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Everything posted by KmsLilbit

  1. lol this makes me laugh... Anyway the typical female response is keep going find out what her Personality is like, however Im not going to say that.. Relationships always start with physical attraction.. just human nature.. and I have to give you props for actually having the guts to go up to a stranger, strike up a conversation and get a #.. too many guys are such wimps when it comes to that these days.. Not that I would know since Ive been off the market for three years and rarely on the market before then *sigh*
  2. Lol this coming from someone who doesn't get paid for their art.... I seem to remember Cindy stating "If you say its Art, Than its art" I will stick to that because I would never proclaim to know exactly what is going on it peoples heads when they create some of the stuff out there... But thats the great thing about "art," Its only worth something if it means something to you.. Something that doesnt mean Jack to some one can mean the world to someone else.. So I just look for what I like, and create what I like and call it "art" =)
  3. Well if you're actually using the truck for its purpose and regularly off-roading, then I have no problem with that. My problem is with the kids who want to look cool, act tough, and re-compensate for what they don't have with a big car that would demolish and kill a family in a sedan if they got into an accident. Ok as far as the 4X4ing bit goes, those huge gas guzzling monsters suck for that as well.. We have a lil Jeep CJ7 for off roading which works much better.. *ever try to get one of those huge things between two close trees?? doesn't work*.. Not only that, those dumb kids wouldn't dare get a nick in the truck that daddy bought for them.. So in all they are pretty pointless.. Unless you actually drive them in a monster truck rally >.> Weeeee parts?? Prolly... That and they were raised to have an inferiority complex >.<
  4. Well to post all my work would be ridiculous.. but I will post a few more recent wallpapers Ive done for animewallpapers.com I specialize in Magna Carta walls btw. For Jeff magna Carta Those are the most recent but Ive been working on a couple others, unfortunately I will be moving before I can get them done
  5. This is kind of reminding me of whats being said in another thread (the facebook thread) about people who use others pictures for actions either not their own or to do something to that person.. I dont know where Ryan got your picture, but if it was from the pics thread on here... well I thought this was a personal community, jokes or not, you dont plaster someones pic from here to act like a digital pimp. Kind of out of bounds Ry... =( Makes me not want to post my pic here =( As for the first convo I read, sounds exactly like the oldschool AOL chat rooms when the internet first hit home computers... Hasn't changed much >.>
  6. True and everyone uses it for different purposes I just chose to simplify mine
  7. My goodness black I think that is one of the first real signs of optimism Ive read from you!!! *not that I know you that well yet to be sure* p.s. if you want someone to play this with count me in
  8. Well I can't wait for the new RE to come out, but on the same note I cant wait for "Left for Dead" to come out either since so far it looks to be a slight combination of two of my favorite games.. Resident Evil and Counter Strike... That and the new co-ops strategy added to both gaming styles into one.. Gotta love shooting fat slimeballs of exploding zombie flesh with a few friends
  9. Me.. and about the "control issue" well Ryan can testify Im more than slightly a private person. I find the simplest way of maintaining that, is to just have my profile on "Friends only" and the only friends I have on there are people I actually know, not just randoms that took a look at my pic and wanted an add. Easy as that.. If people dont have theirs set to private and add anyone or anything that comes along for "attentions sake" well then they have to get whatever comes along with the attention.. =)
  10. Sadly Ive moved on from whoring facebook... its now myspace but Im cutting back.. But I will have to take a look since Jitway says its looking better than the dreaded myspace hovel... Or maybe I should just stay away lol >.<
  11. Um knowing Ryan its because he has always been the photo king.. Only ORDINARY people post one or two lol He posts five times that and then next week five times more hehehehe
  12. Wow this thread is pretty much Dead, but since Ive been playing CSS so much recently, I have to post here... I was a beta child and then spent my CS hardcore days on 1.6 before taking an extended leave of absence from the game (right about when Source came out) Now my husband has taken it up again and has dragged me back (ok so maybe I didnt complain much) point is that imo source besides from having slight changes in map and graphics is exactly the same as 1.6.. More people play it now of course, but there are still the same amount of hackers, same crappy servers for pugs and same over abundance of wannabe teams lol.. But One big difference is that most servers now inforce a "Rate" caps at like 30 or 66 or some bs... which pretty much sucks... That and the league start money now being at 16000 first round is bs too... Coming from an old CAL player, the pistol round could make or break a team win but now both teams get to all start with AWPs??... *sigh*
  13. lol Wow Ryan, you rule the photo thread.. just like myspace >.< rofl
  14. thanks guys =)
  15. Um Hi =) Im J, a friend of Ryan's aka Fatal Rose.. He asked that I come and sign up here, Ive been a hardcore gamer for 8 years now *ever since CS came out* Mostly PC, but 360, PS3 and older consoles as well.. Im a Graphic Artist I work mainly in Photoshop but I can do just about anything... Um so yeah =3 Hi
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