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  1. Ditto, thanks for the continued development - and link anyone please?
  2. Sorry I thought this was post about mame and not about the Scene in general. I do like to condone anyone's efforts to keep mame going across multiple platforms and xbox obvioulsy, and I don't care how big/small a contribution might be it should be commended in my view. So like I said earlier I commend the intentions of this post to propose more mame goodness - be it from anyone, they get my respect. That's all.
  3. What do I care who works on the stuff so long as someone does? You seem to be taking the position that these devs are irreplaceable? I believe there'll always be people prepared to code stuff for the greater good, ie plebs like me and isn't this what this thread is purporting to be about? So yeah I don't understand the hostility/fear surrounding BP and CoinOps. I am well aware of the earlier mame for xbox ports I used them for years.
  4. answered myself? - what was my question? By my own admission I am just a lowly end user of other peoples fine work, I profit from it and I am thankful for whatever it is that gets their work into my hands I don't care much for protocol - I care about this end result. I don't know what other developers want to hear and I'm sorry if I've hurt (their) feelings, it was not my intention, I just wanted to put a voice to what I believe is probably a silent majority of end users enjoying a product that many have contributed to. Perhaps I shouldn't have said anything - as to this outside reader/observer there are clearly greater ego's than mine at stake here : ) Anyway I wholeheartedly would like to see more mame stuff being done, on xbox, pc, maybe 360 one day and I'll get one of those so to this end I commend the intention of this post.
  5. as a longtime end user of mame and someone who got an xbox for sole reason to play mame emulators, I'm grateful for all the work people have done to make coinops possible, personally it's been my preferred emulator for ages now. Its sad to read all the politics and wank surrounding the dev scene for xbox now, seems some people really lost sight of the fact this is just gaming, it's supposed to be about having fun. I don't care who credits who for what, just keep the games coming please.... Happy new year
  6. sounds cool - will next version include video previews for all 1100+ games? if not is there a source to get more somewhere or a howto on creating our own? thank you
  7. do you have a folder called dashboard? Unleashx uses a "default.xbe" I think and in my softmodded boxes is in a dashboard folder -the simplest way to get xbmc to boot is just install all the xbmc contents into the dashboard folder so that the xbmz "default.xbe" overwrites the old unleashx one... - hope this makes sense.
  8. much respect Kiwi BP - coinOPS and xbmc are all my xbox's need. I nearly brought a house near Ellerslie too : ) Apologies to all those foreigners reading this thread and seeing it's sidetracking a bit I'll take this offline perhaps....
  9. heh - true, yeah I'm on the Shore - I had thought you might be close given the timing of your posts.
  10. Hi BP Thank you for all the work you are putting into CoinOPS - I'm really looking forward to this upcoming and all future builds (no pressure).
  11. ... hopefully u have the link now - have fun.
  12. It's a direct link. PM hellsfury for info. - hi all, I love the work that's gone into this. Almost sole reason I brought an xbox years ago was to run mame on it... I've got the first coinops version going and love it - and would like to run the patch and keep it updated. I hope I'm not asking out of turn, but how are these updates accessed? A torrent or somesuch would be great. I ventured onto xbox-sky and was put off by the closed registrations etc. Thanks
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