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  1. You have to turn off your firewall for www.playagain.net to get to the game downloads
  2. I ran my spyware checker and it found the klez worm in both the winkawaks 146 and the winkawaks 147 versions. Anyone Else come across this problem ?
  3. It was down before but it is back up and has a working metal slug 5.
  4. Link not allowed - Disol is working now it
  5. That Link not allowed - Disosite is working now
  6. www.kofchile.cl has a working metal slug 5 and neoragex emu bundled together for download.
  7. Go to Link not allowed - Diso
  8. there is a working version of metal slug5 with the neoragex emulator at www.kofchile.cl click on descaragas top left side of screen then neoragex. they are zipped together so just unzip the file and fire up the emu and start playing.
  9. Check out www.emuasylum.com
  10. I got it to work with kawaks 1.46 but not the 1.47 version or in the latest neoragex emu. It needs a 000.10.10 file so i went to playagain.net and it has a different bios than the one i am using with neoragex. Didn't bother downloading it but just to let others know where to go if they have similar problem.
  11. Edit due to cleansweep. ROM link removed.
  12. I tried neoragex and kawakas. Neither one recognizes it when you do a rom audit. I checked all the files that are in the zip and compared them to the ones listed at playagain.net and they all seem to be there.
  13. Do any of these sites where you have to vote and vote again ever end up in any downloaded games? Anyone have any websites for any pc games, please post link.
  14. I downloaded the rom but it doesn't work. Does anyone have any info. if this rom works. Thanks
  15. When i run audit roms,they have errors. They don't work at all, a bunch of files are listed in the rom audit as to what files are messed up in each rom. I don't know if these roms change versions over time or what.
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