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Everything posted by AntiWinner22

  1. Sorry, i saw it SOMEwhere for $15... don't have the link. But hey, $20 is still cheap, right? Anon.
  2. Buttttt, I don't wannaaaa ride the Gelapagos turtle through space with The Bride... yet.... *End Halucinogenic scene* Anon.
  3. Well, so far, I know of only 2 DJs: 1. Me, DJ Anti (I specialize in a WIDE array in music. I have what you like, most likely, expect for Country) 2. DJ Dash (He specializes in mostly VidGame Music, but has lots of music too; though not as diverse as mine) I shall post my list of songs soon. K' Dash's list of songs can be found in his sig. If you want to be a DJ, give me a holla on PM. Anon. NOTE: 420th post. Wait... *lights up the BlueBerry*.... Scooby _____ Doo!!!
  4. I already have the A. OK from GameCop to use his server. Only thing needed now is patience... Anon. Do you need full server wide access? Tell me exactly what you need. Also..I don't think we can host illegal music files on the server. So that might be a bad idea and it will eat a ton of bandwith. If you can find something that works with only php and mysql, I can work something up. But full dedicated server access, that's another thing. Don't worry. You are in no danger. Music will NEVER be on your server; it will always be on MY HD. You won't be at fault. As for server privilages... let me read a bit more. I don't think I need to do much; just enough to relay stuff. Paranoia is controlling you GameCop... Chillax. Anon.
  5. I already have the A. OK from GameCop to use his server. Only thing needed now is patience... Anon.
  6. Umm... I don't think GameCop would like using up THAT much bandwith on a side project... Anon.
  7. Yes, you can use CD loaders to play imports. You can also play "backups" (MAN, do I love that term; its just so funny ) with the loader. All for only $15? I say its a sweet deal. Anon.
  8. Don't worry. 1emuStation will be here soon. I think I need to conference with you, K' Dash, once I get the kinks out. The only problem I have is to make GameCop be the server. I need to know how EXACTLY I am going to relay to the server, if the server is Unix, then I need to make adjusments. I need to let GameCop know of the happenings, THEN we have to test it... It's a whole laundry list of things needed to be done. I shall now, with the backing up of all these katz, try harder to achieve 1emuStation as quickly as possible. Anon. NOTE: Don't even try to run Shoutcast and be your own server. 64KB/s for 2 people? Its just not smart. Trust me, I have tried.
  9. Axl, next time, incorporate your question into the topic title. Sometimes I would like to know what I am getting myself into. Anon.
  10. ohh..believe me, I don't think you're gonna like Jr. year *looks at all the hwk he has*......who knows....maybe you will...ah well....Jr. year is when you should start taking ACT and SAT(ACT was ok, but I'll be taking SAT on may 1st) No, I am in Junior year. I said "Junior year not for sure" as in I ain't diggin it. I already took my ACT. I did pretty well. I had to; my GPA isn't all that pleasing to the eye of the UC (University of California) system. Anon.
  11. Yea, it was I who was the one who got the plan goin. I am STILL reading up on it, making sure on what the HELL I am doin and tryin to read on how GameCop's server will relay the songs...etc. Its a huge deal, but once I can make it easy for GameCop to put it on his server, then its all good.
  12. 15. Just sit on my ass and do nothin. All HW is done at school, I say. Watch movies, listen to music... you know, the whole ShuBangaBang. Cowboy Bebop for sure too. Trigun for sure. Viewtiful Joe (1 &2) for sure. CvsSNK2 for sure. MvsC2 for sure. George Lopez for sure. Kill Bill Box Set from Japan for sure. Junior year not for sure. Anon.
  13. Oh yea, i also download albums for people too. $2 a CD. Doesn't take me more than 10 seconds to add it to my Queue in Overnet Lite. I have made over $40 already. Anon.
  14. towerrecords.com. Go there, look at one of their CDs (with song titles included). Boom. Tuff actin Tinactin. Anon.
  15. Where do you live? What company are you using to get the service? Anon.
  16. You're SICK!!! I pay $40 a month for 768KB/s Down!!! That is VERY good for the price. Anon.
  17. I believe Mozilla has an integrated Newsgroup reader. Check that out, if you don't have Mozilla already. Anon.
  18. Depends... how much you pay a month? $50? Anon.
  19. ....and what a way to contribute eh? Oh yea. I am voicing my opinion. Just wanted to share. Anon.
  20. Urge to kill Fatal Rose (for resurrecting SPAM thread)... rising...... RISING!!! Anon.
  21. Cable is a way lot faster but it seems to have trouble some times with p2p programs like searching not downloading. Nope, not for the P2P Wise Man, it ain't!!! Cable here. Dig it. Better than DSL. End of Discussion. Anon.
  22. This REEKS of Spam!!! Anon.
  23. Thats true...especially with DoA 1 and that stupid exploding ring out sh--t... This is the point where I step in. DoA is MINE!!! . Well, some of you are saying that its "easy-peacy-lemonsqueezy" or "Button Masher-O-Rama." It ain't. Fight me at it. I could probably counter you 10X over before you hit me once. I LOVE that about DoA. Any other fighter lets you counter that easily? This function in DoA is what makes it so good. The counter system stops mashers in their tracks and keeps vets worried, even when playing Intermidiates. That's all. Now, proceed with the VF vs. _____ (insert game here) war. Anon.
  24. Kinda like now when you could have just edited the earlyer post and put that in instead of post a whole new reply? That was part of the joke. I realize that that was ironic. That was why it was funny. Anon.
  25. Oh yea, i don't usually SPAM at all. Only when it is necessary for the good of the sane. Anon.
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