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Everything posted by AntiWinner22

  1. Hahahahaha... Sorry, Its just that I find it funny that you call SPIKEOUT your favorite 3D Beat-Em-Up, when it isn't even CLOSE to being released. Anon. It seems Sega'll release SpikeOut on X-Box (SpikeOut Battle Street) : http://the-magicbox.com/0405/game050604g.shtml Yea, I know. That is why it seemed odd that you were saying that SPIKEOUT was your fave Beat-Em-Up, as I have never heard of the arcade game. Anon.
  2. Hahahahaha... Sorry, Its just that I find it funny that you call SPIKEOUT your favorite 3D Beat-Em-Up, when it isn't even CLOSE to being released. Anon.
  3. There is a new SEGA brawler that is going to be released called SPIKEOUT. It might be the resurrecter of Brawlers; it is going to be Live, have LOTS of downloadable content, and looks pretty good. Hopefully, its a SoR4, just without the name. Anon. NOTE: Riot.EXE, please don't post any more "Hot Questions." Just label the topic what you are going to ask, rather than just say "Hot Question." Eventually, we might be up to "HQ 23."
  4. Because the comparison is often made between Seinfeld and Friends, when they aren't even in the same sport. Friends, to me, seems like any other sitcom. The thing that seperates is, basically, the ratings. If it weren't for that, it would be like any other sitcom. Anon.
  5. Not to start a flame war, but I don't see what all the hoop-la is about. I have seen several episodes, and it never peaked my interest. IMO, Seinfeld is a MUCH better sitcom. Titus was better than this, too (why did they cancel it? ) Anon.
  6. Skanking to Obie Trice (feat. Nate Dogg) - Cheers - 06 - The Set Up One of the greatest lyricest of today. TODAY, being the key word (Can't beat B.I.G. or KRS One) Anon.
  7. Yeah...I said that on the first page but I guess he didn't see it. And that previous thread had many more choices and was just better. This selection sucks, I mean Sega isn't even up there. Hmm.... This guy has a point. Anon.
  8. heheh I know don't get me started on punk and what is and isn't punk. I get all old-man preachy heheh I feel the same about central cali. and I don't much like Nor-cal busters either. SF is cool but the rest is just ack! "The current Punk stereotype is scarred by mass-marketing and an unfortunate emphasis on style over substance." - Dr. Greg Graffin, Singer for Bad Religion Punk Manifesto ^That right there is the best essay on what Punk is ever. It comes a vet of punk, as well. Read up, Garage. Its DAMN good. Anon.
  9. -People who can't take jokes -People that think that they will someday rule the world and decry everything associated with kindness -Punks who wear all that jacket-pin $hit (Think about it. Is it really being Punk when you buy lots of pins and patches and dedicate more than a couple of hours to your wardrobe and hair?) -People who make fun of other people WHEN THEY HAVE faults of their own -MotherFuc|<ers who state an opinion, and never get around to the PROVING/VERIFYING part. Go to GameFAQs. You'll see what I am talking about. -People who listen to only 1 type of music. They can't accept any other type of music, and bash anyone who listens to something other than their own (this is RAMPANT amongst Country listeners) -Rich people who are pompous and idiots (they expect to cruise their life away with the aid of the almighty $ from their parents) -Idiots -Racist people -Gangsta/Paisa Chicks (they always talk in SPANISH and cuss in spanish. It pisses me off, because if you are going to cuss, might as well say it to their face in their native language. Oh, and I do understand what they say) -People who like Bush -People who are harcore Christians -The Central Coast of California, basically -Anti-Geek people -People who aren't fat solely because of the fact that they have a high metabolism -and... Winners... Anon.
  10. Damn it!!! You stole my line, N3o!!! Well, I don't do any HW at home. I just chill. Thank Lady Luck that I got an SAT of 1400. If it weren't for that, I wouldn't go to college!!! Anon.
  11. It depends who I am playing. If I know I can wipe the floor with the person, then its for fun. But if its against one of my friends that spews out sooooo much $hit out of his mouth that it seems like he is the N.Y. Sewer System right before a match, then its for competition. Anon.
  12. Well... *gives you time to look at my avatar* Project Justice is the perfect marriage of both. DAMN, do I love that game!!! Well, IMO, 2D is best for the fast, in your face, boo-ya!!!-type gameplay. 3D is for the serious, i came here to break your neck like a chicken, type gamers, who are in it for the competition. VF4 is a perfect example. Anon.
  13. XBOX has only been losing money in Japan. When XBOX 2, the will SURELY be heads in Japan looking at it, but it is also a sure thing that it will sell well in the U.S. As for SEGA and Nintendo... It would be a GREAT PS3 killer in Japan. I know both companies are beloved in Japan, and if both back up themselves fully, then PS3 is in for a world of hurting. As for the Trifecta of SNK Playmore/SEGA/Sammy... It would be very difficult for me to see a DreamNeoGeo... Anon. PS. When in the HELL did Cinder take 6-7 years in college to become an English Teacher, only to remind those of us of our grammar?
  14. WHO IS THE PU$$Y WHO SAID YES!!!??? Anon.
  15. Yo, Axl, use the search feature. There was a topic just like this one: Best Fighting Company Anon.
  16. Just watch the episode of South Park where they arrest the boys for file sharing... You'll see... Oh, and looking at the trend here at 1emu for "File Sharing" discussions, I suggest going to Zeropaid.com or Slyck.com if you want more info. Those are bookmarked, of course, on my comp. P2P Wise Man is always in the know. Anon.
  17. I ain't scared of the RIAA... I don't share anything of importance to them (i only share roms and stuff). The scary thing I find in this letter is that they caught the user from using BitTorrent... then again, this user might also be not firewalled Anon.
  18. I own both Ninja Gaiden and DMC 1 and 2... I like Gaiden better than DMC, yes, but DMC is equally as entertaining as Gaiden and GunGrave, IMO. Anon.
  19. Theres a series? I only have one game. Great though. GunGrave O.D. (OverDose) came out in Japan in March. Oh, and there is an anime series out too. Anon.
  20. Dude, why are you guys raggin on DMC2 so much? I enjoyed the first one, and I enjoyed the second one. Sure, the system changed drastically from 1 -> 2, but, even then, it was still fun. I know we all loved the aerial $hit you could do. At least, I did. It may be just me. I also enjoy the GunGrave series, when most would shun it. Anon.
  21. Dude, tell me he is NOT wearing a tube-top... Anon.
  22. I remember in one of the Mario Party games for the N64, you had to get a certain time, and to get the high score to get a certain item, you needed to rotate the analog stick A WHOLE MOTHER FUC|<ING LOT. I got 3 blisters from trying to get the item. One on my palm, one on my index finger, and another on middle finger. And I still didn't get $hit. I then commenced to urinate on the game. Anon.
  23. Hmm... I like the depth of True Crimes... Its SO much more than Shenmue... those 5 hours REALLY were HUGE compared to 50 hours of Shenmue, huh? Oh yeah, remember when you learned your fighting skills in TC, that was cool, huh? Remember in Mafia, where the story was so ripe and good? Anon.
  24. NOD32. Small. Effective. It gets the bugs out. Good Deal. Anon.
  25. As the intial man who braught forth the WTF aspect of Super Mario RPG winning to Street Fighter II, I would like for all of us to collect ourselves to fight the true enemy... SUPER MARIO RPG WON STREET FIGHTER 2 If no one sees the large-scale humor in this statement, then you are all just blind. SMRPG is NOTHING compared to SF2. Now, you may return to your regularly schedualed war... Anon.
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