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Everything posted by AntiWinner22

  1. Most registered during the MS5 and KOF2001 fiasco... Boy, those were the days... Anon.
  2. I know one thing... Jesus, as depicted by paintings, is one sexy man. Rugged as they come... rarrrrrrrrr. Anon.
  3. Genesis is an allegory now? Well, can't the entire Bible, then, be taken as an allegory? Is it only the incorrect parts of the book that are allegorys? Anon.
  4. I'll answer with this question: Is it that God created man out of want, or is it man created God out of need? Anon.
  5. Exactly what I feel.
  6. My dream is to mix both old arcade cabinets and new ones. I would be happy to see Super Mario Bros Vs. next to a Planet Harriers cabinet. Also, I want to have some home console games set to play, like Streets of Rage 3. How I will do it, I don't know yet. All I know is that my dream calls for lots of dinero. Well, whatever happens, all I know is that I am in the dark right now. That is why I asked you guys. Anon.
  7. I have had a dream for a while of opening an arcade when I am older. I have just gone through the prices of some of the machines and it seems that it is NECESSARY to have about $60,000 to even get a few machines. I am wondering just how an arcade owner even makes money of these machines. It just seems like you would lose money for a long time before making a dollar. Anyone know more on this?
  8. WHAT AN IDIOT!! SF3:3S sells for $60 "Buy it now." This retard has paid 4 times that for nothing!!! Comedy!!! Anon.
  9. 1. Get Protowall 2. Use an ISP that is on YOUR side, rather than with the companies trying to flock ya (I have Charter cable; they have faught to keep people's ID's private to the RIAA and such) 3. Firewall up the ass. 4. Use methods that are variant (I use Overnet sometimes, others suprnova) 5. Don't share on P2P. If you want to share, set up FTP's and inform people in appropriate forums (GamingForce is good at this). The P2P Wise Man Speaketh! Anon.
  10. My jaw dropped when I saw this pic. What the FLYING flock, SE? Anon.
  11. I can't say, for they are watching... HINT: I steal. Anon.
  12. EDIT: That is one nice looking improvised XBOX controller, AntiWinner22. What do those 2 extra buttons do on the top of the controller? They act as the black and white buttons. It is perfect. Anon.
  13. That is one ugly controller. Why don't they make it like the Pelican controllers? Those are actually best, I think. I swear by it now. $15 for a GameStop version, too.
  14. By the avatar, I shall give Weirdanzeige some floss and a card to a good dentist; the absence of all the major teeth and the coroding of the gums into bleeding pus-pools makes me throw up! Anon.
  15. It is either Streets of Rage 3, with its INSANELY variant enemies and great powers and differences in the characters, or the classic Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles for the Arcade. That was the best arcade game; I would let the machine devour my money. Anon.
  16. I thnk it is quiet because I am not here. Sorry guys. Anon.
  17. Took the words right out of my mouth. Anon.
  18. Who? One more character which is unusual but very unique and that character would be Blanka! Can't believe that person could live in the jungle and changing his skin to green. I think he is refering to a character from Conker's Bad Fur Day. His name really was "The Greaty Mighty Poo." Anon.
  19. Seriously, Fatal, it gets annoying. Anyway, I thought that Q from SF3 was strange. A robotic Dick Tracy that is mute? Love it. Anon.
  20. I think it's more like how lovers bicker with each other. Playful yet tenacious. Oh, really? Awwww, how cuuuuute. Anon.
  21. I recorded it! I caught a replay of it about an hour and a half later. I just need to compress it and chop it up. I'll get back to you guys when that is done. Anon.
  22. What the hell is going on? K', are you & Fatal at fist-a-cuffs? Anon.
  23. Zell Miller was the first person to give a speech tonite at the Republican National Convention. Chris Matthews is an anchor on a political talk show called "Hardball." Anon.
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