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Everything posted by arjay

  1. i see. do i need to unzip these files first?
  2. so just write those two files onto a disc, and bam, the game should work (assuming its a legit file)? awesome! and yes, i have a modchip. haha
  3. hey guys, i was just wondering if there is any special instruction to burning a game i downloaded (Castlevania: Symphony Of The Night, i cant wait!). The RAR file that i downloaded has a BIN and CUE file. im kinda low on blank discs, and dont want to waste any one mistakes i might miake. can someone help me out? thanks, much appreciated.
  4. hmm i see. is there any that you reccomend in particular? im looking for point blank, i got myself a guncon the other day. i installed direct connect and i came up with nothing. at all.
  5. i was wondering which one works well. thanks for any input.
  6. these stand for my first and middle name: joseph reyes i spelled it phonetically...and out of order. i dunno, dont ask why. i guess it just had more of a ring with the jay on the end.
  7. im not THAT big of a newbie here...haha thanks for the info btw.
  8. i noticed that fei long and t hawk etc. arent in the character roster in the cps-2 version. i clocked in most of my playing time on this game on the psx. were these characters only on the psx version? if not...are they time released?
  9. fei long in sfa3, when they meet in the air and he kicks em in the chest.
  10. thats horrible. aZn pRYDe Y00!
  11. all sfa's marvel vs. streetfighter giga wing street fighter II - hyper fighting
  12. i think how well a controller fits my hands helps me play the best. the psx controller fits my hands the best. its my favorite. however, if there was one thing that i could change about it is the 4-piece directional pad, fireball motions are a bit rough. when i was younger snes controllers fit my hands really well and i loved that thing. i use it now and i feel my hands straining cause its so small. in my opnion though, that controller had the best directional pad by far.
  13. such as....
  14. too bad this isnt real, i really wanted to play sfIII on the net. what other games used the cps-3?
  15. you guys need to stop being so ignorant, what you see on mtv isnt what represents real rap & hip hop. im not a big fan of country and folk music, but i dont know much about it so i wont judge. only music that sucks is POP.
  16. im sorry but i just heard jin's single on the radio, its horrible. he isnt all that bad, but the hook kills it. ive heard him freestyle though, and its pretty good. someone just needs to get that guy a ghost writer.
  17. i see....damnit. what a letdown. ah well. thanks agozer
  18. yo james...i just clicked on your site and i saw that andy in a screenshot. how did you get that to work? ive been playing the kawaks 1.48 dev version for some time now...and ive yet to encounter andy. ive been kind of out of the loop with the news, can you fill me in?
  19. just looking at the song titles makes me cringe. do yourself a favor and download Royce 59 - Hip Hop
  20. huh? thats the name of the rom, the people who made the game decided to call it 'takken'. in my experience, its much harder to beat experts at virtua fighter. even the best tekken players will get beat by button mashers. ive wasted many quarters cause some kid decided to just press kicks while using eddy gordo. not fair. i.e. you suck. what can i say, im not the best at tekken.
  21. huh? thats the name of the rom, the people who made the game decided to call it 'takken'. in my experience, its much harder to beat experts at virtua fighter. even the best tekken players will get beat by button mashers. ive wasted many quarters cause some kid decided to just press kicks while using eddy gordo. not fair.
  22. virtua fighter vs. 'takken'
  23. kazuya's site has more information on it, it seems that it is the atomiswave kof. http://www.neogeoforlife.com
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