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Everything posted by bonk

  1. Size at good font Not bad intention ressurectionx , just see in big
  2. Hummmmm Where is your sources britney ? or doa ? I want to see your cps2 code for look the differences. Why you don't want to release your source code ?? Moderators, is it normally ???? are you here ????? don't release the sources code and all modérators ask nothing .......where are you ??? Here for all who don't release your sources and....... Thanks for respect of this. Bonky0013. We are not MAME policemen here. If MAMEdev has a problem, they can chase it themselves, they don't need our help
  3. Hello nes6502, I want to thank you for the wonderful Fba Legend. Thanks for the hark work for create it. The UI is near perfect .Alot of options i like that I'm Happy to see the xbox live A big thanks to Kenshiro and Iq_132 , and all other who have help this projet to be alive Bonkyman.
  4. The source code , the source code Where is it ?
  5. Hello Kenshi, Arrgh i want the perfect sound in street fighter You're hokuto shinken can't beat me with all power i have I fight with you ,the wall of crystal cannot breaked and for Iq ..... in two seconds The power of the bonkyman Ps : lol the sound is not a problem guys good work Iq and kenshi
  6. Very nice skins ! Thanks
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