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Everything posted by AntiWinner22

  1. Fatal, if you were to do it you would TRULY be a Motherflocker! Anon.
  2. I am thinking of painting mine custom using my Sega Sports one... Should I?
  3. That is what I am hopin... *sends DC.ISO's...*
  4. I just baught a DC keyboard for my Typing of the Dead and a Nyko Advanced controller both for $9!!! eBay, how I love yee. Anon.
  5. does bin2boot need for the image to be in.bin form?
  6. Guess who just signed up to get info.... Me Anon.
  7. C'mon, people. Voice Your Opinion!!! Anon.
  8. Ha Ha, Ha Ha Ha, HAHA!!! Please Check the time of my first post. April 1st, 11.28 in the PM (pacific)... APRIL FOOL'S!!! Hey, please click this link: Link Yea, I would never leave this forum for that of a retarded reason. I dig this forum to the core! Its like a family (insert stage "awwwww" here). Well, in conclusion, It was a joke and I am still here. The Wise Man is still alive!!! Anon.
  9. Eh, I don't feel it anymore. I used to like this board, A LOT, but lately, I just want to get out of here. Some people are cool here, but some aren't. All the topics are becoming stale and no new news comes in from the Emu scene. Sorry, all, but I shall leave now. Anon.
  10. Did you draw that yourself, Force? I might have to IM you for a pic for me. Anon.
  11. The Konami Code. Of Course. The only way I beat Contra: Hard Corps. Anon.
  12. True Dat, ForceX. Another Underground game: Cool Cool Toon. Came out only in Japan for the DC. It was made by SNK. If you dig rhythm based games, then you are sure to dig this one. If you want it, I have it. Anon.
  13. I know the XBOX can emulate PS1, Genesis, SNES, NEOGEO, NES, Master System. Anything else? Can it emulate handhelds? Anon.
  14. Well, I believe that SEGA is the most influental Co. of all time. 1. Genesis. It was the Nintendo-killer. Before this, Nintendo seemed to be invincible with its NES. Genesis was more than on par with Nintendo's SNES, but even better. The rivalry was one of the greatest, and is, console wars ever. 2. Games. Tell me Outrun, Space Harrier, Jet Grind Radio, Sonic the Hedgehog, Rez, Virtua Fighter, Alex Kidd, NiGHTS, The House of the Dead, Virtua Cop, Shenmue, Streets Of Rage, Sega Sports 2K Series, or Virtual On weren't influental. I would call you a damn dirty liar. 3. Dreamcast. First TRULY dedicated online features in a console. Stepping stones for new online consoles 4. Sega Saturn. Only one with testicular fortitude to combat Sony's little Bit¢h, Playstation. Nintendo's N64 was just there; it never really competed with Sony. 5. Dreamcast. I reiterate to emphisize my point 3. Anon.
  15. Overnet says "YES!!! I DO have it!!!" Thank you Overnet. How I love yee. Anon.
  16. True dat. GarageInk and I stand on the same page. Anon.
  17. I moves down to a border town in Mexico called Mexicali. I live there, but I work in Calexico in the U.S. So, the RIAA can't get me AND ill be making the big bucks (in Mexican terms)!!!! Arriba! (I take out my Switch-Machete and cut you up goooodddd). Anon.
  18. DC: Project Justice and CvsSNK2 With those two, i think your quest is over... Anon.
  19. SEGA.... Virtua Fighter 4: Evolution.... *drools at the INSANE amounts of things to attain and the SUPERB play mechanics*.... *then cries realizing how many hours have been wasted on the quest to perfect the game*.... Anon.
  20. Umm.... I have a restriction on how much I need to be sharing for me to download ANYTHING? I ain't diggin that too much. I share, don't get me wrong, but it is only about 5 G. The interface needs to be cleaned up (i had no idea what was with the bottom portion of my screen, then i realized nothing was going to load there) Well, if you like DC, then this is a Delicious feast. If you are not into DC, like I, then you will find it to be inadequite. Now, gots to keep downloadin on overnet.... Anon.
  21. Hmmmmm, you have peaked the Wise Man's interest... I shall test!!!! Anon.
  22. All right, thanks for the help! Oh, I prefer Alcohol 120% for my images and Nero for my other stuff. Alcohol is WAYYYYYY easy to use and it supports the most number of files (including discJuggler files...). I have never had problems with it so far. Anon.
  23. Eh. Its pretty easy to find Longhorn on Overnet as well. Try Cool Cool Toon. THAT is a hard game to find. Tell me if you do. Anon.
  24. I am trying to make a copy of a game for my friend and and it doesn't seem to work. I have wasted a couple of CDs on it too. I use Nero 6 and I use its "on the fly" feature with Data CDs. Can anybody help a brother out? Anon.
  25. Good good. But I don't why people would be against it. It doesn't take up much processing power. Its safe. Its helpful. Doesn't take up any bandwith. I guess I'll never understand people. Do you know how much processing it really takes? I have 63MB of RAM. I usually have about 2MB free. Anon.
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