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Everything posted by Inky

  1. way to much fmv. I wouldn't stand there through all that waiting to play a light gun game....
  2. maybe with the official guitar. I can attest it does not work hooked up to the explorer but it does work hooked to a wireless controller stuck in a pocket.
  3. oh well, maybe those games just aren't compatible.
  4. I was nearly addicted to Building Gundam models a few years back. the Perfect grade Wing Zero I imported from Japan broke me of that pretty quickly.
  5. The countering got a lot harder to do. Good thing? Yeh sure, except the brutal CPU spams the hell out of it, and even on the easiest selectable setting the game is wayy too hard. The single player is where you unlock everything after all. the final boss was just retarded hard. even on easy she could hand you your ass in the blink of an eye.
  6. I think if you go back and watch the originals you'll get the same reaction. they really weren't that good... especially the 3rd one.
  7. tried it with a few different iso's Ive found and still no love. does the psp conversion need an icon, background and all that other stuff to work?
  8. the live headset does work as a mic, it has to be plugged into a controller though, you cant have it plugged into the guitar. the guitar and drums are available separately now. and rock band is compatible with the guitar hero 2 explorer.
  9. they were in .ecm, i reconverted them to .bin using unecm and used psx2psp1.4 to convert to psp. I think it is due to the ecm compression, I'm trying to find some with out it.
  10. I'm gonna grab the UFC torrent tomorrow morning.
  11. fighting games and sports games obviously. smash tv. various beat-em-ups.
  12. the psx thing is gah inducing. I got FFviii working fine. But Persona and persona 2 come up as corrupt data. I've tried it with no compression, full compression, and middle compression. and with and with out keys.bin in the folder.
  13. my wii is collecting serious dust, every day I look at it and wish I'd saved my money......... it's now in a box in the closet along with my og xbox, gamecube, broken dc, and broken DSs.. I have a strange OCD, I can't throw away broken consoles... lol
  14. work, sleep, do zombie impression, repeat.
  15. I'm not sure what people see in GOW series, are the PS2 versions like the psp one? cuz I am not impressed with the psp version other then graphics. the quick time events ruin an already middle of the road game.
  16. I only know Gatchaman from the americanized version G-Force. in that the Main badguy was a tranny. was it the same in the original? can you imagine? 1984, 10 years old, trying to figure ths shit out. lol
  17. hahahahaha I could understand if Ian was mad, but he doesn't seem to be, so its all good.
  18. December 2009. Release date changed from 20XX. It's somewhere in the capcom blog. you aren't serious, right?
  19. hahah! Gatchaman! I loved the americanized G-Force.
  20. I thought Haze was canceled months ago. but about the res... I don't see much difference
  21. anything faster then say 25-30 fps the eye cant tell. but you can sometimes tell in control. I think more important then a high framerate is a constant framerate. nothing worse then choppy framerates IMO. Standard tv is 24fps. and obviously that looks natural to our eyes. but its always nice to say "whoa I get 120fps in crysis bro! lololol w00t"
  22. I still like their processors. Cost versus performance they are still good chips.
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