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Everything posted by Inky

  1. I think that the Final Fantasy game is worth 15 bucks. and Lost Wind is worth $10. in fact If I was only gonna get one I'd get Lost Wind. I haven't and don't want to try the other games out now. nothing else is of interest until the Homestar Runner game comes out. (its gonna be sweet) each game is alittle under 300 blocks, like 270ish.
  2. I've got lost odyssey sitting on the hard drive.... but I need some discs.
  3. came in the mail today! its CFW 3.80 m33-5. so I was wrong on the version. should I upgrade to 3.90m33? or leave it as is. I heard the custom firmware can be upgraded with the wifi system upgrade thingy? I bit the bullet and got a 4gb ms. so I need game suggestions, I already have Patapon, Echochrome, SFA3, FFVII:CC and GOW.
  4. ass and legs, and I like em with a little meat on em' I could care less about tits. big or little, whatever... I never understood the fascination with em.
  5. lol at the one fatal posted. I've seen too many of those like Gymnast posted to fall for it
  6. yeah I think the old days of self taught programmers and IT guys is gone. back then the market was very small and it was easier to get into with out a degree, but in todays market there are so many talented people with degrees fighting for a small number of jobs, to try and compete with out a degree is foolish.
  7. is there any kind of program around that can grab streaming music and save it as mp3?
  8. I'm sure its fake but who knows it still creeped the hell out of me. action is after 1:20 or so http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XxxGlLZZn08
  9. back on topic, if gays want to suffer the torture and horror of marriage too I say let em! then they can have nasty divorces and outrageous spouse support payments too.
  10. oh man that game is strangely addicting. I started playing it around noon, thinking I'll just check it out and hit the sack in an hour. next time I looked up it was 5pm. I blew off 4 hours of sleep for that game man. and it doens't even really seem that fun on paper. oh well. I also got that windwhatever game. didn't try it cuz of the ff game sucking my life away. lol now I am at work with 4 hours sleep
  11. err isn't that the whole idea, to leave you in suspense for the next season. standard tv show stuff right there.
  12. I like scrubs, I didn't see the finale though, hopefully the dvr caught it. I coulda swore it was on thursdays...
  13. 2emu lives on! in our hearts.
  14. 3rd strike?! time to give ggpo another try.
  15. best fansite ever!
  16. WHAT? GOD DAMN! This is what I get for drinking all that Mountain Dew and having to pee like a banshee as soon as the credits started rolling. you should be able to find the end bit on youtube.
  17. yeah it does..... whats wrong with it?
  18. I was considering it myself, then the first 100 degree day hit and that thought left my mind faster then I could turn the AC on in my car. I've been considering getting a motorcycle again, the last 84 yamaha I had got 60 mile to the gallon.
  19. hahah. "do a barrel roll!"
  20. haha Williams is such a badass in that movie. "please understand, if I missed anyone, its been a big day. I'm a little tired" (after choosing 5 women to sleep with) watched the bourne ultimatum last night, it had been awhile since I seen it. I'm in the mood for a comedy tonight, maybe anchorman.
  21. I don't want to carry around full romsets. just what I like. I'll look into a 4 or 8gb card but here in the states they are way expensive and shipping from china is a nightmare. where is the best place to get the emulators now? I don't have any of my links anymore.
  22. well I did it, impulse buy on a PSP with 3.90 m33-5. so its time for the customary emulator suggestions. I am gonna pick up a 2gb card do you think that is big enough for a few games and emulators? last time I had a psp I only had a 512 card and it seemed fine.
  23. You seem to have a knack on hating on awesome sh!t. yeah your right Marlon Wayans always = winning movie. they should triple the awesome and add Karl Urban and Nick Cannon to the cast. Oscars all around! but seriously, you can't tell me those pics make a case for this movie being anything but cheeseball sh!t. snake eyes looks great, everybody else... not so much.
  24. storm shadow with tux coat tails. destro has a regular head and is a skinny englishmen. dennis quaid is in it. is that Marlon Wayans?!?!?! hahahahahah lols for days. this is gonna suck so hard.
  25. You have a website? its right there in his sig. http://fatalrose.freshyk.com/
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