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Everything posted by Lucian
Metal Slug 5 (mslug5.zip/ms5.zip) News
Lucian replied to Mr.X's topic in Arcade Emulators [/pc/arcade]
That flocking blows. -
King Of Fighters 2003 (kof2003.zip) News V
Lucian replied to James's topic in Arcade Emulators [/pc/arcade]
The select button in mame32p is "7". That's the default button. Even still 7 does not work for me and I haven't the faintest idea why when I map any other key or button to select it still does not work. -
Metal Slug 5 (mslug5.zip/ms5.zip) News
Lucian replied to Mr.X's topic in Arcade Emulators [/pc/arcade]
Does anyone know how to fight the sercret boss in metal slug 5. I have tried everything from beating the game with very few continues on the hardest difficulty to rescuing nearly all of the prisoners and I can't find out how to get to the secret boss. -
King Of Fighters 2003 (kof2003.zip) News V
Lucian replied to James's topic in Arcade Emulators [/pc/arcade]
It doesnt work in NRX and I haven't gotten it to work in mame32p, but the select button works in 1.48 dev. I have had absolutely no problems with kof2k3 or any of my controllers using the dev unlike the cumbersome mame and the non user friendly, and lack of options emulator called NRX. -
Metal Slug 5 (mslug5.zip/ms5.zip) News
Lucian replied to Mr.X's topic in Arcade Emulators [/pc/arcade]
It already is. IM me and I'll send it to you tonight at 11pm eastern standard time. *I only have it working on Kawaks 1.46 hacked and Happy ASR's NRX. Don't ask me about no XBOX emulation because I do not own a modded XBOX. I have a laptop with a tv out so I didnt need to go spend anymore money for a game system whos PC ports are far better (IE: Rainbow Six: Raven Shield; Counter Strike; UT 2k3; NFS Underground; and so on) Time table: If you live in: Pacific timezone then IM me between 7:30 and 11:00pm your time Central timezone then IM me between 9:30 and 1:00 am your time Eastern timezone then IM between 10:30 and 2:00am your time If you live in another country figure it out for yourself. I cant email cause Im to cheap to actually pay for a bigger limit than 2 megs. -
Metal Slug 5 (mslug5.zip/ms5.zip) News
Lucian replied to Mr.X's topic in Arcade Emulators [/pc/arcade]
Look if anyone wants a working Metal Slug 5 rom working in Kawaks 1.46 just IM me at XerotoNine or Eronious One on AIM between 8 and 11pm eastern time. *I have nothing to do with XBox emulation. If you want to know something about Xbox emulation go to the thread. -
(Kawaks / Nebula) King of Fighters 2003 News IV
Lucian replied to James's topic in Arcade Emulators [/pc/arcade]
You use Mozilla too!? I love you man! Anyways, even though it's not "Kawaks" atleast it supports both of my controllers unlike flippin mame32p. Get the new FireFox browser, Soooo Sweet. -
King Of Fighters 2003 (kof2003.zip) News III
Lucian replied to James's topic in Gossip Café [/offtopic]
I always thought Ash was a transvestite. My brothers and I couldn't figure out whether or not his sisters used to play dress up with him when he was younger and it just stuck or he got the letter during a drag show and forgot to change. I mean transvestites have to be pretty mad at the world to be the way they are so ya, Ash being the evil leader of the Hero team could be a possibility. "Ash the Evil Tranny" ahhh I have to get out more often. hahaha -
King Of Fighters 2003 (kof2003.zip) News III
Lucian replied to James's topic in Gossip Café [/offtopic]
If it wasn't for your uber cool avatar I would find you and murder you a thousand times with moves I copied from KOF characters to show you the might of SNKPlaymore. -
King Of Fighters 2003 (kof2003.zip) News III
Lucian replied to James's topic in Gossip Café [/offtopic]
You know as well as everyone else that names and artwork are usually changed to suit the american public agozer. Atomiswave may be the Japanese name but do you think it wont be changed to atomisware for americans. Look at Famicon aka Nintendo here in America. -
King Of Fighters 2003 (kof2003.zip) News III
Lucian replied to James's topic in Gossip Café [/offtopic]
Forgive Agozer, he's either a little too slow on the uptake or he was just drinking a bit and or has fat fingers and a penchant to name things he likes, like Atomisware. (Sorry Agozer but you did leave yourself open for that one ) -
King Of Fighters 2003 (kof2003.zip) News III
Lucian replied to James's topic in Gossip Café [/offtopic]
This talk is all confusing me. I have to learn something besides C++ and VBasic 6. Oh oh rate my new sig. -
King Of Fighters 2003 (kof2003.zip) News III
Lucian replied to James's topic in Gossip Café [/offtopic]
I always thought Ash was a transvestite. My brothers and I couldn't figure out whether or not his sisters used to play dress up with him when he was younger and it just stuck or he got the letter during a drag show and forgot to change. I mean transvestites have to be pretty mad at the world to be the way they are so ya, Ash being the evil leader of the Hero team could be a possibility. "Ash the Evil Tranny" ahhh I have to get out more often. -
