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Everything posted by AntiWinner22

  1. smell aroused one
  2. with the munchies
  3. I am probably at arms length of the comp., but my brain is rejecting the idea. I'll be back when the drug fades away. Ohhhh... flock!!! $hit, $hit, $hit, flock, $hit! THE CAN SAID IT WOULD TAKE OFF ANY STAIN!!! Ohh, flock ME!!! Uhh... I have to go... uhh... to Home Depot and get new rugs... for a party, yea, that's it, a party. I'll be back... MOTHERflock!!! I edited the previous one for content. Anon.
  4. www.ign.com (EVERYTHING Gaming) www.animetric.com (Anime Reviews) www.gamingforce.com (My other forum site; HUGE) www.ocremix.org (Listen to the radio on that) www.dvdaficionado.com (list movies) www.ebay.com (I lose lots of money; and I love it!) www.defunctgames.com (Makes me cry) www.liquidgeneration.com (it is like newgrounds) www.zipperfish.com (like LiquidGeneration) www.jazzmess.com (Cowboy Bebop) Anon.
  5. I think I just diddled in my pants... JOYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Anon.
  6. I took an image from Big Big Truck (A Cowboy Bebop art page), which originally was mostly white with black, and made it mostly black with white. It looks really cool when the whole desktop is black. http://img3.imgspot.com/u/04/215/20/BloodyEyeBlack.jpg Anon.
  7. "Die, All Right!" by The Hives, which contains a lyric that says "We gonna diiiiieeeeeeeeee!!!," was stuck in my head right before going on the Maliboomer, which is a ride in which it shoots you up instantly and the only thing holding you is a cable. Not qu. Anon.
  8. I think it would be much cheaper to all of those separately. Most of those games aren't that great anyway. I would rather have a great collection of 100 than a mediocre one of 200. Anon.
  9. I try to steer away from the contests are ravaged by fanboys up the wazoo, making them pointless. I think they should have a test to see if you are a hardcore gamer, THEN you can vote. That would make it much better. Anon.
  10. This is one of the BIGGEST letdowns I have ever experienced in a movie. I came into the theater expecting a "Signs" type experience, but I came out wanting a refund for my $8. 1. The development of the plot to get to the actual conflict took about an hour and 10 minutes to get to. 2. The climax to the conflict is a "the hell?!" and the ending left EVERYONE in pain it is just so bad. 3. A miriad of questions are left unanswered and it seems that the director just let that slide. This movie broke my heart, as I expected this to be AT LEAST better than "I, Robot," which my friends wanted to see, but I convinced them to watch "The Village." I got scolded for the next couple of hours after the film was over. Well, that is the end of my rant on this movie. I hope that I have convinced you to not watch this movie. Anon. NOTE: Yea, I am back. I will be around now. Oh, and Gryphon... HOLY CRAP!!! Your post count is insane. You and Agozer should rot in post hell.
  11. ? Sorry, I have been out of the loop and I don't understand what the hell is going on. Anon. Don't worry, you didn't miss anything. He proclaimed he was leaving 1emulation but he came back two weeks later. OK Dokey. This is just a burst transmission. I will be back to 1emu sometime at the end of July (I gots $hit to do involving getting bread). I'll see you guys then. Anon.
  12. ? Sorry, I have been out of the loop and I don't understand what the hell is going on. Anon.
  13. Well, that is only one type of hentai. I could give you suggestions for more real ones, but then I would get censored. Anon.
  14. What? We can't rate how attractive a man is? If you are too insecure to do that, then you must be insecure about your own self, and sexuality. Anyway, I gave him a 9/10. Rarrrrr! Oh, and I got a 23% on the gay test. I should loosen up so the ladies will like me more? Weird. I am getting ladies as we speak. Anon.
  15. I have yet to be interested by Mangas. Sure, I like animes based off of them, but I don't have the bread to buy the mangas. Anon.
  16. *Bows before Random* Anon.
  17. If Indians are known for overspicing foods, then us Mexicans are known for making meals out of spice. True story of the stupidest thing I have ever done with peppers: When I was about 7, I found some Chili Peppers about. I didn't know what it was, so I grabbed them and stuff. Then, out of shere idiocy, I like my finger and place it in my ear, trying to get some earwax out. After that, I took that same hand and started rubbing my eyes, because I got some dirt in it. Next thing I know, I am in a fiery tomb. I couldn't see for the day, and my hearing returned the next day. Anon.
  18. it wasn't a caddy it was a concept oldsmobile modified by Barris. and it was the best batmobile hands down. all the movie cars bite. Garage! How's it been? Nice to see you back! Anyway, I just hope that the new Batman movie is on par or better than the first two. If its a Batman Returns type movie, I will dig it. If it is a Batman & Robin P.O.S. movie, then... I won't dig it. Anon.
  19. Didn't you know? That's a Bushism (www.bushisms.com). "I want it to be said that the Bush administration was a results-oriented administration, because I believe the results of focusing our attention and energy on teaching children to read and having an education system that's responsive to the child and to the parents, as opposed to mired in a system that refuses to change, will make America what we want it to be—a literate country and a hopefuller country." - G. W. Bush —Washington, D.C., Jan. 11, 2001 LMAO!!! XD!!! Anon.
  20. Oh don't start about that. I'm sure, Fatal won't be needing that. Yeah, he's already loose enough. BA-ZING! FATALITY!!! Now, for my opinion. Look, just go "Hey, katz, I am straight, alright? I like the C-Cups and the pies, alright?" If that don't work, then you have management to talk to. I just don't like how you seem to have a phobia about getting some of the "gay" on you. I think people who have that don't even know their own sexual orientation. I am moving to San Fran in a year, which is supposedly the gayest city on Earth. Do I care? No. I am a straight man, and so I don't fear the evil plague of "gay" getting on me. So, Fatal, final thought: Get over it, you pu$$y. Anon. This guy is COMPLETELY right. Anon. NOTE: Did that so people would actually read it this time. :\
  21. What the hell happened to the good ol' days of the slickest motherfuc|<ing ride in the land? They changed it to be a TYCO just blown up about 7x. At least the villians in the new movie are good. I like Ra's Al Ghul and the Scarecrow. I wish they would make, however, the Knightfall series in the comics into movies. Now THOSE would be Batman movies. Anon. NOTE: The Knightfall series is when Wayne has his back broken, gives up the monocar of Batman, and then returns.
  22. Oh don't start about that. I'm sure, Fatal won't be needing that. Yeah, he's already loose enough. BA-ZING! FATALITY!!! Now, for my opinion. Look, just go "Hey, katz, I am straight, alright? I like the C-Cups and the pies, alright?" If that don't work, then you have management to talk to. I just don't like how you seem to have a phobia about getting some of the "gay" on you. I think people who have that don't even know their own sexual orientation. I am moving to San Fran in a year, which is supposedly the gayest city on Earth. Do I care? No. I am a straight man, and so I don't fear the evil plague of "gay" getting on me. So, Fatal, final thought: Get over it, you pu$$y. Anon.
  24. This is as bad as when Mexico lost to the U.S. when we were SO close to the FIFA final. Mayhem ensued over here in SoCal. Hopefully Spain can recoup from this. Anon.
  25. Well, that is quite easy to do. All you have to do is get an idiot with an opinion to go on a tangent for a good while on an internet site. TADA! Maddox clone! Anon.
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