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Everything posted by AntiWinner22

  1. I think this guy makes a point... Anon.
  2. Anyway to get the vid without registering? Thanks. Anon.
  3. Well, you know that song that goes "Looonely; I'm Mr. Looonely..." or something like that? Well, for some odd reason, I start singing it after class. Out of nowhere, my ex-girlfriend passes right in front of me; she being able to hear the lyrics. Needless to say, it was a VERY weird moment. Oh, and I looked like a dumbass. Anon.
  4. Hey everybody! Let's cry for Fatal, who has no sense of right and wrong! Let's cry for him when the answer to all his problems is logic! Anon.
  5. Its from the movie. The red around Ryu is in a scene in Street Fighter Alpha: The Movie and so is the same exact position. If you look at it carfully, you can tell that it seems to be of a screenshot. Anon.
  6. Man enough? Hehe. Is it a "manly" thing to like a person, mostly sexually, that I am not supposed to, yet, I find excuses to do so? (sound familiar?) Yes, I have been in love and pain and all that is in between. I have loved girls that had boyfriends; I have loved girls who had no boyfriends. The difference between your situations and mine is that I know that there are boundries that one cannot pass; and I accept that. I know where the line is and, as MUCH as I want to cross it, I know I can't. I have self-restraint, Fatal. There are things that we simply CANNOT do, ethically anyways, and you should be able to accept that, Fatal. Love is one thing; sexual desire is another. If they are both there, with no restraints, then by all means go ahead and do your thing. But, if there ARE restraints, which in this case their are, then there is NO excuse for you to do what you want to do. NONE. Anon.
  7. EXACTLY what I was expecting... I would have said Mike Tyson in his prime (circa 1988). I am going to say M. Bison then, for he is based off Tyson. Anon.
  8. STOP!!! Damn it, the way you talk about this, it seems that you have NO control over things that occur. "I can't be around her or emotions will stir..." Bull$hit. Total bull$hit. You sound as if it is only her fault if you do things, when YOU, that is right Fatal, YOU are in control too. Think about it; it takes 2 people to have any relation. 2!!! You have a say in it too, you dumbflock. So, to say that you can only "go with the flow" is a downright lie. Please, stop your bit¢hing on things such as this. I am sorry I had to do this, but it seems that NO ONE will get through to you with regular words; maybe harsh ones will teach. Anon.
  9. Naganuma: I second K' on this one; the techno is PERFECT for the game and just great to listen to at any time Yamaoka: Silent Hill composer. If it is atmosphere you want, she will give it to you. Imahori: Really great jazz composer for GunGrave. He did some stuff Trigun too. Anon.
  10. I agree with you on the music... 3683 downloaded songs and counting... I only buy music if I can't find the CD online. Anon.
  11. I have to go with Lik-Sang, because... 1. They have a modified Panasonic Q Gamecube that I REALLY, REALLY want 2. They have free shipping on ALL games 3. They have a more organized site Anon.
  12. I had, for a while, been downloading Dreamcast like crazy. I easily made about 40 "back-ups" (). Well, after gathering all the good ones, I feel I need to buy the good ones that I have downloaded. Call me crazy, but it feels better than having a copy. Do you sometimes buy games you download? Or do you just do a digital 5-finger discount? Anon.
  13. I know where you are going with that, and I agree, but the way you phrased that was horrible. With the logic about "the customer being right," the assult weapon ban here in the "Good Ol' U.S." should have happened a long time ago. Anon.
  14. I have a DVD-/+RW that cost me $100. 4X DVD write and 40X CD write. . Go to newegg.com. I think that is where it came from. Anon.
  15. Fatal, seriously, have you not ANY self control? "Wahh, wahh, I can't control my peni$, wahh, wahh." flock that. You know you can, but you just don't want to. I am tired of your wining when problems you have are INCREDIBLY easy to handle with a bit of logic and self control. Anon. NOTE: Peni$ is a bad word?
  16. I ask because I am going to start collecting Dreamcast games and, if they are good ones, their Japanese counterparts. It will be the first collection of anything I will start. Anyone here collect anything? Anon.
  17. No, it was towards the thread maker. It was a sarcastic remark. Alrite. It makes sense now. Anon.
  18. Go away. That didn't make a damn bit of sense. Wasn't your freedomofspeech-thing geared towards Taratata's message? Anon.
  19. *caugh*idiocyandignoranceareneverexcusable*caugh* EDIT: I just realized that the middle section of my caugh is pretty hard to decifer, so I'll just write it out: Idiocy and ignorance are never excusable.
  20. I'll keep it simple: Dr. Jekyll & Mr Hyde (NES) Ikaruga (DC) Zombie's Revenge (DC) The Lion King (SNES) (I think I died a total of 70 times when I was 8 trying to get through a certain part of the game) Panzer Dragoon Orta (XBOX) Mercs (Genesis) Anon.
  21. Source: http://gaming.engadget.com/ I HOPE I HOPE I HOPE that these are fake because those are flocking ugly. The second one looks like a total wreck, but I like the sleek look of the first one. Anon.
  22. Half of that mask requires chewing gum and foil! Classic! Anon.
  23. Why not post your height and weight? Alrite. I am 5' 11" and 155 lbs. Anon.
  24. In all honesty, I look like Iori. I even have the doo. Anon.
  25. I strongly second that, my friend. Anon.
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