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Everything posted by Inky

  1. ahh see after I unlocked apprentice I stopped playing arcade mode. I'm only 4 away from beating story with everyone. and stuck on floor 23 of ToLS.
  2. Eh, I didn't care. I hope d/ling those adds to that achievement for acquiring 350 custom character items. speaking of achievements how did you get the fight yoda one? I never see him in arcade or story. and I loaded him up in a local 2 player and didn't get it that way either....
  3. well here summer is unbearably hot up to 127 degrees. winter days are usually in the 60 to 70 degree range, so I vote winter. but I don't really like the holiday season.........
  4. I haen't played any of those on the wii itself, But I played godfather and scarface on the xbox. I enjoyed Godfather alot.
  5. ahh to be 27 again those were the good ole days. happy birfday!
  6. this is a non interest game form me.... unless rick moranis and segorney weaver do it.
  7. seriously, if you are hacked and playing backups you should be burning them yourself. a big ole spool of verbatims and a DL burner will pay for themselves in no time. not to mention not having to wait for your local pirate to get it.
  8. the apprentice is pretty beast. vader looks slow and clunky in all the vids I've seen.
  9. Wolverine's mutant healing factor rejected the Symbiotic suit....... other then that it looks cool I've liked all the freeroam spidy games except the last one (QTEs ruined it, I really hate QTEs)
  10. as long as everything works, I don't care about drivers other then my video card of course.
  11. I almost bought a treamcast a few years back.....
  12. real ninjas are to busy wailing awesome guitar solos, answering emails and popping huge boners to train properly these days. hence the lack of skills.
  13. don't forget transforming into a dragon and biting off someones torso, and transforming opponents into babies,
  14. if you want real martial arts you play VF. it's always been that way.
  15. this is supposed to be closer to MKIII. they've done away with multiple styles and weapons.
  16. I didn't care for Iron man at all, to cheesy. hulk was better then the ang lee version but that's not saying much. I've pretty much given up on superhero movies all together.
  17. this game still looks worth a play. not that I would buy it (or any other game for that matter )
  18. hugh jackman is a crap wolverine, I haven't liked the x-men casting since the beginning. the only one they got right was capt. pickard as professor x.
  19. this will never get close to full speed...... to bad, a handheld DC is a dream machine.
  20. ass generally means bad... unless we are in bizzarro world. then it means good.
  21. its supposed to be pre-xmen. and it looks like ass.
  22. I know and that was my intention . If I were to say "Drakeypoo is a genius" no one would believe me. but if I were to say "Gaykeypoo is a genius" well thats a whole other kettle of fish.
  23. adding "gay" to company and peoples names makes it true.
  24. since this thread didn't die after I got my answer here is another one: how would I go about getting audio from youtube video?
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