King Of Fighters 2003 (kof2003.zip) News III
Lucian replied to James's topic in Gossip Café [/offtopic]
You're a XXXXX hahahaa Your dipswitches should look like this in mame32 XXXXX: Test Switch:off Coin Slots:2 Autofire:off Comm Setting:Off Freeplay:on Freeze:off Edited cause you are attacking members for no reason. -
King Of Fighters 2003 (kof2003.zip) News III
Lucian replied to James's topic in Gossip Café [/offtopic]
You forgot Half Life 2 and UT2004. Besides, I like having a fast connection because I like to get things done fast, especially with my job cause accounting just sucks soooo much. KOF and my Girlfriend are about the only highlights of my life. Edit Please stay with the topic of this thread. -
King Of Fighters 2003 (kof2003.zip) News III
Lucian replied to James's topic in Gossip Café [/offtopic]
Well then get dsl, t1, t2, t3, oc3, isdn, wifi, blue tooth, something thats faster than a stupid phone line. And Yamazaki rules once again with a perfect against a level 6 kusanagi. -
King Of Fighters 2003 (kof2003.zip) News III
Lucian replied to James's topic in Gossip Café [/offtopic]
you silly 56k cavemen should get out and see the light! Get cable man, it only costs like 20 bucks a month for unlimited service. That and Yamazaki Rules, gotta love that Dirty Kick. -
King Of Fighters 2003 (kof2003.zip) News III
Lucian replied to James's topic in Gossip Café [/offtopic]
I have a control issue with Mame32. I play Kof, the VS series and all sorts of games with my friends at college. For some strange reason I cant get both my controllers to play in mame32 with KOF2k3. I have a Belkin Nostromo (the one that looks like a ps2 pad, you can find it on Liksang.com) and a Saitek P880 with the six button set up and dual analog sticks. I dont know what to do since I have never had this problem with any of my emulators cept for godforsaken MAME. Why!? Oh Why does MAME hate me so!? I just tried my PS2(the sony controllers) with my adapters that I had also gotten from Liksang.com and they work with all my emulators and games cept for flippin Mame. Whoever built Mame to be unresponsive with multiple controllers is flippin lame I tell you. LAME!! I just started trying to play multiplayer in MAME and it's also my first time using mame so I figure Im just MAME illiterate. Everything else is so goddamn easy to figure out any way. As James said "It's so easy to use my 5yr old niece could use it." or something of that nature. Damn babies and thier super intelligence. -
King Of Fighters 2003 (kof2003.zip) News III
Lucian replied to James's topic in Gossip Café [/offtopic]
im curious, how are you playing ralf this year??? i am a very big ralf player from kof2k2 but i think he totally sucks this year??? Well you just need to get the timing down for his shortened super punch (dont know the actual name) Which I actual thought was really cheap as a regular move. Personally I wish they kept it, but as a super. They took out the running bull move which was extremely cheap and you could win entire bouts with just that one move. But they gave you an added defense with the backbreaker/throwdown move. when you go to grab your opponent you can with stand a light atack or two, like with the super punch when you were full charged. Anyways I really only keep him now just to wow people with his "Beat Down" super. Theres nothing like watching a person getting pummeled on the floor only to witness that final punch send the other guy reeling. ( I've impressed my friends many a time with that move) I've been relying a lot more on Yamazaki now as he is actually a very good fighter if not one of the top tier fighters in the game. I've already played a few matches in 2003 where I started out as yamazaki and never had to change cause he just rules soooo much ass. Who ever deletes my comments edited reason is that there maybe kids reading these threads. -
King Of Fighters 2003 (kof2003.zip) News III
Lucian replied to James's topic in Gossip Café [/offtopic]
edited please stay with the topic Go King of the Fighters 2003 Terry,Yamazaki and Ralf are the best team ever. Does Anyone know when someone will be smart enough to finish the hacked p1's? Censorship on 1emulation sucks! -
King Of Fighters 2003 (kof2003.zip) News III
Lucian replied to James's topic in Gossip Café [/offtopic]
Well Im an American and as all people know, Americans are the assholes in the world of politics. Especially with the UN. So I am just being a jerk off by posting off color topics. KOF RULES ( see I said kof so you cant delete this ) -
Metal Slug 5 (mslug5.zip/ms5.zip) News
Lucian replied to Mr.X's topic in Arcade Emulators [/pc/arcade]
