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Everything posted by Inky

  1. well it looks pretty damn good to me so far. are there any haters left in this thread?
  2. Wanted and Hancock. they were both good summer blockbuster type movies. I liked Hancock better. Wanted 3/5 Hancock 3.5/5
  3. are the MSX versions any different from the NES versions?
  4. I haven't played any multi UT3 yet but I think I will try it out today.
  5. nothing... people don't get banned from live near as much as the internet believes.
  6. not using UT3 as a point of console superiority. just as an example of a leaked backup being played on live with no repercussions.
  7. I'll prolly pass then. not that I play alot of live anyways but its a feature that should be there. especially for an xbox LIVE arcade game.
  8. keep believing that. meanwhile I'll play some more UT3 (still unreleased in the states) on live.
  9. well you actually get to play the game not watch it unfold in cut scenes.
  10. hmm I thought I read that it did...... second thoughts now.
  11. other then a graphics overhaul I don't see any reason to remake either. and if it can't stand on its own with dated graphics, really what is the point.
  12. there is already a post on this.
  13. DemonTed Are Go - (I was Born on a) Busted Hymen
  14. gonna grab it first thing when I get home. fighting options for the 360 are looking pretty good actually.
  15. yeah I always get caught hotlinking but everyone knows bridget right?
  16. yeah I'm taking rampage as well. Forrest is a tough sob no doubt but rampage has too much skill and experience.
  17. ... i don't want to dress up like a girl... and i'm not a GG fan its not dressing up like a girl... its dressing up like a boy dressed like a girl.
  18. the slaughter. some b-movie comedy/horror. not funny.. not scary.. had some hotties and tits tho, sooooo...... 3/5
  19. I like chun's new look. thank god they didn't go with the SFA spandex outfit.
  20. Ahh, i'll wait for it to come out then. hopefully there is a NTSC/A or region free version then. I'm into COD4 currently though. Just ranked up to get Sniper class yesterday. you wanna join our group's game tonight? they are quite high ranked and played Harcore Death match all the time. its region free. been available for a few days now.
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