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Everything posted by AntiWinner22

  1. 5 99¢ Chicken Sandwiches from Jack In The Box, A mint copy of "Mr. T's Be Somebody... Or Be Somebody's Fool," A 2nd-hand Vest worn by a Doug Statem, $2 pesos found on the ground in Mexico, a mini-zombrero, and 2 Dreamcast games: Vigilante 8 and Cool Cool Toon (back-up) It's over. That house is MINE!!! Anon.
  2. I am wondering how I can rip audio tracks from my Backup into an audio file? Do I need to rip the Backup onto the HD first? Anon.
  3. Yea, I saw that too. I knew you were joking, but GarageInk had a point to. As for you being Jewish: Orale, de que hablas? I'll cut chu, man. No vato messes wid mi, ohms. Ill take out my switch Machete, ohms. ENTEINDES!!!??? Anon.
  4. Where the hell did that come from? Anyways Jacky is just way to fast for Paul. He would overwhelm him with lighting fast attacks. PS. My name is Ryan too. Whoa! Both named ryan. Both sleep with a girl that have 2 kids. Both are into fighting games. Coincidence? I think not. Twins separatted ar birth, possibly. And their code names are Liquid & Solid Snake... OH MY!!! Anon.
  5. Don't worry GarageInk, I understand where you are coming from and I agree. Weirdanzeige, Garage wasn't quoting you. He was quoting StriderSkorpion. Don't take offense when it isn't even directed at you. Anon.
  6. Castro will Never die!!! Both I and Lenin would cry... Anon.
  7. Dude, your school has to be MAJOR crap to score that low. Our school did pretty low too, but nowhere near that. Anyway, just buzz it. Level 3. Get the lesbian haircut. Looks good. Anon.
  8. Lloyd Banks, Young Buck, Yayo, 50 ¢... G-UNIT!!! Sorry, Its just I never imagined a staff member of 1emu to be a thug. Anon.
  9. Dj Anti here. just letting you all now right now I am up and runnin and DJing right now. Anon.
  10. Doreamon owns you all!!! Anon.
  11. Get Overnet then. Overnet is 2nd best for.ISOs. Get the one that I posted earlier in the list of P2P soft. Anon. the 2nd best, I want the best! what do you suggest antiwinner? If you want speed, get Azures (BitTorrent Client). If you need a hard-2-find.ISO, get Overnet Lite. Anon.
  12. Crack is becoming an epidemic amongst our young, and we must stop the further dispersement of it... Anon.
  13. Dude... One question at a time, man. You are just blurting out questions and expecting answers... just chillax, man. Anyway, I use Mozilla, so the DL manager is already installed inside. Anon.
  14. Damn it, Fatal!!! Didn't GameCop make a new rule just for you and your "pic" based threads? Anon.
  15. Get Overnet then. Overnet is 2nd best for.ISOs. Get the one that I posted earlier in the list of P2P soft. Anon.
  16. Go to the preferences for the plug in. It has EVERYTHING you want. Just change the options. Anon.
  17. BEST P2P Soft (Including KaZaA) There you go, Axl. Enjoy. Anon.
  18. "Firefox" is basically Opera meets Mozilla. Really good idea and execution, its just that its still in Beta. There isn't even a 1.0 release yet!!! Right now it has a lot of kinks, but once those are out, it will be the greatest. Anon.
  19. For your mouse woes, use easyGestures. I liked it. You will want to go to the prefrences on it, though. As for the status, I don't know. For DL statuses, however, use Download Statusbar. Good Stuff. Anon.
  20. I still use Mozilla; Firefox isn't as solid as Mozilla, and most extensions work on Mozilla. I would tell ya the extensions, as I had them, but Firefox tweaked on me and I had to uninstall it. Anon.
  21. May I suggest using Overnet Lite... BitTorrent isn't really that hard, but ain't all that easy either. Overnet is simplistic; Try that, Axl. You might like it. I use both Overnet and Azureus (a BitTorrent client) Anon.
  22. Both of our bandwidth is being used, we are the ones uploading the stream, hes just relaying it, like I have dynamic ip, which always changes, a relay wouldn't have that (hopefully). Overall, the DJ's bandwidth is the one thats getting used more. How hard is it to host a relay and what is needed? From your part, you only need to install a couple of things on the server. That's basically it. Its all pretty simple. Anon.
  23. Whatcha got? . PM me. Anon.
  24. I already have the A. OK from GameCop to use his server. Only thing needed now is patience... Anon. Do you need full server wide access? Tell me exactly what you need. Also..I don't think we can host illegal music files on the server. So that might be a bad idea and it will eat a ton of bandwith. If you can find something that works with only php and mysql, I can work something up. But full dedicated server access, that's another thing. The music is streamed from our hard drives and is being relayed from a server. All your doing is giving us a relay to play the music. (You download something called a.pls file, this file will let you connect to the relay were the music is being played from. Also a pls file is what Winamp saves your Lists.) Going here <www.shoutcast.com> would be good for starters. The Shoutcast Online Doc would help also. Also something, as far as other file types are concerned, such as.mp4 family(MP4 is the next generation mp3), SHN, flac, MKAUD, (The Lossless file family), AAC might not stream proberly because they(the listeners) are missing the proper codec. Leave all the legal trouble to the hosts, not the server But its all cool, cuz I live in Canada. I don't live in Canada... but hey, I live dangerously.... Anon. NOTE: If it ever comes to it, i would probably get "Ceace and Desist" letters.
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