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Everything posted by Inky

  1. guys it says right in the original post to select "Anderes Land (Other Country)"
  2. transformers isn't a comic or superhero movie..... its a toy movie. everything transformers related, comics, cartoon, movie, ect is directly made to sell toys
  3. nice, will give it a go when I get home, I've been running trial winrar since the dawn of time it seems.
  4. format tyme. don'tcha love windows.
  5. I've seen the crow probably 60 times for real, I remember when it hit the dollar theaters I went and seen it almost every day for 2 weeks. then snapped up the DVD when it came out. it IS as good as I remember. And I totally forgot about Blade. Blade kicks ass all over Iron Mans face. Period.
  6. seriously, we get a good iron man, but crappy Punisher, fantastic 4 and Captain America movies. Marvel needs to get it's head on straight. The next Hulk movie looks craptacular as well. It's nice to be nostalgic and all, but you should keep up on current Marvel Universe events. lol I'm 33 years old I have a lot more to be worried about then whats been going on in comics. I haven't read a comic since about the 12th issue of Spawn.
  7. thats a really good movie.
  8. seriously, we get a good iron man, but crappy Punisher, fantastic 4 and Captain America movies. Marvel needs to get it's head on straight. The next Hulk movie looks craptacular as well.
  9. Apple is known for abandoning previous hardware, it's part of their business model. that along with rabid fans who will pay out the ass for niche computers is what keeps apple afloat.
  10. the cam I watched didn't hang until the end. I watched a cell phone capture of the extra scene though. whatever shield/avengers doesn't give me a boner. Guess you're not a fan... no not really, Iron Man, Avengers, Shield. that stuff is bottom barrel Marvel IMO. I was surprised they did as well as they did with Iron Man. considering all the crappy arcs he's had over the years.
  11. yeah I don't think there is a comic book store within 50 miles of me.
  12. the cam I watched didn't hang until the end. I watched a cell phone capture of the extra scene though. whatever shield/avengers doesn't give me a boner.
  13. iron man. mmm I hear people going on how it is the best Comic Book movie ever. No. top 5 IMO: 1) OG batman 2) The Crow 3) Spiderman 1 4) Batman begins 5) Ironman its better the fantastic 4 though yeah its ok but I have a feeling The Dark Knight will bump it right out of the top 5. Hell you can prolly slip League of extraordinary gentlemen and superman 1 in there somewhere.
  14. played a few rounds of MTGO v.3. meh I am a few expansions back now, and all my netdecks got wiped from the server so I have to totally rebuild and play catchup on cards. Momir basic is always fun though.
  15. Thanks I was looking at what the best option is. I think a modded Sega Saturn is hard to find here. I think Cinder sold or may still sell chips.
  16. lol funniest part is him freaking out in the back seat, and spitting on officers, I'm sure he wishes he hadn't done that, assaulting a peace officer and damaging city property are a much bigger deal then petty theft. not to mention the ass whipping he prolly caught at receiving.
  17. every girl I ever dated smoked. the wife smokes.
  18. GTAIV. I'm alittle over 50 percent done with the story. there are some real cool missions around the midpoint. Took a break from that and played alittle Ironman today. flying feels wonky, but it seems like a solid movie game.
  19. Everyone knows the large beef sandwich combo is medium punch, ducking forward, Fierce dragon punch. If you want to supersize it you have to start with: jump in deep with a forward kick.
  20. lol is all I can say.
  21. GTAIV and work/sleep have been taking all my time. I usually post at work but it's been crazy since last weekend due to coachellafest. thats over now but Stagecoach starts this weekend. so another busy weekend here I'm sure.
  22. 30 days of night. it was better then I expected.
  23. I got nothin' he'd listen too. LOL I am really anti drugs after you become a parent, it's hard enough completely sober, add drugs and alcohol in there and you are automatically a shitty parent in my opinion. pre kids I had no issue with any of that stuff, but Kids have ZERO control of their environment. it is the parent job to make that environment as safe and clean as possible, a few drinks here and there, no big deal I guess. I'm pretty square when it comes to parenting. get all that party crap out of your system before you go bringing helpless little ones along for the ride.
  24. we don't have to prove you wrong. the ratings already do that. but here's the way I think of it, people say "bah, wrestling is fake. how can you watch it?" and I say, well every Kung Fu or Action Movie you watch and enjoy is fake. all the fights are prearranged and choreographed. but you still enjoy it as entertainment. whats the difference really between a fight scene in the bourne identity and WWE? not much really.
  25. for me it comes from growing up in southern california and being surrounded by hispanic culture/language. alot of hispanic and latin words are just common slang here.
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