hearing about DATS...and some people say some roms work for some emulators while others wont. how will i know what the exact problem is? i got kof 97 from Link not allowed - Diso and if this site is neorage only, where can i find the kof series for kawaks 1.46? thanks
  12. I play kof 2002 on neorage 08bxp and at full screenthe characters look pixelated...i used the interpolation but they still have pixels...the edge smoother makes them look odd...there anyway to make neorage run at a different screen size other than full? thanks
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