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Everything posted by AntiWinner22

  1. I don't think he means mods in PC mods type of fashion. He is talking about "mods" to the original Halo in the gameplay. Anon.
  2. "Religion is a cloud that rolls over and settles upon the eyes, percipitating ignorance and blinding one from logic...." Anon. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Another good point. Maybe if kerry had said he'd been chosen by god to run for president too, it would have been a closer race. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Did Bush seriously say something like this? I must have missed whatever religious BS you people are referring to. In light of the current state of affairs here, this seems relevant: http://harpers.org/ElectingToLeave.html <{POST_SNAPBACK}> No; Bush never said anything like that. I made the quote up. Religion is integral in the election this time, and that quote perfectly fit. Anon.
  3. "Religion is a cloud that rolls over and settles upon the eyes, percipitating ignorance and blinding one from logic...." Anon.
  4. That is very difficult to do, when for 4 years we have seen nothing but $hit come out of the White House and utter bull$hit come from the mouth of Bush. It is also very hard to swallow the fact that the political landscape has changed, and will forever be changed, into this fact: Politics aren't necessary in politick. God is. That, my friend, scares the $hit out of me. Anon.
  5. That is damn good, damn damn good for this country. Not good in comparison to other European nation, sure, but for here, it is insane. 130 million voters they say. If that happens, it is a Kerry win. If it is less than that, it is a Bush party in the White House. Anon.
  6. Oh yee of little faith... Sure, it is war time. Since when, however, have you seen such a great political divide during an election, especially during war time? Kerry is going to pull it off, I think. Swing voters usually vote away from the incumbent and now 6 out of 10 18-21 year olds will vote, meaning more Democratic votes (check my stats; they work). Kerry! Anon.
  7. I would be in Nintendo's corner if a girl on SuicideGirls was making sweet love with a figurine of a Nintendo character or fondling one. Guess what though? That isn't the case. It isn't part of anything remotely sexual. Sure, it is on a journal, on a somewhat pornographic site, but it is on a favorites list... Hey, didn't Playboy review some Gamecube games? Doesn't Maxim, FHM, or those other review Gamecube games too? Why don't they get sued? People who go to "read Maxim" are the same that go to SuicideGirls, so what is the difference? My opinion? Bull$hit. Utter Bull$hit. Anon.
  8. 2005. Late 2005 probably. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Same with the XBOX version, I believe.
  9. 9.9 This is the review of GTA: San Andreas. 9.9. That is monstrous, especially coming from IGN.com. I am now just waiting in toil and suffering for the XBOX version. Oh man, I am just waiting to play it. I WANT IT!!! Anon.
  10. 1. If there wasn't that much media coverage on the leaks, I would have never known of their exsistence. 2. No way they matter anyway. Those who would have will, just earlier. 3. GTA: SA is going to rock the socks off of every cat who plays it. This game is just massive, and any coverage is good coverage for Rock* Anon.
  11. I wear a really sick Bad Religion shirt. Over it, I wear a black Members Only jacket with no strap on the left shoulder. I wear a red clip-on tie over the Bad Religion T-Shirt. I wear black Dickies and Blood Red Ferrari shoes. I like to call it the "AntiWear." Anon.
  12. Yea... I can't really compete with a photo major that is a transexual/metrosexual. At least I tried. Anon.
  13. Shucks... You are making me giggle... Anon.
  14. Yes; yes I do. My eye is in the left side of the picture. Anon.
  15. Hey, I just wanted to call attention to my new sig pic. If you hadn't realized it yet, it is a picture of me. I switched it up by messing with the Gamma & Contrast. I wanted to know what you guys think of it. I hope I do -VIOLENCE- justice. Anon. EDIT: I changed the title, as I don't know what to refer him/her as.
  16. I'll add programs that others have failed to mention: Trillian (All chat programs in one. Free, too.) Solo AntiVirus (resources are never used. I think it uses 5K of RAM. I say that is good. Sygate Firewall (no resouce usage either. Really good, though. I love it) Overnet Lite.52 (Get the programs I mentioned here. ) Anon.
