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Everything posted by AntiWinner22

  1. I found that Maddox's arguement for "Braveheart" not being good is one of the worst. Ever. "Uhh... It sucked because Mel Gibson was fat! Oh, and I don't like cinematography! " - Maddox I found that simply retarded. The rest of the things were accurate. Anon.
  2. I baught a lot of 20 straight ties, 30+ clip-on ties, and about 20 bow ties because then I can where a tie everyday, no matter what the shirt! Well, how about you guys? Anon.
  3. Wait. I just realized something. WHO IN THE HELL NEEDS 1GB!!?? I mean, really. 1 GB is just insane. I can barely fill 20MB, much less 50 times that amount. But I will get a Gmail account. Why? I love Google. Anon.
  4. When EXACTLY is GMail going to come out, again? I can't remember. Anon.
  5. I have found a full pack a cigarettes and a full can of beer! Then Mr. T told me not to drink it and New Edition started singing "Peer Pressure" on the Pier... (that was a direct refrence to "Mr. T's Be Somebody... Of Be Somebody's Fool") Anon.
  6. Squee! is one of the funniest comics. I love Jhonen Vasquez. I also like Batman. I can't remember in what era it was (era=writer), but I loved the one where he goes insane. That is what finally clicked in me that Batman is the greatest; he is human, just like us. Love it Anon.
  7. Biohazard that $hit!!! Anon.
  8. Hmm... This guy has a point... Sorry, but I had to bring this back up as it got lost amongst all the "SP" and handheld junk. Anon.
  9. The problem with Nintendo, well, at least the one I see, is that it has failed to create new innovations. They take their standard franchises of Mario, Zelda, Metroid, Donkey Kong, Pokemon, and others and milk them for all they are worth and then some. That is key to their failure. Nintendo is really only interested in keeping those already addicted to their franchises in their hands; they fail to realize that there are new gamers out there with new tastes and new ideas. People want the DVD playback, the CD playback, the 5.1's and your DTS. Nintendo doesn't care. Anon.
  10. This is TOO similar to a Shenmue game... Shenmue III, perhaps? Sounds like it. And I am loving it! Anon.
  11. "Yeah, I have Saddam's gun! Cool, huh? Wait. You think that I held a grudge against Saddamn, and that is why I keep the gun, as a token of the revenge I inflicted upon him, like he kind of did to my dad? What gives you that idea?" - W. Bush Anon.
  12. If you talk innovative, you HAVE to talk SEGA. List: Blood Will Tell Jet Set Radio Panzer Dragoon Shenmue GunGrave Space Harrier Streets of Rage Just some of the innovative titles. Anon.
  13. There, it is ressurected. Enjoy. Anon.
  14. It is Ryo-San, not Ryo Son. Anon.
  15. I made this topic a while back. I'll ressurect it, if you all would like. People, please use the search feature. Anon.
  16. Exactly, flocking consoles. I wonder if this list was just for consoles or overall video games? I can think of several PC games that are better than Soul Calibur and Radiant Silvergun (which is very good nonetheless.) I agree with Ocarina and SMB 3 being on that list and to a certain extent Goldeneye. These scores are mostly based on scores given to the games by the users of GameStats. If you have a collection, you have the option of giving the games you have scores. That is where the "Highest Rated Games" is generated from. Anon.
  17. Seriously, why do you guys hate IGN? I think it has the most competent reviewers in the VG industry, and their reviews are true almost 100% of the time. They have given scores that I myself would give and I am sure most would too. If you don't like picky reviewers, which we all are, picky consumers, then look elsewhere. Anon.
  18. I don't think that by just saying the phrase is bad. The raping of the phrase, through awful impersination and not even TRYING to get the timing and voice right, is what kills the phrase. I myself only sometimes use "I'm Rick James..." and when ever I do, I try my hardest to emulate (yea, clever pun insertion) the way it was said. People who do the phrase don't even try. Anon.
  19. Doesn't matter what the hell they did. The site still sucks ass. Yes, I KNOW. IGN is SOOOO not good at reviewing, because it isn't biased and the reviewers are competent. That is SUCH suckage, huh? Anyway, I am glad, as a SEGA fan, that this is going down. SEGA having enough money to make even MORE innovative games? Sign me up, doc. I just hope that SEGA retains its name, and doesn't become SEGMMY. Now THAT would suck. Anon.
  20. Anything by Hideki Naganuma (composer of JSRF). THAT is THE best soundtrack. EVER. Anon.
  21. Growing up... Getting even closer to death... Anyway, congrats on making it this far. Hopefully, the rest of your life won't suck (hey, i am a pessimist, wa did you expect? ) Anon.
  22. Get an iRiver. MUCH better, IMO, than an iPod. I have tried both, and the P2P Wise Man picks the iRiver. It costs a hefty penny, about $400 for 40GB, but if you have it, it is WELL worth it. Anon.
  23. why not? are they perfect? an army is made up of individuls, and a good pecentage of the people the military attracts are the testosterone fueled bullies, who would do such things. if the austrailian army is free of opertunistic bullies. good for you guys! but I don't buy it. and the USA isn't trying to raise an empire. if that were the case it would make much more sense to take bordering countries and grow outwards a US state halfway across the world in a god forsaken desert doesn't make sense. and would never be safe. Is the US trying to secure it's influance in the middle east? Of course it is. edit in: i've got a plane to catch, i'll talk to you guys when i get to AZ. hopefully by then all this political stuff is out of your systems @ random: no hard feelings mate. just lively debate. The empire thing reminded me of a story (this is an analogy, by the way): There were two ships out as sea; one was a pirate ship, the other a Roman ship. The Roman ship encounters the pirate ship taking a couple of boats of their treasures. The Romans immidiately try to stop the pirate ship. The pirate ship then tells the Roman ship, "When we steal, its called a crime. When you steal its called 'advancing the Empire.' Is it beause the size of our ship that we cannot 'advance?' Anon.
  24. Amores Perros. This movie won COUNTLESS awards. I love it. Anon.
  25. I use two clients. ABC and Azureus....both of the have problems. The advantage of ABC is that it doesn't use a lot of resources when downloading, it makes 0kb files before downloading, but it still downloads batch torrents all at once. Azureus is good too, but the 2 problems that it has that I hate with all extreme prejudice is, 1)it doesn't make 0kb files for torrents that I haven't even downloaded yet!! for ex. let's say I download a batch torrent where there's 5 files and each file is 200mb's...what abc would do is just keep em all at 0kb/s until a fraction of them has been downloaded...what Azureus does is have it take up as much disk space as it would take up before even downloading! , and the one I hate the most, 2)it uses way too many flocken resources True on both things. The one about taking the HD space before it is done downloading, I feel, is good. I would rather know ahead of time what my HD space will be when it is finished, rather than be like, "OH $HIT!!! I only have 2KB left!!!" As for resources, it IS a hog. I use a 63MB comp, and it slows it down so I can only use that program and my Firewall. But, you get speed. LOTS and lots of speed in return. Anon.
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