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Everything posted by baboulas

  1. sorry guys been away for a while, but my comp has crashed and i don't have those anymore sorry
  2. First console hm.... tdlloo tdlloo tdlloo (via waynes world) wripples follow. I remember opening the box to my first Atari about 17 years ago, it was a present. years later my cousin gave me his NES, even more years later I got Genesis as a gift, and even later I got PSX as a gift. Soooo technically "I" never really bought a console "lucky me" but I did buy my computer!! does that count?
  3. i'm commin', just gotta get back on DC, cus my comp has been down for a while, but i'll see y'all there in no time!
  4. Ok i know about those but what is the killera server? oh hold on i'll check out the post for it !!
  5. I've been away for a while, prob about a month. Like the new look and format of the forums, pretty cool!! ....ok that's all i had to say.....
  6. the key word is "IN THIS SENTANCE" not the one underneath
  7. what is viewtiful?? a game? (stupid questiojn) for what system??
  8. just what the subject says right now i'm playing through GS 2, but want some other games, any suggestions??
  9. isn't it Capcom vs SNK??
  10. the first forum i joined was A@H a loong time ago, and then....I found formaly emulforums and now! 1emulation.com!!
  11. Although Futurama is quite funny, NOTHING and i mean NOTHING can compare to Simpsons cartoon or real! Plus if there was no Simpsons there would be no Futurama, reason being the creators that made Simpsons made Futurama and all the drawings originate from the rabbits that Groening used to draw and later developed into humans (THE SIMPSONS) and then used for Futurama. Damn I Love The SIMPSONS!!
  12. I use the simple Gravis gamepad Pro, it's set up like the Playstation controler, 10 buttons including select and start. I have no problem executing firebals and such. a bonus is that it is real cheap!
  13. Cards are WAY batter than slots. Slots is soooo boring, u just sit there and push a button and let the computer chips inside decide how fast u lose your money. With cards u have a role in how fast u lose, with a higher probability chance of winning. i myself am a BlackJack man, i've only been to a casino a few times, the most i won was $100 would have won more but my friends wanted to leave
  14. about 2 to 3 weeks ago my computer crashed but finally it is back up and running the problem is that i never got to write down the code after completing Golden Sun, to carry all my hard work over to the sequal. soooooo, would anybody be so kind to um.... maybe....... I hate to ask.....lend me a password......
  15. For some reason i can't get this version to work, it just won't load up. Any suggestions? Thnx!
  16. I finally saw it the other day. and i liked liked it! Given it wasn't as good as the first, but hardly any sequals are, and u have to remember that it is the second in a series of 3, so like all middle movies it was made to pose questions at what u think u already know, aswell it's kind of an establishing point for the final. as for the zion thing i thought it was well done because b4 u never really knew what it was or how it looked. Once again i saw i liked it!
  17. I havn't seen the movie yet but i heard plot wise it doesn't compare to the first. As for ZION it is the last remaining "real" (non computer) part of the world (is underground at the earth's core were it is still hot) and the matrix is trying to find it to eliminate all pure humans. Now that's according to the first movie, who knows if it has changed, directors seem to change things in sequals sometimes.
  18. does that really work Exodus?? cool
  19. I think i can do a good number on a tad pole mind u it would be a good loooong fight but after some likin, i think i could take'em!
  20. I like SOMEBODY's reasoning, but the only prob that lies in there is that most ppl have eggs for breakfeast. so i guess it depends on what u eaat first, which, brings us back to the first comment made it depends on what u believe in. So there u have it ur ANSWER!! i think the chicken came first....um.....yeah the chicken.
  21. in the MEAT catogory prob. Lamb chops mmmmm Genera l- hmmm, pizza is up there Junk - Chips
  22. mflaven!! ala Prof. Frink
  23. The only ones i've used are Adaptec, and now i'm using mu fav choice by far NERO!!
  24. ya that's what i thought thnx for the varification
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