Inky, please try and get the facts straight before posting. You may confuse others and then the false reports would flare up all over again. Albeit probably just in these forums. what facts did I get wrong? I had read on joystiq about the 90 minute cut scenes. I haven't seen any update on that but I am taking BKs word cuz he hasn't ever steered me wrong before. mgs2 came to the original xbox about a year later. so it was konomi that strong armed reviewers not sony? OK its still misleading. I can understand if they say ; don't talk about this gameplay element or the bosses' they don't want to spoil. but not talking about load times, install times, and cut scene length is just hiding negatives. Like I said this is probably gonna be a must play for this generation. but the underhandedness going on is despicable. a reviewer shouldn't be pushed around by the devs. EVER.