  17. Initially, what was the point of the war, as stated by the president? To be liberaters and make the world a happier, cheerier place by killing a dictator? To be super nice guys to everyone in the world? No. "Weapons of Mass Destruction." Over and over, this was hammered into are heads, and people baught in. When none were found, however, what was the point of the war? To liberate. Beautiful juke move on that, Bush. Now, after the war, who has benefited the most? The people of Iraq, those people that we decided to save out of the kindness of the administrations heart? Look at the numbers. 15,000+ Iraqi's killed. Halliburton is slaying there. Those Iraqis sure live in paradise now! And now the world is a safer place. No more dictator that was mean. We will retire there, for, of course, we all know that North Korea, Iran, India, Pakistan, Russia are super nice guys too and will surely never try to hurt us, even though they have more weapons of mass destruction than 0. Anon. NOTE: The sarcasm.
  18. Yuji Naka & Miyamoto should be mentioned in EVERY list like this. Miyamoto single handedly blessed us with platforming (damn good platforming at that) and basic, interactive D&D type game, that it is almost impossible to deny, even if you hate Nintendo, that Miyamoto was key in console gaming. Naka is the answer from SEGA to Miyamoto. Sonic, THE fastest and smoothest platformer out there, was made to combat that bastard Mario. Naka, also an innovator, created NiGHTS, a rail game that made you feel like you were truly flying freely. Naka & Miyamoto. Two gaming gods, and great developers. Anon.
  19. It depends. If you are retarded and go into a stuper when someone says "SSL," then I am sure your IE is going to be raped of private info very quickly. I use IE because it doesn't use many resources (I am on a 63 MB RAM comp.) and it is compatible with every website in existance. I am smart about it, though, and I use Sygate (the best firewall) and keep away from shady sites. Use Spybot, too. Anon.
  20. This really is a sad day for comedians, and people with a sense of humor, for that matter. I really enjoyed his brand of self-depricating humor, as I use it regularly. I saw him very early in my life, and I can see some comedic traits I picked up from him. I will miss him, and I hope that he died smiling; that is the only way to go... Anon.
  21. I really am diggin' the Halo 2 action. I really also enjoy my XBOX. I have been noticing that I really am the only gamer here who is solely centered on the home consoles. I don't have a job, so the money to get a new vid card, CPU, and RAM for all the new games isn't there, and the XBOX provides equally good games, at a fraction of the price. Doom3, maybe not as beautiful as the PC version, for the XBOX will be good, online, & I won't have to spend $300 just to play it. Half-Life 2 will also be on the BOX, so, I am really diggin' that. For what games have come out and what it is, I dig the XBOX. Anon. NOTE: BillBox? Bill Gates didn't even come up with the idea! Not that I am defending Gates, but it is just wrong to call it that.
  22. This is disgustinglly cynical, but... How will we know that Axl is ok, and not just gone? How long of a time do we have to wait for a response? Axl, don't kill yourself. It is retarded. Brighter days are ahead. Anything is brighter than an abyss. Anon.
  23. 1. I really hate suicidal people because, basically, they are are giving up while they are down and are too chicken$hit to go on. 2. How do you know that you aren't going to have better days ahead? Have you looked into a crystal ball, lately? Did that lady who rubbed your hand's creveces tell you? Who the flock knows. 3. Basically, the only remedy to your depression is to get out of it, not sink into it and ask "Hmm... What is the most chicken$hit way of killing myself because I am scared?" Those are my views on this. If this pisses you off, just remember that I am not bull$hitting you and that you have to cope. Anon.
  24. Get an XBOX, of course. Because... -Half-Life 2, Halo 2, Doom3, and Ninja Gaiden are going to be on it, with Doom3 Co-Op -While the XBOX isn't nearly as powerful as a PC, it still is pretty good and the games for it can keep you coming back for more -Modding the XBOX will give you a 20-in-1 system! -DDR, baby. DDR. Anon. EDIT: Oh yea, the XBOX is one cheap bastard right now. I could get a XBOX and a mod chip for about $120, if I look right. Pretty cheap compared to the $300 you'd spend just on the Gfx card for your PC. Not to mention the RAM upgrade and the CPU upgrade. Anon.
  25. Ohhh, how wrong you are, my friend. JFK and Nixon's debates where some of the most important in history. While Nixon, audibly, was greater, JFK's demeanor was greater, and won him more votes than he would have. Kerry used this debate to better explain himself, open himself to the public, and not through the media's goggles. Kerry definitely raped Bush in this debate, and, hopefully, in the election. Fin. Anon.
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