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Everything posted by Inky

  1. thats about as incomprehensible as a changelog can get...
  2. fast reply is always open for me. I think it is a setting in your CP.
  3. yeah the latest EEE 1000 is gonna be like $650. for that you can get a decent dell or whatever. The $300 Eee surf is the only one fairly attractive due to its price.
  4. never believe a company's claims of no load times. they never come through in the end..
  5. the first vid BK posted is the sex. way better then the trailer airing on TV. I can't wait for this game. Rufus and Le Fuerte seem awful cheap and spammy. Viper and abel seem like they have been thought out well so far. who am I kidding I'll be all about the shotos as usual.
  6. I remember a rumor way back when that Glen Danzig would play wolverine in in Xmen. that woulda been badass.
  7. Well for Thor you need a really huge guy. he's got the look, But not the acting chops. I could see this film going the way of the first punisher or Captain America and just be cheesy as hell.
  8. Ninja Gaiden II. first 2 chapters have been fun but the chapter 2 end boss nearly broke my will to live. I don't even wanna think about whats coming.
  9. good job sony, it only a year and a half to NEARLY catch up. pfft. Damn xbots, go and enjoy your RROD. lol I completely enjoyed my RRoD for the 20 minutes I had it before I fixed it with literally 9 cents. I'll be honest.. I almost bought a PS3 today at Costco.... but I couldn't think of one game I wanted to play on it. I would say MGS4.... but I hear its 50% cutscenes...... no thanks.
  10. No, Hotsuma did. yep, we really need a next gen shinobi. but Sega would have to get it's head out of its ass first. everything they do turns to crap lately...
  11. good job sony, it only a year and a half to NEARLY catch up. pfft.
  12. no just 50,000 Universal films in general. basically their vault that holds all the original reels from their past movies. they say they have copies in other locations though.
  13. I'm actually hoping for unlockable costumes. I prefer the more traditional ninja outfit.
  14. the mini notebook category is starting to get pretty crowded but they are all missing the point. the mini notebooks need to be cheap. like in the $250~450 range. the $600~1200 range is already crowded with small notes that kick butt. the main problem with the Eee is small Hard drive. if they would just give up on SSD for now and go to a regular drive. the Eee would be alot more attractive.
  15. poor Kong. maybe Universal will rebuild that attraction bigger and better now, it was pretty dated.
  16. the Eee 901 with atom is supposed to hit real soon. but it is gonna cost around $600. I also here the other models will get a price cut at that time. if the Eee 700 surf goes down to $250 I see no reason not to get one to mess with. From Engadget
  17. well since there is no update this quarter. I guess there won't be an official fix till fall... I seem to remember going through most of the Oblivion DLC when I wasn't connected to live. I have all the DLC for it except horse armor
  18. I really have no idea. I'm playing on normal. and it doesn't seem as hard as I remember black being. black kicked my ass into submission pretty quick. I never got beyond the boss on top of the airship. lol. here's what I will say: the graphics look good and the controls are great. the camera sucks ass. I've rounded a corner a few times and by the time the camera caught up to me I was getting pwned by 10 or 15 enemies. you can pull RT to center the camera but I always forget. lol
  19. Played a bit of bourne and NGII, Bourne is.... I dunno maybe it'll get better after the first mission. NGII is surprisingly fun. Surprising to me anyways, I wasn't expecting much. I still haven't finished GTAIV either....
  20. thats prolly what is happening, we are only talking 200~500kb roms
  21. I had a gamestop branded one that I got for about 15 bucks and it worked fine.
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