Agreed. Even the first one felt a lot longer than this. Personally I think Metal Slug x and Metal Slug 3 were the best. They are serious shooters with a little of that SNK originality magic thrown in. Turning into mummies and zombies. Riding on heavily armed elephants and camels. Monkies with dual uzis helping you. What could be better I think SNK really tried to go with the original formula from the first game, throw in a new shoot/slide move (cool but I really dont put it to any use) and redo the enemies and sounds a bit to make it seem fresh. Unfortunately there is no general morden anymore. Youre fighting an unknown and pretty overfunded army, and the leader seems to be some demon whom which nobody know where it came from. And lastly, how can jungle men pick up a mask, get it grafted onto thier faces (by lightening ofcourse) and control an army of technologically superior forced of whom they just seemed to have met. It seems the no story gameplay from 4 continued on with this edition. Well hopefully the new Atomis wave slug wannabe can prove to be a worthy game. -
King Of Fighters 2003 (kof2003.zip) News III
Lucian replied to James's topic in Gossip Café [/offtopic]
Valve and ID softeware claim that you can run thier game on crappy computers so long as you have a 64 meg or higher video card. Can we say bullshit. My friend has that Doom 3 alpha leak and it barely ran on his computer until he figured out how to tweak the settings (All the options have to be tweaked in the console) He was running it at the lowest possible visual settings on a p4 1.8ghz 512 megs ddr ram 64 meg gforce 4 mx (and whatever other funky letters and numbers VC manurfacturers label thier products nowadays.) and some other crap I dont want to bother mentioning. basically he was getting about 30 fps by making the game look like it belonged on the PS1. Im no expert on this subject but this is basically what I recommend you have minimally for both HL2 and DOOM 3: P4 2.6ghz 512 megs DDR Ram (768 or 1 gig recommended) 4x agp 128 meg Radeon 9500 and up or equivalent (8x agp 256 meg Radeon XT or 9800 pro recommended) 16x dvd rom or dvdr or whatever your little heart desires Any high quality sound blaster card Win XP home or Professional with sp1 DX 9.0b or higher High quality keyboard and optical mouse ( dont like dirty mouse balls ) and whatever else you believe you need to support your gaming addiction Anyways I had the future in mind and maxed out all my specs short of the processor (2.66 p4 with HT) because with the proper amount of ram and the right video card you should be playing those two games fine so long as your processor is in the 2.0ghz to 3.0ghz range. If you arent computer savvy and you decide to call dell you suck because any system with badass spec shouldnt cost you a fortune. My comp only cost be 800 bucks. The rest was spent on monitors and printers and such. but im sure if you get the same thing brandname like alienware or voodoo or falcon they are gonna rape you ten times in the but with excessively large foreign objects and steal your tvset. So stay away from the brand names and build your own computer,or buy the parts and have someone else build it if you dont know how to yourself. -
King Of Fighters 2003 (kof2003.zip) News III
Lucian replied to James's topic in Gossip Café [/offtopic]
why whats up with your video card go buy a better one..... Get an 8x AGP 128meg ATI Radeon 9800 pro. You can probably buy it in some side street computer outlet for about $100 now ( hehe) It's cost effective and with it's new pipeline architechture, self overclocking vpu (really cool, it overclocks its self to the max but when it starts to over heat it lowers its processor speed to cool itself down for a bit. Saves you the hassle of doing it manually) 350mhz ddr ram and all other kinds of cool crap. That and when you buy any radeon card (9800 and above I think) you get half life 2 for free when it comes out (Another yay for me.) I used to be a gforce fan, dont get your hopes up because even the 128 meg radeon performed admirably against nvidias 256 meg monsters. Its just a better card for your money, besides a lot of new games are going to be based on ati's hardware. I dont know why but d3d looks all nasty in mame32 on my laptop. -
Metal Slug 5 (mslug5.zip/ms5.zip) News
Lucian replied to Mr.X's topic in Arcade Emulators [/pc/arcade]
Holy crap! How long have you been playing the Metal Slug series Violence!? I am dumbfounded by your comment about not being able to beat the first level of Metal Slug Five . Either you have no shooter skills (Just kidding by the way this is all in good humor) or you just never gave much effort to this game. My monkey brother who lacks my skills can beat the game in under half an hour with less than 15 continues and I in a little over 18 or 19 minutes with about 4 or 5 continues (usually used towards the last two levels) I'm sorry for making fun of you but this game has been out for quite some time now and I am just baffled by you.