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Everything posted by neo

  1. what that does that the other things dont do...to make it work WELL.....
  2. i got that front end thing just for the record and i will just have to get the rest of the things
  3. Thanks guys...i think i got that NVIDIA thing on my pc too so that is why maybe it worked well
  4. i got the rom inthe correct directory but tell me more about the following and let me see if i can fix this prob
  5. i didnt know it was out too but say what i am a noob compared to you guys hehe
  6. i downloaded a zinc emulator the other day but something strange happened.. as i loaded the game.....it loaded and all...but as i selected players and press the start button...a black screen just came and shut everything down and when i start over the process keeps recurring anyone into zinc emulation can help in this problem
  7. what is a moderately resonable chip to replace it with give a few plz is my 64mb ge force 4x chip good.... suggest a few plz
  8. sorry guys i did not realise....
  9. it running real slow there and there are some glitches when the game is in progress hitman 2 is the game i got p4 2.4 ghz 512 ram 64mb ge force 4x grapics card he got p4 2.2 ghz 256 ram intel extreme graphics card
  10. awww man.........shucks thanks
  11. there is this high resolution pc game........my cousin has and its gives trouble to play on his pc but plays perfectly well on mine is it by any chance...the graphics card..or something else any sugestions
  12. i got what the problem was...thanks a bunch
  13. the following games are compatible with my mame emulator some guys in here even agree with me, but the question is, do y'all know where to get these tekken 3(TET1/VER.E1) tekken 2 VER B( TES3/VER.b or any other that will work on Mame32v80.1bu1
  14. well i guess i got something to be thankful for down in the westindies our weather is stable 30-34`C
  15. what are some of the top rpgs' out for GBA emulators Post some links too
  16. oh thanks for that bit i am guessing this will come out soon right
  17. BEast 3 is a nice game but 1 is a classic
  18. i got this version of mame and it works fine >>mame32 0.80.1 bu1 thanks a bunch though
  19. i got a version of mame that runs tekken Haohmaru........basara! "Duelling is my raison d'etre " Fighting to the finish where none but me shalt be sucessful. Fight with all strenght and might and your opponent will be in a sudden plight >>samsho3
  20. Pc games i tried to run harry potter the quidditch world cup
  21. How do you prevent this error.....................as i place the cd in the drive a black screen comes up with this error.........BANK ERROR how to get by this
  22. thanks but i am not sure what to download here since i am not accustom to mame...i may sound like a nOOb here but thanks
  23. i had a same problem like this but that was to play.avi format a similiar program like gspot tells you what version of codec you need to play the dvd. sometimes the dvd gives trouble to play on wmp...i used mccenter.....or power dvd
  24. yeah it shows somewhat like 2D on snes what version of mame runs it, you know??
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