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Everything posted by AntiWinner22

  1. People have their own morals K'Dash. Exactly. How else do you explain terrorism? We don't all have the same set of morals and standards. See, I can agree with nyuuka too. I agree with k'dash, Here is the definitions of morals: No offence to Fatal Rose, but I think your morals are just way too "flexed". Do you mean that? All I have to say GameCop if you were in my situation you would be going through the same confusion I am going through. I don't think so. The situation that you are in is that your body is taking over your mind (and your morals). GameCop is disagreeing with the fact that you are saying it is OK for the body to take over the mind, when really the mind should be controlling the body (yea, that sentence blew). So, he WOULDN'T go through the same, as he holds different things in priority. His is the sake of the fam. Yours in the sake of you getting tang. Anon.
  2. A.D.D. is becoming more of a problem in teens in the world today... Anon.
  3. Hey, I am going to San Fran for two days! Yay! I leave tomorrow morning and return on Tuesday night. Just wanted to state that, as I am bored. Anon.
  4. For me, the greatest would have to be the Jet Set Radio soundtracks. UNHOLY good is Hideki Naganuma. I also dig Tsuneo Imahori, composer of GunGrave. I like the Jazzy stuff. Silent Hill soundtracks are delightful as well. Speaking of jazz, anyone have the SFIII:3S soundtrack? I like the jazz in it, especially in the Russian level. Anon.
  5. Yeah, this topic blows, but I am bored. I just got port scanned by some guy in Europe! I always get scanned on weekends. I don't know. NOTE: Mods, i am waiting for you to close this topic due to the insane boring-ness of it. Anon.
  6. Damn, that sucks. Well next time, know the peep a bit (like 2 weeks) then see what the deal is. Anon.
  7. No worries... Most of us here hate Bush. Anon.
  8. Why did you make hiim admin in the first place?
  9. *commentating on the Nyuuka and the GryphonKlaw match* "Go for broke"... FIGHT!!! Anon.
  10. Anybody got a link to a pic of Young Geese?
  11. Alright. I have $80. I am going to buy a 120 HD and a Mod for my XBOX. 1. What OS should I use? 2. What emulators are best? I mean, for EVERY console possible to emulate on the X 3. Which is the best Mod Chip? 4. Where can I get it for cheap? 5. Where can I get a switch for it? 6. XBL... Know where I can get some free codes for it? Anon.
  12. How do I make it so a NonSelfBoot disc becomes a selfboot disc? I now I need to use SelfBoot, but I don't know what the hell I am doin. Any help? Anon.
  13. I have a 1989 Toyota Camry.... Anon.
  14. Shiba... Get that SEGA tattoo on the forehead and apply for a job at SEGA. You'll get it! I will get you also some spray cans... teach you the ropes. Anon.
  15. I have one piece of advice: Just don't give a crap. Someone calls you somethin, call them something right back. "Hey Saucy." Reply: "Hey CockBuster." That's it. I just don't give a crap. I talk to some ladies, I hang with some katz of all types: druggies, gangstas, nerds, average joes. I can do that cause I don't give a crap. And about the dying thing: I just think of it like this: We all rot the same way. Anyway you look at it, thats the simple truth. Just live your life like you want it lived. I do feel sorry for the kat who got the.PDF file, though. Guess I should anticipate that, too... Anon.
  16. Shiba... A Chrome Bat to beat those people you hate in math class and a free ticket to get a SEGA tattoo (i always wanted that... ) Anon.
  17. Captain Fuku... A bowl of Captain Crunch, a Captain's Hat, and a ship. Anon.
  18. about $25-30. THe DragonCast is pretty good. The TwinSticks... eh, you can live with it, but it isn't as sturddy as the real deal. I have the TwinSticks. My friend got the DragonCast. I modded my Twins. I dig the pink, but I dig black and red even more Anon.
  19. Virtual Dub is in my previous post Anon.
  20. GryphonKlaw... AfroSheek. Anon.
  21. Kim is there (it seems). Look right below Joe. He has his head tilted upward. Anon. Why would Kim be with the AOF team? Isn't that Takuma? True. I don't know then. Maybe Kim died.... Anon.
  22. Doom 9 Go there. Click on AVI Util. and download the plugins. Good stuff. Anon.
  23. I would buy Fatal... Morals. (inside joke). Anon.
  24. Kim is there (it seems). Look right below Joe. He has his head tilted upward. Anon.
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