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Everything posted by KaliKOt

  1. Hey ryu and ken HAD slight makeovers. SF1 - Ryu's hair was red? and he wore slippers! sfalpha series (storywise before sf2) - new graphics and ken had long hair sf2 series - RED headband (from ken's ponytail) and they also refined him a little in the super games sf3 - new graphics of course cvs - new graphics. btw: In svc, Not even 1 snk character got new graphics except for athena. and Takuma's mask DOESN'T count. capcom was lazy for not doing all the other capcom characters in the cvs series. and generally, the sfalpha look looks better than the kof look, but it is debatable for new kof characters
  2. Noooooooooo the Shotokans got an upgrade in CVS. Bison was updated too. I agree they cut and pasted most of them, but at least they had new effect sprites. Look at how cool Blanka's electricity is. In SVC they cut and pasted all the SNK characters and added a few animations just like what they do in the KOF series.
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