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Everything posted by AntiWinner22

  1. I will love SEGA and gaming until my end of days... Or until I get a harcore case of Carpo... Anon.
  2. ... I just sexually climaxed.... ... FUC|< YES!!!!! SHENMUE III!!!!! DC 2!!?? I am crying right now... Joy... Anon.
  3. Stealing my thunder, aye, Force? Anon.
  4. Konami, CAPCOM, and SEGA booths look DEAD sexy this year (as always). Man, is it weird that I become sexually aroused by these three companies? Anon.
  5. You are a good man W@cko... A good man... Anon.
  6. NeoMaster likes his games with all the bells and whistles. K' Dash likes em fun (no need for bells & whistles). I like it because its fun. So, anybody want to play me at Project Justice? Wait, I can't ask that. The game isn't fun because it doesn't have a refined fighting system compared to CvsSNK2. Anon.
  7. why do they need to know about hardcore gaming? all they need to do is haved played both ga,mes and decide with they like most. end of story. The likely probability that they haven't played neither or one of them and chose that one is very high (I know because, I must admit, I have done it myself.) And K', you say that 2/3 of GFAQs are good katz? Well, then FF wouldn't win so much if 66% of the people are rational, actual, gamers and not Fanboys who thrive on only saying, "FF RULES!!! Everything else SUCKS!!!" Take a look at other polls containing FF or something affiliated with it. I am sure that FF comes out strong in the end (at least if its on the PS2, where the fanboys also dwell.) Anon.
  8. Trust me: there has been worse.... SF2 LOST TO SMRPG!!! That is the moment I decided that the masses at GameFAQs don't know jack about hardcore gaming. They are just FF fanatics that love Mario and the fam. "I tell ya, I get no respect!" over there. SEGA fans cry everytime a poll happens. NiGHTS lost. Anon.
  9. I just want to say one thing to those already getting protein stains in their pants... Graphics are only a portion of the game. If the gameplay delivers (which I think SNK has the capability to do, but I don't know if they are not going to), THEN we can start the salivation. Right now I am reserving my judgement. Remember SFEX, and tell me it isn't a similar situation. Anon.
  10. O.K. Here is a better picture of my avatar so you can compare the original to the AW version: AW Version Original Version I say mine is best... Anon. NOTE: Soon, SOON, you shall all know me as Roberto!!!
  11. Man, it took some SWEET time to change my avatar from what it originally was: Orig Rob Random, we should spark the revolution!!! Anon.
  12. Just bringing this back up because of my new Avatar. Now, will you think of me as a Bad ASS soccer player? Yes. Anon.
  13. Shenmue III BETTER come out or I know someone who will be pissed; ME!!! Anon. NOTE: My new AVATAR KICKS ASS!!!
  14. STREETS OF RAGE 4. Conversation Over. Anon.
  15. Good ol SNK-Grish... Anon.
  16. STOP THE PRESSES!!! P2P Wise Man is here!!! I use Overnet Lite for the hard-2-find stuff, Azureus (a BitTorrent Client) for the popular stuff so its DAMN speedy, and KaZaA Lite Tools K++ for mixes where I need only one song. Trust me; once you have all those, you will NEVER need to ask for stuff again. Anon.
  17. I'm done. no one is listening and I am sleepy... Anon.
  18. Server Status: Server is currently up and private. Stream Status: Stream is up at 48 kbps with 0 of 15 listeners (0 unique) Listener Peak: 9 Average Listen Time: 1m 26s Stream Title: The Loser's Square Current Song: Santa Esmeralda - Kill Bill O.S.T. - 10 - Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood LISTEN IN!!! Anon.
  19. I just woke up. I won't actually say stuff for a while, but If you want to listen to some jams, its on. IM me for requests. Anon.
  20. I'll be back at about 4 AM Pacific to DJ some more. Listen in if you are awake, for THE LOSER'S SQUARE!!! Anon.
  21. I'll be up DJing for a while, till sleep comes and knocks me the Fu<K out. SO LISTEN!!! It's lonely with only GameCop and Cominus listening. I take requests.... Anon.
  22. I am DJin. My list is in my sig. I take requests AIM: AntiWinner22. Anon.
  23. In about 30 min, I shall take control of the airwaves!!! Get away from K' Dash's insanity... I shall post my music list soon. I am ripping a couple of CDs. Just wait... Anon.
  24. GameCop... Next time, talk into the mic very clearly and in a feminine voice, because if you don't, a gun is going into my mouth and I shall say goodbye to the Earth. *Hears GameCop promo*... COME SWEET DEATH!!! Anon.
  25. People... THE SERVER ISN'T GOING TO GET IN TROUBLE!!! It's the people who have the content on the HD (Me, K' Dash, and N3o). GameCop, the WORST they could do is give you a "Cease and Desist" letter. THAT'S IT!!! If they go after any of us, me and N3o could just say that it all comes from K' Dashes comp.; and they can't do $hit even then, cus K' lives in Canada!!! So, don't fret GameCop. 1emuStation is safe. Anon.
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